Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 01, 2004

upcoming weekend...

another week just flew by & the weekend approaches.. wat shall i do this weekend?

- go church
- pack my room
- wash toilet
- bathe pappe / send her for her jab & teeth scaling
- watch a flick?
- go town?
- watch dvds?
- buy my nike shoes?
- buy a squash racket? (need to go queensway for that, so far..*groans*)
- write email to ben (which is months overdue!)

Busy morning today (though i had a really gooood start ;P), received a number of news..

Ant: just got back from KL & his bdae bbq will be postponed.. His gran bought him tix to perth (lucky him!) & he's flying off 2mrw morning, back on the 13th, almost half a month break! *envious* better this way, i got more time to think about his bdae pressie..

Aaron: His dog passed away last sun... *pat pat* i can relate to your pain, i truly can.. i think i will cry for months when pappe passed on... i did when nicky passed away.. sigh... but i guess we all gotta grit our teeth & move on.. however painful it might be... Life sucks sometimes, but we'll show it to them ya! Nothing is going to get us down, not failures, sorrow, pain.. coz He is always in control.. Take care my dear friend..

when it get darker, thats when His light shines brighter..

Went bowling yesterday.. ok, i sucks at bowling! lol! hey, one cant be good @ everything right.. *opps* :P nope, i gotta work on my bowling! never say die! *wink*

I WANNA PLAY SQUASH!!! Anyone interested, tag me!
wonder where i got all these pent up energy from..

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