Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, October 23, 2004

7.30am on a sat morning & i am at work... watta life! oh well, a gal gotta do wat a gal gotta do ya! zack starts work at 8am so we came to work together :) Really really tired.. only had like 2-3 hours of sleep last night.. coz... I'VE FINALLY MOVED!! *big smile* spent the entire night moving the last bit of stuff up... dismantle & assemble my bedframe.. then hurling that big, heavy mattress of mine.. everything's up save for my pc & stereo.. moving those up tonight.. Big thanks & a mega hug for my boy!

Going to ikea later in the afternoon to check out some stuff for my new room :) whole world of possibilities.. inspiration.. going to be a busy day... facial at 11.30am later.. going to queensway with ant, then to his kitchen culture shop (to look at knives! *rolls eyes*), then to ikea... cant wait to go back home to tidy up my room, our little nest.. :)

ok, gotta get my ass back to work.. i wanna sleep... *yawns*

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