Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, September 29, 2008

Typhoon in Taiwan....

hoping Sy and mum is safe.
she said she might be flying back earlier.
she must be feeling very bummed about it *hug hug*
after reading the news, i'm now berating myself for advising her to wait it out.
cocooned in safe Singapore, i didnt comprehend the magnitude of the typhoon.
(my gosh.. i still asked her to go shopping!)

Lord, please keep Sy and her mum safe.....

News: Typhoon Jangmi wrecks Havoc in Taiwan

Monday... please stay away.

dun wanna sleep so tomorrow wouldnt come sooner.
Zack is not home yet.. come home soon baby..

thanks fu for listening to my whining and ranting *hugs*
he helped keep me sane on a depressing Sunday night.
poor fu...

today: i learnt a new word.
Chillax = Chill + Relax

solitude in abundance these couple of days.
i'm pretty self-sufficient and enjoy my company.
but i always welcome any company that comes my way.
today i have Stardust and my 2 friends, Ben and Jerry.

do you sometimes wonder how well you can fool yourself?
into believing something.. into wanting something?
and how much of the excitement is truly from within?
and how much of it stems out of the fear of being wrong?

it's alright.. i'm okay.. i think God can explain...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

a long one....

so i got my first paycheck.
with some backpay from last month.. it came up to a tidy sum.
siphon away the necessary: bills goes to bills, savings goes to savings.
decided to give my darling a treat, anything he fancies: budget $100.
and he said he'd like a reel (tell me why am i not surprised *smile*)

guess what i found at the supermart today?!
i've been keeping an eye out for it but seems like there arent many supermarts carrying them these days.

Tribute to my dear Robin uncle... ......

my uncle (mum's brother) used to buy them whenever i visit gran's when i was little. He liked to hold 'parties' for us, cooking western food and buying us toys. Almost all of my toys were bought by him, i still have the little A&W reindeer he bought me (and i'm NOT letting the dogs have it).

Yes.. if you have noted the past tense.

He passed away.


i finally bought the 2 things i've been wanting to get for months!!!
not one but TWO B&Js!!!!!!

and STARDUST!!!!

i'm gonna have myself an indulgent sunday! :D

Zack is on standby for F1 this weekend.
jeez... that lucky guy is stationed at where the VVIPs are seated!
so he got the best view of the action.
i told him to stay far far away from the track...
it's dangerous!

so far he had called me twice already and i could hear the vroooming of the cars! so loud! Zack said he will take Alfie with him tomorrow to take some good shots. Ermm.... i dun remember agreeing to loan him Alfie. But he did buy it for me so i better not refuse him.. hehe.

Speaking of Alfie...
Sylvia sure made my day couple of days back!
she said she loves my SLR :)
and my photos are all nicely taken *beams*
but i forgot to tell her not all my shots were taken with my D80
some are with my cybershot.
as i always say: the cam is only as good as the photographer.. hahahha! Dun buff! :P

my dream... has always been to be a photojournalist.
traveling the world, immortalising the beauty God gave us.
i hope i have what it takes.
i wish i have the courage, the financial means to pursue my dream.
my darling said if he earns 10k a month, he'll support me. hahaha!
(he's so sweet :))
he already has by buying me Alfie :)
i wish i'm putting it to good use more often.

we were having a romantic stroll at ECP last night:
Z: you wanna leave me and travel the world?
J: no, when i'm pulling in the big bucks, you can quit yr job and we'll go travelling together! You can carry my tripod and all the equipment.. hehe.

What a perfect plan.... more like DREAM.

but we can always dream... it's free anyway :)

This week has been nice...
with the many events in our lives, i tot Zack and i will just have 1 day to ourselves. But we had 3!

Thurs: Combed Beach Rd to check out some fishing equipment shops. I think soon i will be very familiar with Beach Rd! It's quite funny how you'd never notice these shops around but they are quite littered around Spore. The fishing scene seems pretty vibrant here i'm surprised to report.

