Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, December 24, 2006

i'm NEVER gonna drink again
i HATE puking
3 times is one time too many!

but was fun though.. hahaha (before the stomach starts heaving)
was DES'S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy bday gal! *BIG HUGS*
so we were off to CLINIC
the concept of the club was interesting
outside seats fashioned like the inside of a clinic
with cloth dividers and all
inside.. sexy nurses walking ard with whistles
and buckets of shots (in syringes).. kinky!


ooooo.. suck it in baby

GO Mark GO


u've been a noti boy?

sex on the beach
looking at that makes me wanna puke all over

yeah and that's probably Zack and Des's downfall

Rayner and i!

yeah i know.. i look wasted.. cos i am
jeez.. did i mention i'm NEVER gonna drink again

another wasted shot

their last 'sane' look..

Graveyard tastes horrid!!!
Zack, Fu and Des were like totally wasted
it was so hilarious.. ahahahaa
Fu and Des went down without warning..
they looked totally fine one min and the next..
puking.. hahaha
Des then continued with round 2 at Fashion Bar
with her DJ colleagues

Zack? ahahahhahaa... was a happy drunk
it was SOOOOO entertaining
"look after the drinks (a jug of vodka lime and mug of Graveyard).. put your hands on it"
he's soooo cute!
drunk as he was.. but when we got home
he still managed to put his wallet and hps on the counter
his shoes in the cabinet
his jeans hung behind the door
then fell face flat on the bed
wow... *impressed*

ok, maybe there'll be more pics when des uploaded hers
my hp batt went dead.. so only took those few shots

off to church later!
i'm a walking contradiction..

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