Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 31, 2008

this friday morning... i am in an exceptionally marvellous mood!
probably stems out from the many things like:
1) TGIF!
2) i had a terrific time with the gals last night!
3) i had many terrific buys last night!
4) i'm looking good today with my new top from Joop with my fav soft jeans, nicely coordinated with my lovely faux suede vintage orange bag + mint green heels. Even Zack complimented me *preens* When u look good, u feel good too!
5) my darling and i can go part tow later :)
6) and again... TGIF!

THE DARLING GALS.... @ Hong Kong Cafe (Marina Square)

....and lovely Sy and Jo got us bday cake!

Sy has always been the sweetest when it comes to our bdays.
i never could remember! *sheepish*

the birthday gals....

2 belated (Silin and Ju) and 2 (YY and Jane) upcoming.
late but it's still all good!

finally another group shot!
this is probably the last time we are meeting before YY flies off on Tuesday.
she left so abruptly last night we didnt give her a farewell hug!
hoping maybe we can do a tea on Sunday or something??

and i had an absolutely SALE FIELD day shopping yesterday!!!
it's just amazing!

after 2 years..... our lovely home FINALLY has a garbage bin!
we couldnt find a nice one so had been hanging the plastic bags on the handle of the bomb shelter.. hahaha.


Matt black with chrome lid garbage bin: $45.00 $22.50
(strange, i was pretty sure it states $30 on the signage)

Zack said it looks like a fire hydrant.. -_-

Faux leather placemats (set of 6): $79.00 $23.70
Faux leather coasters (set of 6): $20.30 $8.70

I've always wanted to get nice placemats. Everytime we're at Ikea, i will always drop those round ones in the shopping bag while Zack will take them off and put them right back on the shelf.. hahaha! Guess i dun like them enough to put them back again.

Total: $54.90
Savings: $98.10!

i got these at a pre-renovation sale at the Friven warehouse.
who would have thought attending courses at ulu places could have such advantages.

Sy and the gals were helping me with the stuff yesterday *muaks* :) I was quite a pathetic sight.
Sy: "why do u have to buy a blardee dustbin when you know you are meeting us?"
Ju: "cos how often can i find a nice blardee dustbin?!"


then on my way to meet the gals at Marina Square..
walking briskly while my eyes roved, they landed on.......

Tops from CHAOS!

Brown with turquoise rose motifs with silver stripes top: $49.90 $29.00
Retro print top: $49.90 $19.00


to think i was so proud of myself for not taking a cab to that ulu place in the morning. Zack kept asking me to just flag a cab but i refused. Searched out directions on (it's really awesome btw) and found my way there.. on time too! But at night i had to admit defeat and shared a cab with the gals. My arms and shoulders are aching today :S

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

uh oh....

a post at 7pm

tons to do today cos i'll be out of office tomorrow.
this week is kinda packed and i wonder if i can squeeze in a gymming session with Jane. I need to lose that blardee 2kg! With my darling around, we have been eating good full meals so there goes my diet plans *sigh*

i'm gonna run tonight!

i'm actually quite tired cos we had a late night last night. Met up with Fu and Mark for frogs leg porridge at Geylang then on to Mark's for some chills. It was fun! The comfy couch, sweet smoke and dim lights. We've not done this for a long time cos prawning + bbq is the current hottie. Strange how conversations had been steering towards designer bags of late! and we were wondering how people can pay thousands of dollars for a bag. Well, as i was saying... i can appreciate them but for the life of me i simply cant bring myself to fork out that sum. Zack then injected, "Yeah you then talk about it so much until your husband buys it for you!" AHAHAHHAHAH! Gosh Zack is sooooo funny! he always cracks me up! Hey that's SO NOT true okay! I'm not those wives who expect/want their husbands to buy them big blings and designer stuff. I'm an independent working young woman and i can buy my bags! ;P

Alrighty.. i shant keep everyone in suspense much longer on where i'm taking Zack. Thing is.. Zack has been taking his laptop to work so i'm not keen to take the chance that he might pop in. I've already been hounded by people who are very anxious to know where we are going, like Andy who had already asked me thrice!! hahaha... i was nice and gave him a sneak preview. So perhaps i will post it this weekend where i know Zack will be too busy to touch the laptop. I got ways to keep him busy! haha! Anyway he is enjoying the suspense and is not digging too deeply into it.