We had the famous Rochor Duck Rice. It's beside one fishing equipment shop and the aroma was too tantalizing to ignore.

I absolutely love the soup! It's like those bak kut teh soup. It comes with braised peanuts and kiam chay (preserved vegetables). The duck wasnt much to rave about though. Zack didnt care much for it. He thinks the one at Punggol Plaza and Jurong still wins it hands down.

This set for 2 costs $18!!!!

With this hefty pricetag, i think i'll stick with the one just next door.

Aight, that's enough blabbering on food.

I have to get ready to brace myself for the pre-monday blues. I feel it coming my way already.. *sigh*

Friday, September 26, 2008

on repeat:

Walk Away - Funeral For A Friend

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last evening..

....Zack came to pick me up from work and we caught a movie at Vivo *beams* (the movie sucks but the company was great!)

He bought ramli burgers, goreng pisang and wadai from KTM and we had them for our dinner. At Vivo's outdoor area overlooking Sentosa.. we munched on our delectably juicy rambi burgers and goreng pisangs, chat as we watched people line-fish, wondering what fishes they can catch in such waters, laughed at weirdos who should be caught by the fashion police, ogled at old uncle with young heavily made-up woman in skimpy clothes, young couple walking with their baby in a stroller, admired the lovely clouds with the setting sun shining through and me secretly knowing that we'll be seeing something more specutacular than this if all goes as planned. This is Life. It is good :)

It's been a long time since we did something like this. And probably the only day we have to ourselves this week *sigh*. Time like this together is something i dont take for granted. So couples who are able to spend all their evenings together should count themselves fortunate.

That's why i'm so looking forward to mid Oct! Cos that's when Zack gotta teach! From mid Oct - Dec.. Normal office hours!! *grins*

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the weather is getting hot and humid.
Sept and it should be getting cool.
its all erratic now.
now i'm a tad worried.
i hope the weather there will be great in dec.
it has to be!

so Zack's station is having their audit today.
my poor sweetie only came home at 4am
making sure his station is up to standard.
and had to wake at 6.45am to go to work.
that OIC badge doesnt come easy.
with such little sleep, you're not gonna believe wat i heard this morning...
him singing in the bathroom!
yes that's how cheery Zack is!
he always is! always smiling, happy and singing..
(see how much joy i bring to his life)
i for one am not a morning person.
if i start yakking away animatedly at 7am (much lest sing),
something must be wrong.


Dear Lord, let Zack's station audit go smoothly and let them pass with flying colors. May they find favour in the eyes of the officer(s) and blind him from any mistakes that may arise. Give Zack strength for the day and keep him from harm's way as he go about his duties. Give me strength too for wat's ahead for me. Also keep the 2 gals at home safe and sound and away from any mischief.

in Jesus name i pray,

Crap.. did you read the rabbit sweets are recalled?!?!
laced with melamine!
i ate loads of those when i was young.. one of my fav.
damn those horrible unethical people!
babies.. children! for goodness sake!
how evil can people get?!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

EARLY Sunday morning fishing!

Decree from Zack: "You have to wake up at 6am... cos you always dilly dally."


the bait.

jeez.. the morning sun is awesome for shots! I was ecstatic when we reached the place... its such an awesome shooting site!

Zack taught me how to cast the line... he is brilliant at it! But he laughs every time i do it. I must be really great too.

hmmmm...... *slurp*


uncle releasing more fishes!

everyone lines up and wait in anticipation.
it's quite an amusing sight.. hahahha

Zack caught one in 5mins!!! he's reeling it in!

this is such a lousy shot.. *sigh*
cant decide to take Zack or the fish i ended up taking neither.

the catch!
only one is Zack's.. haha. It's okay darling... the fishes must be male :P

this is mine!
Tilapia.. hahhaa..
Rachel and i caught so many! and the guys used them as baits.

here's my little sweetie...

i take F.ARTY shots too.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

i posted these pics 2 nights back but never found the energy to do much up
so here they are.
more foodie shots!

