Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, December 07, 2006

what's with the 7th?

gosh.. is it 5.35pm already??! time just sped by..
my piles of papers had finally lessen.. To-Do List sporting plenty of ticks.. i'm exhausted.. but it's ok, cos i'm on leave tomorrow! yayyyyy....! i'm so done for today.. its been a long ardous week.. had to grit my teeth and go on.. i'm just gonna wash my cup and water my darling plant.. then i'm off.

this morning i was looking at the calender and the date seems to trigger something but for the life of me, i cant point out what. So i pushed it aside and got on attacking my work.. then it dawned on me.. its the 7th! let's see.. 2 yrs 5 mths! not that we celebrate.. just something to 'think about and smile' and for me to give zack a hard time for forgetting.. (he hardly ever remembers now!) hahahaa..

our blinds / draperies will be up on sunday!

time: 6.30pm
i sure know how to dilly dally... CIAO~

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