Zack: Why is it everyone knows where we are going but i'm the last to know?
Ju: That's because you are the birthday boy! :D

gonna meet Zack at Compass Pt now!
then it'll be home sweet home..
cozy up infront of the tv with our tubs of B&Js...
now that's the favourite part of my day :)
*gasps* did someone mention something about losing weight????

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sunday night domestics and play!

:: Very very clean floor ~ i'm claiming credit! *waves hand*
:: Full dinner cooked by my darling ~ it was awesome! :) The seabass cant get any fresher!
:: Whisked away for a movie night with Tropic Thunder.. hilarious!!! Must watch!

so sedup!

and i bought Chubby Hubby for my Hubby! *hahaha*

i'm so looking forward to the month of December.
and it's not just about our holiday/Zack's bday present..
Zacky said we will get something done then! :P

Monday, October 27, 2008

sheesh... sky looks dark :S
and i'm hoping for a sunny day cos i wanna wash my sheets.. *sigh*
my darling is out fishing again! hahahha...

i think i'm supposed to join him but decided to stay home to clean/tidy the house. You know like how during ancient ages where the husbands go out to fish for food while the wives stay home, cook dinner and keep house? Waiting patiently for her husband to come home with the catch for her to cook dinner. Whoa... this feels exactly like it. hahhaa..

(*Zack just called me! He said we shall cook dinner tonight.. he caught 3 fishes already and we shall try the seabass :P He will sell away the other 2)

well... which means i really shouldnt be online blogging and msn chatting!

i'll do a quick one about last night :P

It was so strange how Zack and i both dressed up, go to town.. same resturant... same time but dining with other people! Gosh... our tables were side by side even! hahahhaha....

The gals went for ktv earlier and were late! i was sitting there waiting for them but Zack came over and accompanied me.. *muaks* :). I left an 'angry' msg with Jo which scared them and they came down immediately.. hahhaha! Then when they realised i wasnt angry, i gotta endure their grumblings about missing the last song.. 'You make me wanna'.. tsk tsk.


Zack and his coursemates were seated at the table in the background.

the food is pretty good.. ala carte buffet.. Indonesian cuisine.
all the dishes were placed on warmers.. variety is quite good.
i love the chicken soup and flooded my rice with it.
i'm a soup person and will be happy with just rice and a huge bowl of soup!
we all didnt eat too much which was a waste.
spent too much time yakking to pay much attention to our food.
sy was the only quiet one enjoying her food.
the rest of us were listening to YY talk of her stay in the States.
she doesnt wanna stay there.. hahaha!
visiting is fine, but not to stay there..
(like wat Johnny said, drive 2 hrs for a blardee bowl of noodles!)
gosh she was talking about the CHEAP outlet shopping there..
Coach wristlets for USD20!!!!

so after our dinner, we browsed around Shaw House.
checked out the Coach boutique and enjoyed comparing the prices.
everything in Spore is sooooo ex! tsk tsk....
Alert: we are all moving to the DARK SIDE!
Only Jo is sticking to her guns!

tsk tsk... this is bad.......
we have to convert Jo! Muahhahahha!

seriously speaking... we are a bunch of sensible gals. We will hold out on the evils of consumerism! Amen!

oooh something interesting happened.
We stopped by Bobbi Brown cos i wanna grab a lipgloss. Went to pay for it and was puzzled by this lady who kept staring at me. She then approached me at the cashier and asked if the clutch i'm holding is a Prada clutch. Yes it looks very much like it.. the Nappa Gaufre clutch. But i told her i bought it during an Mphosis sale for $10 - 15 at 50% off! See.. a $15 clutch can pass for a designer clutch! Let me clue you in.... it's not the bag, it's the person carrying it! *gauffaws* (dun be rude okay..)

this clutch talk reminds me of a conversation zack and i had ydae:
after reading an article about the gloomy economy and pay-cutting...
Ju: Darling... we better start saving more and be more thrifty...

30mins later.... while i'm dressing up and cant find a suitable bag...
Ju: i think i need to buy a nice clutch.. these are too small...
Zack: i tot u just said we gotta save and spend wisely? Now you are talking about buying a clutch?
Ju: ..............................
(you dont HAVE to remember everything i say you know....)

Part 2 of our night:

drinks @ Borders Bistro

Jo made all of us chocolate truffles, with a sweet note :)
twas so sweet of her!
and the truffles were great - but i shouldnt have asked her what goes in there!

was touched by her note..
and you are most welcome.. that's what friends are for!
glad things are going great and you had a blast last night :P
last night was no time for heart-to-hearts.. we will do one soon!

