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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

yet another late night..

and i'm sporting a pair of rather enlarged tonsils.. Nevertheless, it had been a 4 filled days of activities. Well, i was basically living the life of a nocturnal: sleep til 3 - 4pm, wake, go out, come home (past midnight), sleep, wake, go out.. and it continues. House is resembling a pigsty.. cos all we ever did was come home, dump our stuff and crash. Presents, bags.. lying everywhere. Too tired to do any housekeeping. Did the laundry and the weather aint cooperating. Sheesh.

spent the last night of the Christmas season bumming at Mark's. A night of shisha - last night's ones were good.. Furami rawks! (which explains my lovely humongous tonsils). The graceful billowy smoke i managed to puff did my hubby proud.. haha. I was craddled in a false sense of security cos Furami is supposed to be washed tobacco - meaning the nicotine had been washed off. Nakla is unwashed.. arghhhh.. i'm gonna die young! So i happily puffed the night away (its christmas lah, gimme a break). Laughed over our stoopid antics on Sat night (it's still the current topic, u can view more pics on Des's blog) and ended off the night with our very own Singapore true ghost stories! So imagine, 3 gals 3 guys huddling in Mark's basement, dim lights, shisha smoke billowing, rain pitter pattering outside.. telling ghost stories. The guys had plenty to tell, from their army days + zack and fu encountered quite a no. during their medic days.. u noe, hospitals and stations..*goosebumps* while des, shu han and i were like listening intently with trembling hearts. haha. i so badly needed to piss but i didnt dare go to the toilet!

so ya lah.. yak until 1.30am then go home.. when 4 of us had to wake up early to go to work. But it was fun! another session coming up this friday.. oh yeah! and there are plans in the pipeline for New Years' Eve - Clubbing.. *groans* my stomach still turn whenever i think of alcohol. Thank goodness Christmas and New Year only comes once a year!

so we caught The Holiday last friday. A nice romantic comedy.. perfect for this festive season. In fact, i liked it better than Love Actually. I've been trying to find a quote Iris (Kate Winslet) made but to no avail. I'd post it once i managed to find it. Meaningful and oh so true.

Christmas Eve? its church we went :) We then had a hearty meal at Taokee, at our favourite little corner.

and i'm gonna cook my lao gong a nice meal. I was supposed to last night but didnt feel up to it when we got home. So he was pretty bummed, didnt realised how much he was looking forward to it.. hmmm..... He surprises me sometimes.

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