Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Fri the 29 Oct 2004 - Mother of bad nights...

Went to Juice 6th Anniversary Bash at Zouk with Zack. Zack got 2 free invites so made our way there. Didnt stay in zouk long before we moved to Phuture... which was better as they were playing R&B.. awright baby! ;) But that place was packed & we were all packed like sardines! Theres hardly any room to move, much less dance! *shakes head* big bummer.. Zouk was playing house & it was definitely more entertaining watching ppl dance than shaking our boggies on the dancefloor :P

Downed one jug of vodka & a hot & sticky.. & it killed me! Broke the record, never been sooo 'high' in my life (not drunk k :P)! The hot & sticky did me in.. it was a deceptively innocent looking drink. An orangy red drink with a taste of fruit punch... taste a little like an orange drink.. think theres a slice of lemon.. jeez, cant remember cos was already high from the vodka... gosh, but 1 glass is enough to kill me... never puked from excessive drinking before but this night, i puked! *groans* which makes it twice in 2 days! Have not puked in years & i gotta puked twice 2 days in a row..

then again, serves me right for drinking so much.. with my weak stomach and all... have no business at all downing vodka and wat not... bad bad ju!

But no, the worst is yet to be... I LOST MY HP!!! *sobs* things just have a knack for getting worse... shakes head.. even now, the fact that i lost my hp is still sinking in.. i've not gotten the full impact of it.. all i noe is... dollars flying away *sobs*

Stomach is still bad... gosh, never had such bad food posioning... pain never seem to go away & its bloated :(

really a bad week for me...
1. Monitor broke down
2. Food poisoning
3. Lost my hp

in short: my monitor, me & my wallet broke down...


what's next?

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