Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, October 14, 2004

12 more hours and i'll be on my way to Genting! :) but right now, i'm working my ass off in the office.. sigh.. 12 more hours & i gotta million things to do...

- have not pack my bag *gasps*
- move my stuff up to my new room (this is going to take realy long)
- bring pappe to simon's
- wake up at 5 tomorrow morning

its 7pm and i'm still at work..

been a crazy day at work, been working non-stop since i stepped in at 8.30 this morning.. couldnt fully enjoy the anticipation of my trip coz was totally bogged down with work, all that stress.. been really tired of late.. didnt fully comprehend the extent of my exhaustion until i find myself nodding off infront of my pc at 9pm & in the middle of msn conversations (for 2 nights in a row!) was like wide awake one minute & totally knocked out the next.. geez, wat am i doing..

Life's becoming a struggle.. time to start re-evaluating my priorities..

*headache brewing*

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