Sy didnt wanna be in the pic so she is tasked to take the pic.
it turned out well so i'm to blog that SHE is the one who took this shot!

but i still dragged her in for a shot.. haha.
our new hair!

i reckon no one noticed how gorgeous the ceiling is.... *gazes*

Sunday, October 26, 2008

the mother of coincidences..

YY is back!!! so we are meeting up tonight *beams* i'm so looking forward to it! After some ding donging, we decided on Rice Table. Only problem was... reservations full! So Sy called and got us on waitlist.

Coincidently, Zack too has dinner plans with his coursemates. And he is meeting them at 6.30pm - International Building. Guess where they are dining? RICE TABLE! hahahaha...

Just got a msg from Sy informing us that someone cancelled their reservation and we got a table at 6.30pm!

what are the odds?! :P

Zack said his coursemates are sure gonna tease him.. hahaha.. and damn! this means no flirting with cute waiters!

my afternoon as a tai-tai with Sy... my night as a glutton with my hubby

so yesterday afternoon... found Sy and i sitting seat by seat with our hair in curls and foils.. chatting, flipping magazines and chatting with Johnny on travels. He did a month long trip to the States last year and was commenting how big everything there was.. food portion, people.. hahha.. and he is pretty big himself! but how cheap was the shopping.. Timberland, Kenneth Cole, Kate Spade, Coach, Gap.. etc. Whetted our appetite somewhat.. We wanna go find YY in New York next year!!! :P

As i was browsing Elle, we came to a 'Big Spender' page and he was telling us his friend stylist working with David Gan owns a FEW Hermes Birkins priced at $16,500, 2 years waitlist at Paris! Goodness gracious! Those gays are rich man.

Oh and he likes my Omega *grins* he said it's really nice, size not big not small and admired the diamonds in the dial (of crse lah.. i got excellent taste *smirk*) he asked if they have it in men's size.. hahahah! He owns a few Rolexs.. i reiterate: Those gays are rich! And Sy finally believed me when i said he is!

We both thought all that was missing was some ppl serving us nice tea, sandwiches, (caviar is abit over the top sy.. hehe) doing our mani and pedicure to complete the tai-tai picture.. hahaha. Nvm.. in time to come.....

Sy and i then walked to Chinatown Market for the famous har kow but that stall was sold ou.. had another stall instead which is pretty nice too. Enjoyed some dessert as well. Oh know what happened??? I FELL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!! we were crossing the road.. OMG... so paisay and so unglam!!! infront of all those cars and ppl! *sigh*

anyway... we then moved on to the little chinatown streets, browsing the food and ware. Bought a shawl each at 2 for $10.. i later saw a pushcart selling similar ones at $22 each! And i'm STILL thinking about the white neck scarf! Sy dissuade me from buying it. Zack will love for me to go shopping with her.. hahaha. We met on wed after work at TM and she brought me to a shop with 40% off! i bought a very nice tube top for $22 *grins*

8pm hit and we both went our separate ways: she meet her parents, me meet my darling at Vivo.

(and we forgot to take pics of our new hair!)

How perfect :)

My sweetheart spent the day fishing so he was all red (again!) He is so tan now.. but i like!

Our dinner at Marche..
been so long since we dined there..
more than a year perhaps!

crepe of the week..

calamari and rosti...

marche's calamari rawks!
and we missed the rosti soooo badly!
almost got another set of red groupa fillet but too stuffed after these.
they upped the price of the ribeye steak :(

here's me with my new hair...
did a black base with copper streaks.. cant see from this pic.
i got naturally very black hair so decided to go al naturale this time.
think i'll go for a full purple-black next time round!

with 1 month 3 weeks to go til our holiday.. it's about time to fix my crowning glory. It usually takes a month plus for my hair to reach its epitome of perfection.. with the ends nicely grown out. In time.. just in time :)

ended our night infront of the tv... but Zack knocked out before the show ended. The fishing and heat from the sun seems to have taken its toil.. poor boy. His eyewhites were pink! tsk tsk..

jeez.. this is one long post!
i gotta go wake my sweetheart soon.
have a great sunday folks!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

i'm up way early on a Sat morning.. all thanks to my darling.
just saw him off.. another fishing trip.. haha!
since i'm all wide awake and cant get back to sleep... i shall do up a post on the latest.

pic taken like 15mins ago :)

his tackle box: all the floats, sinkers, various sizes of hooks, and dunno what nots....
i think it looks really cool...
i think i want a tackle box too!

