Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, December 31, 2006

its nice and breezy and the sun is out
perfect for laundry but i dun have enuf whites
and i did my darks yesterday.. wat a waste

so its New Years' eve..
doesnt feel like it somehow
zack is at work and my poor guy has to work tomorrow as well!
it's his off day but one of his colleagues 'conveniantly' took mc.. for the entire New Year season.. sheesh. So those on standby on their off days have to come back to work. And he'll be working 3 day shifts in a row (1 day shift is 13 hours!), he will be totally burnt out, plus having to work on New Year Day. Major bummer. He was so looking forward to this New Year cos he's off - he was working night shift the year before. Dont u just hate those irresponsible, selfish colleagues! What goes around will definitely come around, trust me.

havent seen zack so bummed in a long while
he doesnt feel like going out tonight
cant really go anywhere since he gotta wake early for work
so we'd just stay home to chill
i'm gonna cook him a nice nice dinner
then we'd watch DVD, play Xbox, smoke shisha
hope that'll cheer him up some..

the gals came to play!

so we had POTLUCK at yours truly's humble home yesterday

let's tuck in!

after the excellent feast.. we all adjourned to the rooms for some yakking. As we were browsing some newsapapers, mags.. jo told me my Wedding Gown is featured in the latest Her World Bridal Mag!!!!! (hint: i adore u) i must say D'sire (my bridal boutique) is emerging with a flourishing splash in the world of glamourous ballgowns, exotic lace and pretty organzas.. check out its website: D'SIRE - its finally up. My wedding gown looks totally gorgeous in the mag, just hope i'd do it justice.

ok, back to the party. SY needed to get some stuff so Jane, SY and i went to Punggol Plaza. While the rest of them got ready for Fondue. Sy was sooo sweet.. she bought me a bottle of 'liang cha' cos i was having cold + cough + nosebleeds - heaty. i was so touched.. seriously. *hugs* and Jane went off for an impromptu pedicure! that gal ah... so we started without her.. hah


Awfully Chocolate...

Awfully Sinful...

thanks gals for coming and your lovely company! after days of coughing and sneezing and feeling miserable, this is just what i need! and they are probably the best guests to have over at your place cos they leave your home the way it was before they arrived - maybe even cleaner! i didnt have to wash anything or pack anything.. haha.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

back from some chilling out with Ant
Liquid Kitchen is nice and cosy
will be on my list of chillout joints

had a Cafe Royale - Brandy Coffee

1 part brandy, 2 parts coffee, 1 part whipped cream
taking in sips is more palatable than gulping it down

jeez.. its been so long since we last hanged out
and when ant put on Blue
it felt just like old times!
and i realised how much i missed it

"will you kill me if i wreck your audi?"

and had my 1st driving lesson (actually 2nd)
its so similar to playing Carbon on XBOX!
zack and i played Xbox til like 1.30am last night
and the minute i won a race (after like 137 races), i call it quits
i like leaving on a winning note.. haha

we then went cam whoring..

haha.. thats silly
thats all for now
plenty more pics to post
but i'm totally stone now
took flu and cough meds
and its coming in full force now *floating*
havent been in tip top condition for the past few days
hope i'd get well for the New Year

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

yet another late night..

and i'm sporting a pair of rather enlarged tonsils.. Nevertheless, it had been a 4 filled days of activities. Well, i was basically living the life of a nocturnal: sleep til 3 - 4pm, wake, go out, come home (past midnight), sleep, wake, go out.. and it continues. House is resembling a pigsty.. cos all we ever did was come home, dump our stuff and crash. Presents, bags.. lying everywhere. Too tired to do any housekeeping. Did the laundry and the weather aint cooperating. Sheesh.

spent the last night of the Christmas season bumming at Mark's. A night of shisha - last night's ones were good.. Furami rawks! (which explains my lovely humongous tonsils). The graceful billowy smoke i managed to puff did my hubby proud.. haha. I was craddled in a false sense of security cos Furami is supposed to be washed tobacco - meaning the nicotine had been washed off. Nakla is unwashed.. arghhhh.. i'm gonna die young! So i happily puffed the night away (its christmas lah, gimme a break). Laughed over our stoopid antics on Sat night (it's still the current topic, u can view more pics on Des's blog) and ended off the night with our very own Singapore true ghost stories! So imagine, 3 gals 3 guys huddling in Mark's basement, dim lights, shisha smoke billowing, rain pitter pattering outside.. telling ghost stories. The guys had plenty to tell, from their army days + zack and fu encountered quite a no. during their medic days.. u noe, hospitals and stations..*goosebumps* while des, shu han and i were like listening intently with trembling hearts. haha. i so badly needed to piss but i didnt dare go to the toilet!

so ya lah.. yak until 1.30am then go home.. when 4 of us had to wake up early to go to work. But it was fun! another session coming up this friday.. oh yeah! and there are plans in the pipeline for New Years' Eve - Clubbing.. *groans* my stomach still turn whenever i think of alcohol. Thank goodness Christmas and New Year only comes once a year!

so we caught The Holiday last friday. A nice romantic comedy.. perfect for this festive season. In fact, i liked it better than Love Actually. I've been trying to find a quote Iris (Kate Winslet) made but to no avail. I'd post it once i managed to find it. Meaningful and oh so true.