Zack called me at 5.15pm on thursady and told me to go home early (on the dot) cos he is working dinner! *big grin* Jeez, i had to rush and could only leave at 6pm.

Asam Pedas Snapper....

.....with onions, lady fingers, spring onions, chilli..

(he said i'm to blog that he made the sauce himself! hahahahha!)

Sambal Belacan Prawns

i whacked most of it cos he dun fancy the sauce :P

He was abit disappointed with dinner but i love it! *muaks*
i love anything you cook darling! even your hybrid rice!

and he was loving enough to leave me a sinkful of dishes to wash :P

Zack said he's taking me fishing this Sunday!!
but...... at 7am... *grimace*
i'm still trying to convince him that fishes feed at 10am...

a few days ago.....
We went to his current favourite haunt. The fishing farm at Paris Ris Farmway 1.. its like WAY DEEP IN..... we can relieve the kampong days :)

and guess what?! there is this totally cute puppy!!
he has the softest blackest fur......
he is sooooooo cute!!!
i wanna steal him home!



(i cant believe i did it!!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

"together in Paris"

StarMovies was showing Anastasia this evening! So we had our dinner infront of the telly. Zack even watched it with me! *muaks* Not really his kind of show... but Anastasia is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE movie!!! i can watch it 137 times and not get sick of it. Zack was very amused by how i could sing along to all the songs... yes.. ALL the songs *giggles*

A pity he had to leave for work before this song came out during the credits. i dedicated this song to him once before.


We were strangers starting out on our journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected what you did to my heart
When I lost hope you were there to remind me
This is the start

And Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road now and forever
A Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there whenthe storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you


I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
I know that my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart


In the end I wanna be standing at the beginning with you


together in Paris....
'm wishing we'll go back once more.
zack said he dun mind going back there! (his 3rd time)
maybe on our 10th wedding anniversary?
revisit the places we travelled to during our honeymoon :)
that's if Venice has not sank by then!

busy as a happy bumble bee

i came back to my place and saw Sy's email...
it was only then i realised.. It's past 5.30pm!
where did my afternoon went?
no no... where did my week went?!

busy busy... but happy busy :)
i feel alive!

but i'm feeling quite dead right now.. haha.
gotta go home soon.. cos my darling is working tonight *pout*

Monday, September 15, 2008



Saturday, September 13, 2008

first time fishing!

and Zack caught 2 big snappers!!!

early morning 6.30am, Zack and Andrew went fishing at Pasir Ris farmway.
while i catch up on my beauty sleep :)

no need to guess what's for dinner tonight.. haha.
we brought 1 over for Devi to cook for their dinner.
and me shall don my apron tonight!

Zack just finished de-scaling the fish and i helped clean out the guts.
quite a stomach-turning chore :S
sadly its something i soon have to get used to doing!
cos looks like my zacky boy has a newfound hobby!!!
he said prawning is no kick now.. hahaha.

so i reckon we'll be having fresh fishes for dinner for a while :P

Thursday, September 11, 2008

a RAT ate my kit kat chunky! *humph*

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

must be something in September...

We have a good number of globetrotters!

Dad & Mum: Japan (tonight - 20 Sept)
SY: Taiwan (25 Sept - dunno when)
Godma: Turkey (End Sept - Early Oct)

i wanna go too!!!! Not Taiwan though.. heh. Sy, just bring back a HUGE SACK of beef jerky for me :P The juicy ones, not dried ones ok? *muaks* :P

For abit i was contemplating joining Godma for her Turkey trip.. then i tot maybe i'd like to go with my laogong.. then i got a new job. Needless to say cant go for any holidays for the next 3 months. And of crse... IT'S SO BLARDEE EXPENSIVE! I can do it cheaper! Godma must be going for those tai-tai tours.

