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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Zack and Ju in Paris - Part deux

Day 12: 30 October (Tuesday)
Nothing planned in the morning so we slept in a little.. hehe. That's honeymoon isnt it? To just relax and enjoy the moment, and not rush from place to place.

Hungry so went to a nearby cafe to grab a cappucino and warm nutella crepe! I actually wanted to keep my stomach free for our lunch appointment at LES OMBRES! But zack dangled nutella crepe.. i simply cant resist.

Now... how could we go to Paris and not tuck in at one of its famous michelin star restaurants?! So one of my homework was to search out one of such! and i found LES OMBRES! Not rated yet as it was a new restaurant but Ant said the head chef was trained under this big shot master chef so its definitely gonna be good! So i made a reservation back home and guess wat, they responded back in french *roll eyes* i dissected the words and with my ultra limited french, managed to make some sense out of it.

Lunch Reservation: 12noon

and we are late!
Again, making circles at Chatelet.. hahahaha...

Located above Musee Du Quai Branly, 7th Arrondissement, just next to the Eiffel Tower. Thats the selling point of this fine dining restaurant.. its view!


told them we are on our honeymoon and requested for the table with the best view.. :D

Started with apperitifs.. this splendid cucumber-like soup. Served with bread. Zack was all praises and grinning from ear to ear.

More foodie shots! Well, we paid so much so better take more pics.


Zack's: Marinated fish

Ju's: Fried cod fish with basil leaves

Main Course

Zack's: Baked quail with caramelised pears... (this is simply divine!)

Ju's: Smoked lamb with kidney beans

french cuisine is mainly.. large plate, small portion with a leaf here some drops of sauce there. The french call it art.. haha. Every ingredient used complements the other so well. That when you bite into it, you hear music! - alright, i'm exaggerating a little. But this is prime stuff.. seriously.


Tangerine Souffle.. gosh... it just melts in your mouth......

Portion seems small you'll think its not filling. But they feed us with all sorts of bread in between, little pastry.. even a small plate of cakes after our dessert. With our drinks, we were seriously stuffed!

Zack who turned out to be a foodie was sooo pleased with this restuarant. It was really seriously good! Food... prime stuff! He kept going on about how good the food was.. haha. "Wow.. this is really good!*grins*" at least 5 times! I earned another hug and big kiss *winks*

Total Damage: €98! (S$200+)
Imagine the cost for dinner... it will be 3 times over. No kidding.

So after the most orgasmic lunch.. we slowly made our way to Palace of Versailles.. and along the way... we passed the Eiffel Tower!

public toilets - free!


the gardens stretchs far beyond.....

a rainbow!

18th century gays!

Coronation of Josephine by Napoleon
He later divorced her cos she couldnt bear him a child. What an arsehole!!


It was a quick one at Palace of Versailles cos zack didnt enjoy it much. So we left after checking out the Hall of Mirrors. Long journey back to the city centre.... didnt get lost this time.. hahhahaa!


in the lift! up to 2nd level...

Seine River from Eiffel Tower (2nd level)

more queueing TO THE TOP!

it was literally freeze-your-ass cold! 2nd level was already pretty high up and it was incredibly windy. All that separate my legs from the wind were my leggings and it's not wool!


Seine River from the top of Eiffel Tower

hey, we are 10,745km from home

City of Love beneath our feet......

.....we made it ours with a kiss

how majestic.....

Our last dinner at Paris.. we went back to Leon's for more mussels! And shisha the night away....!

Day 13: 31 October (Wednesday)
Checking out of our lovely Paris hotel.... with great relunctance. I tried extending our stay but couldnt get any later flights back home :( 4 days in Paris is simply not enough....

meet Sputnik the cat! He roams the hotel like its his home.. why, it is! They have a retriever called Hugo who used to roam the place as well but due to old age, he is now living in the countryside.. I was so looking forward to meet him.

he has the softest fur.... but not the friendliest friend. Ohhhh..... character... i like! He stole my heart when he pawed my nose.. i got a soft spot.. haha. For a short crazy while, we were talking about adopting a cat.. then we came to our senses.. 2 dogs + 1 cat = FUR HOUSE! Not gonna be good when our little one comes along :)

au revoir.... *sobs*

Rue Le Prince - street along our hotel

there were tons of japanese restaurants around but we managed to hold down our asian food craving and stuffed ourselves silly with anything and everything french.

Tried doing some last minute shopping... at Galleries Lafayette! Honestly, it was only another shopping mall. A gorgeous one. You can find anything and everything there. Zack bought a Zara cologne.. nice. Short trip just to look see before we leave the 9th arrondissement.

our last stop before catching our plane......


there were chairs all lined up for people to laze on...... soak in the sun... gaze at ducks swimming in the fountain...

and guess what's in the middle of the fountain?
A Duckhouse!

Autumn is beautiful.......

Went back to our hotel for the cab we had arranged for our journey to the airport. Werent up to lugging our luggages through the metro. Our last leg and it was comfort we wanted. Fare from Paris City to Orly airport was at a reasonable €45. We tipped the cab driver €5. He was a very nice chap.. welcomed our questions on how the Parisians live.

Interesting facts:
Apparently the average salary Parisians take home is roughly €1,500. Which is about the same as Singapore's. The cars there are cheap but petrol crazy. Way more than Singapore's. Perhaps double more. But for only €100+ per mth, you can get a smart car! And you see tons of Peugeot taxis around.. it's dirt cheap there.

And i'm proud to announce... we didnt spend all our euros! We had €101 left *grins* Budgeted pretty well i must say.. haha. With many trips under our belt, we are pretty seasoned travellers in the sense that we don't buy useless sourvenirs along the way like we used to... ok ok, like i used to. We spent our precious euros on food, sight-seeing, more food, and a valuable item here and there. Fact is, i didnt buy many stuff (unlike zack) but i love every single piece i bought :)

Day 14: 1 November (Thursday)
Had a 2-hour transit in London Heathrow.. DFS shopping was way better than Orly's but didn't get anything. Imagine my utter shock when we passed Gucci and zack asked if i wanna get a Gucci bag. (He forgot about my Furla.. haha) Nah.. i passed on that. (Prudent wife talking here) We shared a nice drink at a cafe while keeping track on the time. Time difference again. I didnt mind missing our flight though.. haha.

After another 13-hr flight from London to Singapore, we touched down at 6.30pm. Cleared custom and DFS shopping, we came out of the arrival hall and there stood my lovely sister! Andrew and i came to pick us up. How sweet :)

And henceforth.... it was back to reality.

We packed a wealth of beautiful memories from our honeymoon. It was a total blast and we are incredibly grateful that we were able to go on such an awesome honeymoon. We had both been thoroughly blessed in every step of our relationship and shortly after, our marriage. With God's guidance, we will have an awesome marriage! AMEN! Life has been awfully great since our wedding in July. And it just keeps getting better.. it will continue to be with God's blessings *smile*

so what's next in the pipeline??

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