Christmas Eve? its church we went :) We then had a hearty meal at Taokee, at our favourite little corner.

and i'm gonna cook my lao gong a nice meal. I was supposed to last night but didnt feel up to it when we got home. So he was pretty bummed, didnt realised how much he was looking forward to it.. hmmm..... He surprises me sometimes.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

i'm NEVER gonna drink again
i HATE puking
3 times is one time too many!

but was fun though.. hahaha (before the stomach starts heaving)
was DES'S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy bday gal! *BIG HUGS*
so we were off to CLINIC
the concept of the club was interesting
outside seats fashioned like the inside of a clinic
with cloth dividers and all
inside.. sexy nurses walking ard with whistles
and buckets of shots (in syringes).. kinky!


ooooo.. suck it in baby

GO Mark GO


u've been a noti boy?

sex on the beach
looking at that makes me wanna puke all over

yeah and that's probably Zack and Des's downfall

Rayner and i!

yeah i know.. i look wasted.. cos i am
jeez.. did i mention i'm NEVER gonna drink again

another wasted shot

their last 'sane' look..

Graveyard tastes horrid!!!
Zack, Fu and Des were like totally wasted
it was so hilarious.. ahahahaa
Fu and Des went down without warning..
they looked totally fine one min and the next..
puking.. hahaha
Des then continued with round 2 at Fashion Bar
with her DJ colleagues

Zack? ahahahhahaa... was a happy drunk
it was SOOOOO entertaining
"look after the drinks (a jug of vodka lime and mug of Graveyard).. put your hands on it"
he's soooo cute!
drunk as he was.. but when we got home
he still managed to put his wallet and hps on the counter
his shoes in the cabinet
his jeans hung behind the door
then fell face flat on the bed
wow... *impressed*

ok, maybe there'll be more pics when des uploaded hers
my hp batt went dead.. so only took those few shots

off to church later!
i'm a walking contradiction..

Thursday, December 21, 2006

just done wrapping zack's present
cant wait to give it to him!!! - now i knows how he feels.. haha
he wants to exchange gifts tonight
i still wanna wait out til Christmas Eve
all that suspense
but i'm so so tempted......

i think i'm too hungry
i feel nauseous..

oh, my laogong's back with ramli burgers!!!

i'm.. i'mm... bursting..

....with excitement!!!

got my Christmas present hidden somewhere at home
zack said i'd be sooooo overjoy that i'll start spinning.. til i drop flat.. then get up and start spinning again.. ahahahaa! oh my gosh...wat can it be??? and he's dying to give it to me...

i was like.. "NO! dun give me now!"

i'd wait out til Christmas *huge grin*

so now.. from afar, he'd take out the receipt and wave it to me.. (ahhhh.. so horrid!) kiss it and slot it back into the envelope. Gosh, and the receipt comes in an envelope!! imagine that!

Monday, December 18, 2006

readying our nest..

see how huge Ikea Tampines is!
zack is 6feet tall
go figure

my favourite corner..

Tada! the long awaited Chillout room..

there's still the common toilet to work on
i couldnt get it ready in time for our housewarming


gosh, it's been raining the whole of today
perfect for snuggles
pity my love is out saving lives
its been a lovely 2 days for us
slept til past noon..
wake up, went to Joo Chiat for our fav crabs
then some shopping at TM
caught a movie - Eragon (I WANT A DRAGON!!!)
it's been ages since we last saw a movie
our time together is simply precious
more so now that we've been so busy
i'm so looking forward to my next 4 days off

and zack's getting my christmas present tomorrow!
he said i'd luuuurve it
hmmm.. but i cant think of anything i'd want *wonders*
but i'd love anything from my hubby!
wat can it be?? *jumps with excitement*

dunno why..
but i'm missing him tonight..