So tonight Dad and Mum flew off for their 10-day Japan holiday! Zack swing by to pick me up from work and send me home, we had a quick dinner and he went off to send his parents to the airport before going to work. They declined his offer and said they will take a bus!! *shake head* Of crse we couldnt let them do that! Wat's the use of a car if he couldnt even send his parents to the airport.. if he is able to do so. Could see how touched they were :)

Zack also supped a credit card for his dad in case of emergencies.. AND... sponsored half of their trip! I'm proud of him.. i really am :) And i'm particularly pleased that he consulted me first, "Is it okay with you?" :) I will never say No but i'm happy that he respects me as his wife enough to ask me, especially when i'm not even paying for it :)

People always say when you are picking a husband, look at how he treats his parents first. I'm comforted at what i'm seeing. BUT... he must also dote on his wife. That's of utmost importance! BUT... i dun think i have to worry in that aspect. SO FAR so good.. *grins*

I know his parents are proud of him. Of what their son has grown into. Filial, responsible and loving. I told Zack he will be richly blessed by God for his filial piety. Greatly Richly Blessed :) (hey! he is already richly blessed! With a wifey who loves him dearly! Dun buff.. its rude.)

Maybe it is the loss of my mum.. that i realise the importance of appreciating our parents while they are still alive. Live not in regrets. Whenever i hear of Sy bringing her mum/dad to Macau, Hong Kong, now Taiwan (that's another filial bugger).. i wish so badly i can do the same for my mum. The things i would give her....

Ok enough. I'm not going down that tangent..again.


wishing i can surf in bed but Zack brought the laptop to work *pout* i really am getting lazy.. Got some major research to do! *winks*

SOMETHING is in the works... shhhhhh


Train in China...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Today's date: 9/9/08!

i just looked at the date and realised today is the 9th of Sept!
Bet there'll be plenty of weddings today.
ahhhh.... no wonder we saw a wedding car at our carpark last night and this morning, just when we drove out, a black merc with garish orange ribbons was driving alongside us. Zack was wondering.. "Who gets married on a Tuesday?" Now we know why.....

since i'm early, i went to Yakun and bought breakfast:
:: 2 soft-boiled eggs
:: kopi

nothing perks me up like a yakun!
just the thought of the kopi tingles my tummy.. hehe
one of the daily topic between Sy and i will be our kopi
"had your perk-me-up?"
"i need my fix badly!!!"
and grumblings from her cos the kopi prices went up.. haha.
i've always tot it's $0.90 til she corrected me ydae.. it's $1.30 now!
never a concern of mine cos i drink 3in1.. haha!
Morning Sun - a cheapo brand from those minimart.
cheap cheap and ohsonice!

oh oh! i wanna talk about this tunic i saw ydae!!!
knitted, cowl-necked, 3/4 butterfly sleeves, tunic.
teamed it with a thick belt, tights and boots.. ULTRA CHIC!
i tried it on and i really looked great!!!
Jessica Alba wore something like this in her movie 'Awake'
but it was long sleeves (winter then)
and i've been on the lookout for something similar since.
religiously scouring VS website but nothing comes close.
and i found it!!!
the 3/4 butterfly sleeves is more appropriate for our weather too!
i would have bought it there and then but for the price... $140!!! *sigh*
i went home to think it over...
but i like it too much to pass it over... yes that HOW MUCH i like it!!
i'll grab Evelyn to go shopping after work!

okay time's up.
back to work.

1 wedding and a funeral

i may not know you but may you rest in peace...
"he had lived well and he had died well."

i love Pik Yee... she's such a sweet and wonderful woman.
a woman of God with such warmth and love.
i'm praying for God's strength and courage for her and her family to face what's ahead.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

my very own yummy maggi goreng....

