Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, October 25, 2004

monday again.. & a cool rainy monday at that! perfect weather to be snuggling in bed... (which is wat someone is doing... *envious*) *yawns*... woke up in my old bed, in my new room, in my new house :) Woke up earlier to make sure pappe has her breakfast & everything is well taken care of before i leave for work.. i even had time for my granola breakfast! which is a first for me. Living on my own, comes new responsibilities.. :)

Been a busy weekend. Sat was packed.. Spent a bomb that day on:-

- Nike shoes / socks
- Gym Bag
- Pants from Forever21
- Ikea (Jars, bowls etc & Ant's pressie)
- Facial

was close to 8.30pm by the time i got back & totally washed out... moved some stuff up (gosh, my stuff seems to be endless..)

Sun was heavy labour day *groans* moved my pc & stereo up.. those are frigging heavy!! spent the entire day shifting my stuff ard so i can accomodate everything in my puny little room.. voila! managed to pack all in! Gosh, i got everything in my room & i mean everything!

1. queensize bed
2. bedside table
3. TV
4. fan (my zack is really happy with this new addition :P)
5. pc
6. stereo
7. small cabinet
8. wardrobe
9. wall cabinet

pics up soon!

Those of you who have seen my room would know this is no mean feat.. damn am i good! *wink*
Though i'm a little skeptical about the tv.. never like having a tv in my room.. TVs belong in living rooms, bedrooms are for sleeping, making love (*gasp*where did that come from! lol), relaxing.. prob its coz i hardly ever watch tv.. Realised that nowadays, most families has a tv in every (bed)room and everyone holes up in their room when they reached home (no more of enjoying tv programmes together) coz theres everything in their bedroom. And the definition of a bedroom is blurred into that of a living room.. *ponders* maybe i wud grow into it.. ask me again in a few mths ;P

Then it was more mopping & cleaning.. enjoys seeing my nest nice & clean :) Grab some stuff at hougang mall & went to zack's.. He's selling his decks :( watched him spin for the last time... didnt know spinning was so interesting, learned how are the scenes like behind clubbing music.. interesting! pity i couldnt get to see my boy spin at a gig.. sad that he has to give up his hobby.. but if this is wat u have decided, i will support u dear *hugz*

ahhh... body is aching, think i strained my back (getting old) dunno why i've been so tired lately.. lack of sleep? zack seems to have more energy than i do though he has been working for 13 hours the past 2 days.. didnt realy get to spend much quality time with my boy :(


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