Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Current location: Pasir Ris Farmway 1

Current activity: FISHING! (me surfing for now.. heh)

Night fishing this time round. A different atmosphere. But i kinda like the day better cos visibility is better. I only see a pond of black before me. Zack said its a different kind of fishing cos you gotta go by feel more since you cant really see your line. Think next on his list is luminous line... hahaha. I caught many tilapias! Zack used them as live baits :P My casting is horrid today :( but Zack let me reel in one of the fishes! Gosh was it heavy! FYI: Their weight in the water while we are reeling them in is 3 times their actual weight.

Oh Oh! He just caught his 3rd fish!!!!
he caught a 3.5kg snapper (Huge!!) in one of his previous trips but havent broken that record since. Soon darling soon!

Andrew and Rachel popped by just now with their 3 darlings :)

Jeez its pretty cold right now. The air is chilly and i wished i got my sweater. Hope i'm not falling sick soon.. throat is getting sore and having the sniffles. Need to take my vit C.. cant afford to fall sick now. Work has been demanding. Money not easy to earn..

Okay Zack is gonna have one last try before we call it a night. It's been 5 hours and i'm all ready to keel over! We've been up since 10.30 this morning *yawns*

Tomorrow: i MUST have my wasabi filet burger and famous amos fudge brownie! And Zack promised me we will go catch Mama Mia in town and i can take him to the boutique and show him the bag! (not that i'm gonna buy lah.. see see only ;P)

Going off now!
Today's catch: 2 ah bians and 1 red snapper


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