....with love from my hubby :)

happy 7th sweetheart!
50 of them! *muaks* :)

mop the floor OR cook dinner? how about neither? *winks*

i picked up the broom and started sweeping the floor. Plopped down next to Zack (he's watching tv) after i was done. He must be in an appreciative mood and he offered to mop the floor! Whoa.. *grins* Okay! After awhile i asked him what he wanted for dinner. I bought some ingredients so could make dinner and something for him to bring to work later. Then i decided to try my luck: "you know.. i really miss your maggi goreng.. it's sooo good!" *grins* (hoping that he had forgotten about his offer to mop the floor) But he replied: "Haha.. ok so its either i mop the floor or i cook dinner. You choose." Jeez.. nothing get past my hubby.. especially when it comes to housechores!

So i chose to mop the floor. I really do miss his maggi goreng.

And guess what?!! While i was surfing youtube for this song we heard on tv (still early, dun need to mop floor yet).. i heard him in the toilet. He's mopping the floor!! AND COOKING DINNER! I told him i'd do it but he was like.. "its ok lah.." Awwww.. my laogong is so sweet!! *grins*

Ok ok.. i shant blog anymore. Let me go help him with dinner :)

Let me clue u guys in on a secret. We women are effort-oriented. Do a little for us, you will be immensely rewarded *winks*

Saturday, September 06, 2008

i wonder why am i awake when i'm still feeling sleepy...
my mind just jolt awake leaving my bod to follow suit.. but somehow it's not.
so i ordered mac and it'll be here in 15mins.

i had the most awesome time last night!
had dinner with Godma and Rachel.
just us gals.. the guys can stay home and clean the house :P
we dined at Crystal Jade Xiao Long Bao at Taka.
had my shrimp roll in beancurd skin ~ my favourite!
and spring onion la mian ~ my favourite!
i love their scallop porridge too!
jeez... i feel like going back there.. i'm not done yet!

we did our catching up and gossips..
thank God for godmas and sisters *beams*
and Godma love my skagen.. haha
she tot it cost $2k!!! (wait til she sees my Omega! dun dare to tell her...)
she loves its mother-of-pearl dial, big face and paper thin mesh straps.. (what can i say.. i got excellent taste *smirk* ;P)
she ordered us to buy one for her so we are gonna give it to her as a gift!

our hubbies came to pick us up *grins*
the brother-in-laws had a great time @ Pasir Ris Farmway
while their wives and MIL had a good bonding session :)

*break* my mac delivery is here! Gonna go wake my sleeping beauty.

just checking my email and read this article from Sean.
pretty good so i'm sharing it.


in a slightly different context, i suppose the reverse can be said for men about women.

it reminded me of this quote from the movie The Holiday. This Jude Law/Cameron Diaz/Kate Winslet/Jack Black flim. When we came to this part, i grabbed Zack and was like.. "Wow! That's so true!" We see it happening right before us!

Iris: Because you're hoping you're wrong. And every time she does something that tells you she's no good, you ignore it. And every time she comes through and suprises you, she wins you over, and you lose that argument with yourself, that she's not for you.

i would like to think we did what we could as friends. But i told Zack he might have tried harder but he said its pointless to say more than he did and its up to them to decide for themselves. It's their lives ultimately and all we can say is.. "Good luck." True. Still a pain to watch. Oh well.. *shrug*

alrighty... i'm going back to bed for a nap.
we are going for Vernon and Taze's wedding tonight! ;)

have a good weekend!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

i'm quite tired to blog...
so i shall leave you with a pic of my latest craving.

Maggi Goreng! (with mutton cubes)

my sweetheart picked me up from work these 2 days :)
(he's the sweetest! but my heart aches at the hefty ERP charges)
so tonight we went to Jalan Kayu for dinner.
Zack's craving for satay has been ebbed too.
he loves the satay at Jalan Kayu.
and my.. the teh tarik was good!
i finished mine in a jiffy and while Zack was engrossed telling me about his work.. i stealthily swapped our cups *giggles*
he didnt realised! (right under his nose somemore! hehehe) and wondered how did he finished his so quickly.. hahahahaha!

now i'm feeling bloated :(
too much milk tea......
serves me right for being greedy... :S

okie gtg now.
early to bed.
early to rise.
makes ju healthy and wise!

listening to: I Think God Can Explain