Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, December 30, 2007

my early sunday morning post...

It just dawn on me.. we are only 2 days away from end 2007.
I'm here at 3am.. reflecting on my past deeds and misdeeds..
and half wondering if i should go to bed.. now.
Kinda tired but dont really feel like bed.
My love is out saving lives.
I love my love!

Andrew and Rachel came over tonight to catch a soccer match.
my sister and i did some sister-bonding..
alright, more like gossiping.. haha.
Hey, wat are sisters for if not to gossip with!
Told zack earlier this evening we should have 2 daughters so they will have such fun together.
You should see the horror on his face (5 bitches).. hahaha!
Oh he definitely wants a gal.
In fact, he REALLY wants a gal :P
Sometime back he was poring through some old photos of me when i was a little kiddo. He excitedly msged me (i was at work) declaring that he wants a little gal just like me.. hahahaha.. But i want a little boy just like him! :P

*break* - my love called me!

He asked what i was doing. I said i'm trying to blog but nothing comes to mind. He suggested that i blog about how sweet and wonderful he is to me and how much i love him. I can write him a poem as well. hahahahaha! Whoa... i'm glad i just cleaned the toilet bowl cos i'm about to do some heavy puking. hahahahah....Muaks!

This is really a nonsensical post.

I am hungry.

He's buying mac bfast on his way home tomorrow!!! There is a packet of famous amos cookies just next to me but i've already brushed my teeth *pout*

And we are going to buy me a handphone tomorrow. Yeah finally. Problem is.. i just cant decide on the model i want.

Alrighty, i'm off to bed.
sweet sweet dreams~

for you i will.....

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