Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, November 02, 2007

"i don't wanna go home...... *pout*

...... can we go on to London for 2 more days pleeeeasse darling??"

I begged.. i pleaded.. I pouted.. i promised exotic sexual favours... to no avail.

Just kidding.

We are back! Mixed feelings...... mixed.
While we wanna stay in lovey dovey-mooney eyes land longer.. we are also happy to be back home. It feels so goooood when we made our first step into our home. Truly.. there's no place like home. No bed like ours....

Touched down at 7pm and my sweet sister was waiting for us at the departure gate *grin*. Both she and Andrew came to fetch us without telling us.. a lovely surprise! I bought the most stuff for her so she'd better treat me good... hahahaha. Nevertheless i'm touched.... :)

After 14 hours of flight and 2 hour transit, i'm ready to conked out. But we unpacked our luggage, tidied the house a bit, went for our long overdue fix of chinese food then off to pick the 2 gals. Oh i miss them! Even naughty little chile... *squeeze them both tight*

So tomorrow we'll be getting a replacement sim card and a new hp.. *sigh*bummed* My sis and zack had both offered to buy me the hp. Arent they sweet? *touched* But i'm not allowing them to do so. It's my negligence, i should pay for it. I'm hoping the insurance can at least cover the cost of the hp.

I'm beat so i'll leave the trip report for later. We got 1200 plus pics to upload and 5-6 tapes of footage! It'll take awhile. Meanwhile, i'll just go take a shower then full blast the aircon in our bedroom... get under the quilt and savour our spoils (in brown boxes!) *grins*

our honeymoon..... was simply awesome!

gelato in Firenze

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