After a week of slogging.. our 2 parties are finally over
all the stress, late nights paid off and we can finally say...
our home is complete! (save for dining chairs)
it definitely aint easy preparing and hosting a party, much lest 2!
the preparation drove me crazy
and being the hostess puts multi-tasking to a whole new level
with so many groups of friends
we have to make sure nobody is feeling left out or bored
that everybody had enough to eat
the house is looking good
and the list goes on...

but i must say i had a great time!
and for first timers..
the parties went pretty well
everyone turned up! *big grin*

my guys (and family - i have to say this).. Ben and Ant
love them so velli muchie!
ant hanged out for abit then he went off to find his one true love *roll eyes*
some friend.. hai..

from left: Ricky, Chua, Himmah and Farina

from left: Mark, Zack, Fugene

my gals.. holed up in the room with mahjong!
thanks for the gifts gals and YY for your wine and lao por bing :)

Val and Ben
arent they sweet?!!
no sorry, only Val is sweet.. hah :P

in the room of decadence

with alcohol and shisha

Fandi and Ben playing Winning 11..

Zack's 2nd Bday cake

26 yrs old.. big boy oredi hor

and here are the host and hostess *waves*

we wanna say a BIG thank you to all who graced our party.. we appreciate your taking the time and effort to make your way down to our humble home at ulu punggol. We know its not the most conveniant location (what an understatement). Thanks for your gifts and thoughtfulness. Your presence meant a great deal to us and hope you had a great time!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

look what happens when you party too much

back soon with the shots from last night's party
it was a blast!
and the last guests left at 4am :D

ok, gotta run now
going to Joo Chiat for crabs!
zack's request for his bday dinner
hahaa.. he never change

i love you to bits.. u know?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

15 December
was our Housewarming / Christmas / Zack's 26th Bday Party - for our families!

its blur.. the cam setting is is on macro.. goondu me
cant see Godma too..

Dad doing the honour of carving the turkey

check out the food.. i hear the table groaning under its weight..

and managed to sneak a surprise on Zack.. hehe
got Andrew (who came late and missed the tour of the house) to lure zack away by asking him to show him the Chillout room.. while the rest of us rushed to get zack's birthday cake ready..


after makan...

XBox time
kinda like this shot.. heartwarming.
thats Pappe enjoying the attention of Dad.. hahaaha

Irene cant wait to get a dachshund... u can have mine! ahahahhaa..

only one missing from the party is Mom (Zack's mum, i call her mom now.. still feel awkward sometimes :) ) she had to attend a kindergarten concert rehearsal but we packed plenty of food back for her and Devi - their domestic helper who was lovely enough to cook curry for us.

so we are having one party specially for our close friends tonight! a pretty large group this time so we decided to cater instead. Food will be good.. Christmas fare! Just hope there wouldnt be any last minute pullouts cos the cost per head aint cheap! *prays for a good turnout*


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

brain overload

jeez.. wats the time?
12.55am... and i'm just done for the day *plop*
i cant begin to say what a day it had been
rushing the entire day getting my payroll done..
after work is another bout of madness
running all over the place getting stuff for the home
ordering turkey and roast beef for our party on friday
back home: pack pack pack..
but still.. the room is not as tidy as i would like it to be
well, at least got the worst part over and done with
and thats clearing the blue room to make way for the chillout room
i left the fun bit for tomorrow.. heh

wait.. wat did i have for today?
- 5 biscuits
- 1 stick of yakitori chicken and 1 stick of chicken balls
- a bun
and i ate them on the move..
i'm basically just filling my stomach to stop it from rumbling
thats no good...*frowns*

i'm actually very excited about our housewarming parties
though i'm not exhibiting it now.. exhausted..
seems like there are only 2 things on my mind at present
2 Ps: Payroll and Parties
even zack has taken a backseat.. hah
speaking of him.. where is that boy?!?!
its 1am and he's still not home
had been out galivanting at JB with his colleagues.. haiyo!
i tagged along with them last week
3 guys + 1 gal = shopping for games / dvds + makan + shisha
i didnt buy a single thing!
but the day still went by in a flash
and we didnt get back til past midnight

for someone who is exhausted.. i sure can 'yak'
i'm actually de-stressing..
i need to slowly deactivate my braincells
cos its still running in overdrive
oh well, let's look at some pics while we wait for my brain to start snoozing

these are called BLACKCORD DRAPERIES..
not string curtains!!
how can something so classy.. unique.. elegant.. pretty
be called something as ordinary as string curtains?!
it deserves a name more befitting.. yes it does *nods*

now u see it....

now you dont

nice? we totally love it!
we both agreed we made the right choice in choosing this over normal curtains
tot it'll be nicer if we paint our window frame black
thats our project.. in the not so near future.. hah

and i got a project to work on tomorrow..