that's not all he got....
1) a cooler box: to keep his fishes fresh (good for bbqs too!)
2) a portable pump: to keep his baits alive
3) a styrofoam box: for his baits

Zack tying his line and sinker while watching tv

prepared them in advance for his trips..
neatly filed in the slots.

yups.. his car obsession is a thing in the past now.. hahaha.
he used to add a car bling every month.. now all he talks about is fishing
i dont even wanna mention what is coming up next... hahaha.
Zack's really excited and cant stop talking about it.. like a little boy :)
he said he got good news..
and i was like.."wait... good news for you, me or us?"

j: i wanna live long and happy so please dun tell me how much that costs.
z: hahaha.. its not ex.. really..
j: nope, i dun wanna know.. dun tell me! just give me a small figure and lie to me.
z: ok ok.. its $200..... that's the deposit!
j: *glares*

alright.. he deserves a treat to himself :) He hasnt gotten anything for himself and spent most of it on his parents and me :)

Next he is gonna bug his uncle to take us offshore fishing.. hehe. Uncle Freddy (i think it's uncle Freddy) just got a bigger boat and getting his license ready. Yeah.. 4 years ago he said he'll take me offshore.. 4 years later i havent even seen the buttock of the boat! tsk tsk.. But now things look promising.. perhaps i should go get some fishing gear! Like a nice cap, a fishing shade, some bikinis.. omg.. that's so bimbotic! hahhahah! i think i need a fishing rod to start with! a nice full black with gold rings *winks*

jeez... and i sure know my hubby inside out! We had dinner with Andrew and Rachel last evening and Zack said he wanna get some luminous line for night fishing! Gosh am i good! that was a nail hit right on the head!

anyway.. enough about Zack and his new found hobby.

here is mine!!!

picked up a kit at Spotlight yesterday while Cindy got some stuff for her house party.

Kit: $24.95
Punch Needle: $9.95
Total: $34.90

thats MY hobby!
notice the disparity?

if it comes up well, perhaps i will do a couple more and hang them in the toilet. It will look nice against the dark tiles :)

gonna go take a nap before leaving for my appointment with Johnny. Meeting Sy there.. she's gonna do a perm!!! i cant wait to see it!

Meanwhile... what colors should i do now?
i'm feeling like streaks this time!

Friday, October 24, 2008

20mins to go: Lunch shopping!

i'm so mighty glad it's FRIDAY!
and more things to perk me up like lunch shopping with Cindy.
lining up some stuff for this LONG weekend..
fixing my crowning glory... and hitting the gym with Jane!
right now, i'm all jazzed up! yeah... right now.

i detest the sneaky sticky fingers of CPF!!!!
Zack gave me $600 to buy whatever i like *MUAKS*beams*
and now part of it is gone!
i got plans for it! *pout*

and oh.....
last night... was incredibly hilarious!
im hoping for a blue-black on zack's cheek!
there was a bump.
it will be interesting to hear his explanation... hahahahaha!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

so tell me.. How much will you pay for a bag?

..... dont consider myself a 'bag gal'. In the sense that i dont own mountains of bags, build a bag closet or have $2 lunches to save up for that gorgeous arm candy. But like the next gal, i have a healthy appreciation for them. I enjoy looking at them, touching them. All bags, any bags but my preference goes to the affordable ones. I'm a sensible and practical gal :) Still... i'm always on the lookout for THE Bag. Cos my take is.. all you need is ONE GOOD BAG (that's what they always say). Just ONE.

Even when Zack and i were at the biggest LV boutique in Paris .. i couldnt bring myself to fork out $1.5k for a bag. Perhaps i dont like any enough to warrant that swipe of the card. It's like.. "You're in PARIS! and you didnt buy a LV bag???" Well... Why do i buy something for any reasons other than the simple one of desperate lust? And i'm so glad i didnt buy any at Paris.. cos looking back at the bag i almost bought, i realised i dun like it that much now.

In order for me to part with my precious money (and my darling hubby's too!), i have to LOVE that object 101%, not even 99.9%. (Like my 'diamonds studded OMEGA' - Sy's term for it *lol*) It has to hit me right in the face like WHAM!

My close friends will know how incredibly picky i am. For anything, from tees to shoes to anything.. i have specific requirements. So for me to totally love and lust after something.. is a pretty rare occurance but when i do, i am relentless and unfortunately, it usually comes with a hefty pricetag (Zack aint too happy at that)

Alright.... let's get to the crux of the issue.

