Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, November 08, 2007

work 3 days.. off 1 day.

Just came back from grocery shopping. Cooking dinner tonight.. Seafood pasta! Shrimp, crab meat (real crab meat) and mushrooms as the main. Zack requested for cream based.. and that he shall get! I aim to please.. *wink*

The sky is really dark now so it'll rain any minute. Can't do any laundry now. Guess i'll do it tonight when zack comes back from work so i can wash his uniform too. He washed whites the last round so its darks now.

Today is Deepavali and no work for me! I slept in til 4pm.. could have slept longer but had to get up to do some chores and grocery shopping. Oh yes.. it is really back to reality. *Sigh*. House cleaning, pee/poo cleaning, laundry, work.. work and work. Had a bad morning at work yesterday. I guess my boss is the only reason why i'm still staying put. And of crse the paycheck.

Despite my grumblings, i am grateful for all i have. At least i have a job to come back too. A nice home to clean, 2 sweet darling dogs to clean after (my clothes are all intact so chile is receiving lesser scoldings and smackings), clothes to wear. I reckon you appreciate vacations much more when you work hard for it. And trips are more enjoyable when you don't have to count pennies at every turn and you can go to restaurants with table setting of 4 wine glasses at your whim and fancies. We already got a few trips in the pipeline for next year ! Wanderlust.. Wanderlust!

:: Fu suggested Bali after CNY
:: A roadtrip downunder with Chris! - Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney?
:: Turkey year end with Mark and Fu? Needless to say why the guys wanna go there.. haha. But we can consider Egypt instead. We reckon the real stuff are all there. (i'm gonna drag the boys go see pyramids and dig up ancient mummies.. haha)
:: Maybe a roadtrip further up north?

Of crse not going for all lah... you think we print money ah. Maybe a long one and 2 short ones. But i like having something to plan.. haha. I've started to read up... and.. we gotta save up!

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