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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Zack and Ju in PISANO / FIRENZE

DAY 6: 24 October (Wednesday)
Believe it or not... we had Mac breakfast! Yeah, fly all the way to europe for macs.. haha. The breakfast provided by the hotel was too awful.

Had a quick breakfast then caught the train to PISANO!

It started to rain when we arrived at Pisa. A bummer cos we didnt bring our brolly and had to buy one from those vendors. €10 for 1!

As per ju's meticulous planning, these are the instructions on how to reach the Leaning Tower of Pisa: Buy a bus ticket to Torre from the news stand (2 for the return trip) and take LAM bus (red) to Torre. 10 stops in total.

We only bought 1 ticket and re-used them.. haha.


right to left: The Baptistry, The Duomo (Cathedral), Leaning Tower of Pisa

We wanted to go in for shelter. Little did we know we had to buy tickets! We bought tickets (€10) for all the sites save for the Leaning Tower. It cost a blardee €30 just to go up there! And you'd never know you might be the lucky one to push it past its limit and send it crumbling down. Ho ho ho.

That was where the ticket counters were. No pictures bcos i was busy battling with the rain. I think zack did filmed a little.

This museum houses the sinopie sketches that were discovered underneath the charred remains of the Camposanto's ruined frescoes (you will see actual restoration done on the walls later). Here is also where you will see partial restoration work done.


on the right: the long marble wall encompasses the Camposanto (the monumental cemetery).

THE DUOMO (Cathedral)

it's more impressive than that of Florence's..

No kissing in the cathedral!

we had some fun there... haha

Guess what's in that box?
Even if i'm some famous star, i dun appreciate my skull and bones being displayed out for ignorant tourists to gawk at! Yeah, we dun even know which poor fellow those belongs to.. which proves my point.


these are sarcophagus..

"Reused in the 14th......"
Why would anyone wanna use someone else's coffin?!!!

restoration works in progress....

Zack was captivated by these 2 walls of painting. JUDGEMENT DAY. There was a pic of a devil sodomizing a man! :S


Us at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

After a morning/afternoon of museum/catherdral intoxication, we went in search for lunch! Found a small trattoria to rest our feet and fill our stomach. Sandwiches and the most delectable cappucino.... and it was only €1! I had 2 cups :D

Arm in arm under the brolly, we checked out the pisa neighbourhood.

this smart car is yours... if the price is right!

the 1st cat we saw in italy!


ropes of the pope

gay house!

an ancient book..... how i wish i could touch it....

Back to Florence! it almost feels like going home......

We arrived back in Florence at 7pm. I remember it well cos i wanna rush to San Lorenzo market to buy my mohair neck scarf.. and the market closes at 7pm! Unfortunately, it was closed.... all the stalls... :(

I was hoping that we could do a trip to Lucca or Sienna but that was too ambitious of me. What was supposed to be a short day trip turned out to be a whole day event. We had fun! And instead of just going there for a phototaking session with the Leaning Tower, we had a more in-depth scope of Pisa as a city.

Our last dinner in Florence before moving on to Venice: We went back to Trattoria Le Mossacce!

see that waiter in the ponytail? His name is Ivano.. friendly and by zack, charming. That restaurant was simply awesome. An american couple was sitted beside us.. and they were pretty 'entertaining'.. ahahaha..

't was some night...
moonlight overhead, huddled in our warm coats and scarves, arm-in-arm under the brolly.. we strolled along the medieval streets..*sigh*

Florence is beautiful... rain or shine....

but being there with the person i love most.. is what really matters *smile*

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