Oh that fateful friday.. i was on my way to work. Waiting for the train at Dhoby Ghaut when something caught my eye. Delicately resting on the arm of this gal.. in creamy ivory with gold hardware. My heart stopped beating and the heavens sang! I was transfixed!

It was perfect. It was me. It was MADE FOR ME!!!

I scoured the internet but to no avail. A name! was all i need. All i had was the brand.. which funnily i'm not that big a fan of. A past season piece was my fear. I went to the boutique and saw something similar! It was GORGEOUS. Ivory buttery soft leather.. with vintage gold hardware.

But.... a problem.

Pricetag: $3,310.00

*bang head*

No way. No blardee way will i ever fork out 3 grand for a bag. However gorgeous it is. I didnt even wanna tell Zack about it but somehow i did when he called me. Again he shocked me!

J: i found my bag!!!
Z: ok so did you buy it?
J: nope.. but i might! (teasing him)
Z: how much is it?
J: 3310
Z: what?! ok, show me later then i'll see if its worth it.
J: ????????

what happened to: "Are u crazy?! You wanna pay 3k for a bag?!!! *scolds*" ??? I sure aint expecting: "...i'll see if it's worth it." How can any bag be worth 3k?? Especially to a guy.

Anyway, he FORCED me to show it to him. I didnt want to cos i'm not gonna get it anyway so why show him. I can gush about it but i sure wouldnt buy it. Only after i'm totally sure that he wouldnt get it for me did i take him to the website (it wasnt even a nice pic). 3K and after my Omega, i know FOR SURE he wouldnt buy it for me.. hahahaha. I wouldnt allow him to!

$3310.00..... *sigh*

and i just bought a bag for $33.90! *guffaws*
that's 2 hops of the decimal point!

well... if it's $2.5k... i will grab it!
or will i?

in the light of things, that LV bag seems cheap in comparison.. hahahha!
a time will come when i'll indulge in serious pampering *grins*

But for 3grand.. there are so many things i can do!
For one, i can take my darling for a good holiday.
Buy bag: only me happy... and it doesnt last.
Go holiday: we both happy.
There's happiness in sharing!

But following that school of thought......
Buy bag: me happy = hubby happy = BOTH happy too! :P

Will i go over to the Dark Side?
i'm like tettering at the edge.
i think some people will be anxious if i do! ahahahah!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Team Z&J @ work

Tonight... we stood bum to bum at the stove... and cooked dinner!

double, double toil and trouble...
fire burn and cauldron bubble...

Ju's chicken mushroom Pong Teh
Zack's Asam Fish - he fished/descaled/gutted/cooked it!! - with chopped onions, tomatoes and all the works. Whoa~ My personal chef *smirk*

and that little piece of chicken is for our babies.. they had it with rice :)

Hey Presto!



Saturday, October 18, 2008

Current location: Pasir Ris Farmway 1

Current activity: FISHING! (me surfing for now.. heh)

Night fishing this time round. A different atmosphere. But i kinda like the day better cos visibility is better. I only see a pond of black before me. Zack said its a different kind of fishing cos you gotta go by feel more since you cant really see your line. Think next on his list is luminous line... hahaha. I caught many tilapias! Zack used them as live baits :P My casting is horrid today :( but Zack let me reel in one of the fishes! Gosh was it heavy! FYI: Their weight in the water while we are reeling them in is 3 times their actual weight.

Oh Oh! He just caught his 3rd fish!!!!
he caught a 3.5kg snapper (Huge!!) in one of his previous trips but havent broken that record since. Soon darling soon!

Andrew and Rachel popped by just now with their 3 darlings :)

Jeez its pretty cold right now. The air is chilly and i wished i got my sweater. Hope i'm not falling sick soon.. throat is getting sore and having the sniffles. Need to take my vit C.. cant afford to fall sick now. Work has been demanding. Money not easy to earn..

Okay Zack is gonna have one last try before we call it a night. It's been 5 hours and i'm all ready to keel over! We've been up since 10.30 this morning *yawns*

Tomorrow: i MUST have my wasabi filet burger and famous amos fudge brownie! And Zack promised me we will go catch Mama Mia in town and i can take him to the boutique and show him the bag! (not that i'm gonna buy lah.. see see only ;P)

Going off now!
Today's catch: 2 ah bians and 1 red snapper


18 October...

So it was exactly a year ago... we flew off for our honeymoon!
amazing how one year had flown past.
how fitting that i picked up our airtickets/hotel vouchers yesterday for our next holiday :P

cos in exactly 2months.. we will arrive on *******! *beams*

sorry no spoilers as yet cos the instructor life seems pretty relaxing at the moment. Imagine drinking latte, surfing the net at Starbucks at 4pm in the afternoon! I wanna trade places with him!

Zack seems to think i'm taking him to Australia.. haha. Well... maybe? *winks*

Right now its 4.20pm on a balmy Saturday afternoon...
Zack and i just got home from Tan Tock Seng Hospital (ttsh). He gotta go check on his trainees, who are having their 3-day hospital attachment. I decided to tag along and hoping to catch him in action. Pity i cant go into A&E and couldnt convince him to pass me off as his PA. I ended up going to Novena Square to buy him a box of donuts. Then hopped to Starbucks and enjoyed a nice slice of low fat mango cheesecake.. $6.30 - so frigging ex! Zack then came up to pass me the laptop so i tot i could do some surfing but batt was at 13%! But its alright cos he could hang out with me so we just chatted til 3pm when he went off to do a quick final check on his trainees.

aaaah zack just called me from the living room..... he is done tying his line and hooks and we gotta leave now :(
i was hoping i can take a short nap before we go off to Giant and fishing..
he said i couldnt :( but i tot if he sees me sleeping soundly.. his heart will soften and let me nap for awhile. Now no time oredi! *pout*

carving: famous amos chocolate fudge brownie.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

so i havent been in the best of moods of late.
it was BAD.
Zack said i'm pmsing.
but my darling has been particularly affectionate these 2 days (not that he hasnt been lah) but he is more so. So strange...

today i wore my 'Happy Scent'.
it brings back fond memories ~ of our honeymoon :)

.....and i'm late!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So news are trickling out!
Andy asked me yesterday if we'll be taking a holiday soon.. haha. Cant spill the beans yet. But I will spill what i can... for now.

Cos it's a surprise! Zack doesnt know it yet.
It's his surprise bday treat!
he knows i'm taking him somewhere but doesnt know where.
gosh.. it's gonna be real tough keeping it from him for 2 months!
i'm terrified i will accidentally let slip as i yak away.
i told him he will only know where we're going at the airport.. haha

ahhhh.... so Clue #1: We are flying! (i'm hoping out from T3!) - i kinda let it out by mistake!

he tried to dig more.."But i need to know what to pack..."
i countered.."It's ok darling.. i'll pack for you :P"

but i was nice and gave him a few more to whet his appetite:

Clue #2: "I'm taking you fishing"
Clue #3: "It's better than Japan"
Clue #4: "Nope, it's not Thailand (clue#3) and we've not been there before."
Clue #5: "The handful that knows says you are such a lucky guy!"

once i'm certain he wouldnt read my blog for awhile (his schedule is heating up) then i'll spill ALL here! He hasnt come online in awhile already. But everyone has to be sworn to secrecy first! :P That post will only be up for a few days then i'll take it down.

this is so exciting! i'm having so much fun planning it and that look of sheer astonishment on his face is gonna be so worth it! The idea had budded for a long time.. and i managed to siphon off enough to make it come true.. just in time too! :P

sorry.. BitchRant Time:
people are soooo KS for their travel! 3mths and the lowest class fare is fully booked already!!! We have to fly a day later than planned! *arghh!* if not i gotta pay $220 extra per pax! I waitlisted til the latest possible then have to issue the tickets cos the departure dates are snapping out fast. If i were to do a rebooking, i might lose our seats. Now my plan is not perfect *pout*

Everyone is on the move!
the first lot is back.
now second lot is moving out.. woohooo!

Back Home ~ No more trips! haha
Sy: Taiwan
Godma: Turkey

Flying off!
Himmah & Fareena: Bali - next week!
Godma: Dubai - 20 Oct (yes again! tai tai like that one lor.. haha)
Ching: Sydney - end Nov
Zack & Ju: ****** - Dec

Monday, October 13, 2008

when equality takes a different split.

In the midst of doing my daily albeit depressing newsfeed, this article got me laughing my head off! This one is classic... hahaha! my gosh.. the things people do!


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A couple in rural Cambodia has terminated their 18-year marriage with a divorce settlement that entailed sawing in two the wooden house they once shared, villagers said Friday. The husband, 42-year-old Moeun Sarim, has taken away with him all the bits and pieces of his half a house, said his 35-year-old wife, Vat Navy.

"Very strange, but this is what my husband wanted," she said by phone from a village about 62 miles east of Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. She said they ended their marriage last month.

"He brought his relatives and used saws to cut the house in half," she said, adding that she now owns the other half that is still standing. The house is made from wood with a tile roof and propped up on wooden pillars, a typical style for a Cambodian country home.

She said her estranged husband and his relatives, after ripping apart half of the house, carried all the debris to his parents' house nearby.

She said the divorce was prompted by her husband's jealousy about her alleged relationship with a policeman in the village. She denied having an extramarital affair.

"He wanted a divorce, and I said, `Let's divorce,'" she said.

The husband could not be reached for comment.

Bou Bout, a village chief, said local officials and police were present as witnesses the day the couple split their 20-by-24 1/2 foot house into half.

"Local officials tried three times to get them to mend their differences, but the husband would not budge," Bou Bout said by phone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I WANT!!!!


Friday, October 10, 2008

so what's good for dinner?

Zack received a 'sweet sms' this morning!
i wonder when will i ever receive such a sms....

so my job now is to think of a NICE place for dinner tonight.
His Treat!


i'm so tired...
it's been a long busy day.
everyday is!
i must have settled 137 stuff today.
but i'm glad i cleared them.
still got 1 more thing to do before i leave..

another 10mins before Zack is due to arrive.
we are going to gai gai tonight!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

the onion post.

6 Oct:
havent had much of an inclination to blog recently.
started a couple but never did finish them.
busy busy... lazy lazy....

the sky is gloomy.
i wish it pours big time.

havent been up to much lately.
caught up with my sleep.
i met up with with Sylvia! :D
i actually did a post but somehow didnt post it.. haha
so i shall cut and paste here:

1 Oct:
so i had the most fabulous time last night! Had a long overdue catching up with Sylvia *grins* It's been too long! You know some friends which you've not met in ages, yet when you do, it seems like its just yesterday you were yakking away. And Sylvia has always been one of my most steadfast friends.. always there as a listening ear, never fail to remember my bday. I'm very much ashamed that i've not made much of an effort in keeping up. I've always been somewhat passive yet there are a few people who have touched me deeply and Sylvia is definitely one of them.

In many ways, Sylvia reminds me alot of Zack. They are both very selfless and are such wonderful friends.. they love their friends and family and sometimes they do get taken advantage of. As i told Zack (and last night Sylvia), they will be blessed.. very much. And i believe their love have secured them faithful friends. And those friends that had wronged/despised/taken advantage of them.. it's on them. I believe in karma.

I'm trying to convince Sylvia to take up photography so we can be shooting buddies! hehe..

oh oh.. and i sat in her little red riding hood! wooohoooooo! :P

then there's something else but i cant blog it right now.
it's actually TOP SECRET but the number of ppl who knows is growing! Damn!
i'm planning something... and things seem to be right on schedule.
had the idea a year back and it's coming to fruition!
and a dearie gave me an excellent suggestion.
its the cherry on top of the ice-cream.
i think he will be overjoy :P
Overjoy?? That'll be an UNDERSTATEMENT!

a post at 8.30am

Don't you just love an early start to the day?
When the calls are not coming and emails not streaming in... yet.
i especially do when i'm not the only one suffering from pre-dawn blues. Not that the other person is feeling bluey, cheery will probably be more fitting! Even if i have to wake an hour earlier, i dont mind cos i get a free ride!

I notice i got a couple of drafts which i probably should post.. since i took the time to write. And there are stuff i do wanna log in and remember :) Zack asked me what will i do if Blogger server crash... as i thought of the ramifications, i could feel the blood draining off my head. 4 years worth of memories... wiped out! I should seriously think about archiving.

Yesterday was the 7th. With Zack off, we had the night to ourselves! Had dinner at Spaggadies, food was excellent! My crayfish aglio olio was 2 thumbs-up. But it's a tad pricey. Zack has a soft spot for that place cos he used to work there during school hols and he will always tip on top of the 10% service charge. He enjoys reminiscing his past joys of receiving tips.. haha. Btw, the 10% service charge doesnt go to the service staff! what the heck right??

We had 2 hours to kill before our movie starts - 9.30pm. Roamed around Marina Square and while Zack went to the loo... i had abit of fun. I bought a bag! He later grumbled that his trip to the toilet cost $33.90.. hhahahaha! But the blue was too lovely to ignore.. now i'm wondering what i can match it with *ponders*

Spent our last 45mins over hot lattes at Starbucks. Quizzed Zack on his coming test (which is taking place right now) and its not fun! He answered ALL correctly! I probably covered 90 questions with him? I was waiting for a chance to go: "THA! wrong!.. haha!" Wait... i think he got 1 wrong.. hahahhaa. He is aiming for full score so he got quite irritated with his mistake.. hehe. Jeez, he really knows his stuff!

That sums up our 51st 7th night! Oh yeah.. there's the movie. We caught 'Eagle Eye'. It was good.. Shia sure shines through! But.... yes there is a but.... which i'm too lazy to review it now.

Okay... playtime's over.
time to go back to work.
it's only wednesday.......

My Good Samaritan

it's 25 past 1 and i'm running on reserve energy.
but Zack is doing some last minute studying so i'm here doing some catching up. (He is peeping at what i'm typing!)

my drafts are getting longer cos i cant seem to be finishing my posts.
just hope this one gets published.

many stuff but im just gonna talk about something that got me swelling with pride tonight :) We were on our way home after a lovely night out when we saw an accident along the way at Hougang. No prizes given if you guessed who immediately made a U-turn and rushed off to help - My Hubby *beams* A minor collison between a car and a bike at the cross junction. But the rider was injured with abrasions and there's blood!! Not spurting out but enough on the floor to make my stomach twist with worry. My Parademic on the other hand shrug it off as minor.. he had seen FAR worse. Driver was clearly at fault but the rider got the brunt of it (i'm so glad Zack is not riding now!)

He took his first aid kit (always keep one handy in the car) and worked on the poor fellow while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The guy, 2 days to be enlisted for NS, was fortunately fine, just looked a little pale.. probably more from shock than anything else. PTL!

I'm not gonna gush too much.. hehe but i'm ohsoproud of my hubby. A by-stander asked Zack if he was a member of the public and was impressed by how he handled the situation, one even asked him if he was a doctor.. yeah street doctor.. haha. Standing beside him i couldnt help beaming with pride.. Yes! That's my husband.. He is a Paramedic! - i wanted to shout out loud. Not just because of how he confidently took charge.. but because he has a great heart. However tired he is (and he sure is!), he can and will never drive off and turn his back. And more imptly, he does it not to show off or claim glory.. but simply because he wants to help :)

Alrighty.. that's about all i can manage for now. Gonna hit the sack now! My Good Samaritan is done with his revision.. test tomorrow morning!

On a completely different note: My sheets are soooo comfy! I dun wanna wake up in the mornings! i'm an advocate of threadcount and that 1 hour i spent ironing them is so worth it! I dunno why i'm blogging this... hahaha.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

oooh it's midnight!


he asked me how many months it has been..
he said he had lost count.
51! whoa.... thats quite a number!
we will hold a huge celebration when we hit 100!
jeez... thats like another 4 years... too long of a wait...
alright.. when we hit our 77th month then!

Monday, October 06, 2008

why is it back again?
that same ole feeling...
that same ole question..

what do you do when you are not happy in a situation?
do you walk away?
or do you stay and stretch your limits?

how do you know when enough is enough?
when you have walked far too many steps back?

right now.. i just wanna let go and walk away.
all i want is to be happy.
that's not alot to ask for.

i dun wanna count the days..
and brace for disappointment yet again.

i'm tired.
in every sense.

sometimes... talk is just so empty.

dun ask.
dun guess.
dun read with glee.
cos ju will bounce back once again.
back into the box it goes.

Friday, October 03, 2008

i'm totally stone right now.
i've got work to do but heck, i'm taking a short break here.
here are some shots from last night.

We went PRAWNING and had a BBQ right after!
talk about right off the hook!

Marky wasnt too satisfied with the catch.. haha.
Happy Birthday!!!

My darling and Fu getting the fire started.
Fu and i spent 2.5hours yakking away while Zack, Mark and Adrian prawned.. haha.

Adrian intent on catching that last prawn.

they look better alive.......

......but taste better dead.

i could only look on sadly while the guys skewer them alive... *sniffs*

they taste really good!!! especially with Devi's chilli..... man oh man......
Devi's really sweet, she bought us a fish descaler :)

Wasnt til 4.30am when Zack and i got home. Dead beat.
i wish 5.30pm comes quick (but there're tons to do at work *sigh*)
i just wanna go home and sleep away.
hoping it will rain big time later.

back to work...