Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, October 31, 2004

at zack's now... he's packing his bag for his course... he'll be going on course for 5 weeks & wudnt be able to book out for the next 10 days... in other words... cant meet him for the next 10 days... boohooo... :`(

going to miss u soooo much dear..... please take care.. *hugz*

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Fri the 29 Oct 2004 - Mother of bad nights...

Went to Juice 6th Anniversary Bash at Zouk with Zack. Zack got 2 free invites so made our way there. Didnt stay in zouk long before we moved to Phuture... which was better as they were playing R&B.. awright baby! ;) But that place was packed & we were all packed like sardines! Theres hardly any room to move, much less dance! *shakes head* big bummer.. Zouk was playing house & it was definitely more entertaining watching ppl dance than shaking our boggies on the dancefloor :P

Downed one jug of vodka & a hot & sticky.. & it killed me! Broke the record, never been sooo 'high' in my life (not drunk k :P)! The hot & sticky did me in.. it was a deceptively innocent looking drink. An orangy red drink with a taste of fruit punch... taste a little like an orange drink.. think theres a slice of lemon.. jeez, cant remember cos was already high from the vodka... gosh, but 1 glass is enough to kill me... never puked from excessive drinking before but this night, i puked! *groans* which makes it twice in 2 days! Have not puked in years & i gotta puked twice 2 days in a row..

then again, serves me right for drinking so much.. with my weak stomach and all... have no business at all downing vodka and wat not... bad bad ju!

But no, the worst is yet to be... I LOST MY HP!!! *sobs* things just have a knack for getting worse... shakes head.. even now, the fact that i lost my hp is still sinking in.. i've not gotten the full impact of it.. all i noe is... dollars flying away *sobs*

Stomach is still bad... gosh, never had such bad food posioning... pain never seem to go away & its bloated :(

really a bad week for me...
1. Monitor broke down
2. Food poisoning
3. Lost my hp

in short: my monitor, me & my wallet broke down...


what's next?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

one small little oyster...

..... caused to me have:

- Diarrhoea
- Vomitting
- Fever
- Bodyaches
- Stomachaches
- and A JAB ON MY BUTT!!!

going home now... feeling terrible... :(


Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan
Do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do
'Cuz it hurts when you disapprove all the time

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change me

'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero
All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
'Cuz you don't understand

Simple Plan - Perfect

this song has been playing in my head for awhile.. sad, and i suppose many people are able to relate to the gist of it..

bad stomach..

*tired & lousy* please stay away...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Banana Walnut Cake!

having my breakfast now.. Banana Walnut Cake! awesome, coz baked by zack! *beams* the first guy who ever baked a cake just for me... :`)

pics up soon! (when my comp is up & running...)

rushed home after work yesterday coz zack was home baking & cooking dinner.. for once, was so looking forward to going home :) Dinner comprises prawns with mussels & cuttlefish balls in chilli gravy & curry maggi noodles! Yummy... Then we had the freshly-baked-from-the-oven banana walnut cake! oh so nice~ The first meal my boy cooked for me... thanks sweetheart *hugz* :)

Went for a run after the hearty meal.. the opening ceremony of my new nike shoes :P & the first time we exercised together! never did like jogging much but somehow, its different jogging with my dearie :) & it beats running on threadmill hands down! brought pappe down & she had loadsa fun.. been awhile since i brought her out for a run *guilty*.. was dead beat but the run did me good... let's make it our weekly affair k dear? totally conked out the minute my head touched my pillow...

zack's on night shift these 2 nights.. realised this will be the first time i'm home alone at night.. solitude solitude... godma wudnt be home this week so we got the whole place to ourselves! hmm... then again, we always do! wat am i talking about! hahaha! Fun playing house... doing laundry tonight.. feels like a run tonight..

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


i've got the most devastating news... MY MONITOR DIED ON ME! *sobs* NOO!!! this cant be happening to me.... it must be the move up.. my trusty pc had moved with me from Ang Mo Kio to Hougang, then to Punggol... now another move up 4 storeys... & it didnt survive this time.. this last time...

Had a foreboding on sun when my monitor had some discoloration at the top left corner.. knew not all is ok.. but didnt expect it to die on me so quickly... prob might lie on the graphic card.. watever it is, i know i need to make a trip to Sim Lim *dollars flying away* never have to worry about my pc til now.. SOMEBODY HELP ME!

emotional lately.. tired.. stressed.. need sleep.. surviving on 3 hours of sleep.. little things seem to get to me easily...

Monday, October 25, 2004

I'm having a surprise gift!!

hmm... wat can it be? *ponders*

watever it is, i love it lots! Muah! :)
monday again.. & a cool rainy monday at that! perfect weather to be snuggling in bed... (which is wat someone is doing... *envious*) *yawns*... woke up in my old bed, in my new room, in my new house :) Woke up earlier to make sure pappe has her breakfast & everything is well taken care of before i leave for work.. i even had time for my granola breakfast! which is a first for me. Living on my own, comes new responsibilities.. :)

Been a busy weekend. Sat was packed.. Spent a bomb that day on:-

- Nike shoes / socks
- Gym Bag
- Pants from Forever21
- Ikea (Jars, bowls etc & Ant's pressie)
- Facial

was close to 8.30pm by the time i got back & totally washed out... moved some stuff up (gosh, my stuff seems to be endless..)

Sun was heavy labour day *groans* moved my pc & stereo up.. those are frigging heavy!! spent the entire day shifting my stuff ard so i can accomodate everything in my puny little room.. voila! managed to pack all in! Gosh, i got everything in my room & i mean everything!

1. queensize bed
2. bedside table
3. TV
4. fan (my zack is really happy with this new addition :P)
5. pc
6. stereo
7. small cabinet
8. wardrobe
9. wall cabinet

pics up soon!

Those of you who have seen my room would know this is no mean feat.. damn am i good! *wink*
Though i'm a little skeptical about the tv.. never like having a tv in my room.. TVs belong in living rooms, bedrooms are for sleeping, making love (*gasp*where did that come from! lol), relaxing.. prob its coz i hardly ever watch tv.. Realised that nowadays, most families has a tv in every (bed)room and everyone holes up in their room when they reached home (no more of enjoying tv programmes together) coz theres everything in their bedroom. And the definition of a bedroom is blurred into that of a living room.. *ponders* maybe i wud grow into it.. ask me again in a few mths ;P

Then it was more mopping & cleaning.. enjoys seeing my nest nice & clean :) Grab some stuff at hougang mall & went to zack's.. He's selling his decks :( watched him spin for the last time... didnt know spinning was so interesting, learned how are the scenes like behind clubbing music.. interesting! pity i couldnt get to see my boy spin at a gig.. sad that he has to give up his hobby.. but if this is wat u have decided, i will support u dear *hugz*

ahhh... body is aching, think i strained my back (getting old) dunno why i've been so tired lately.. lack of sleep? zack seems to have more energy than i do though he has been working for 13 hours the past 2 days.. didnt realy get to spend much quality time with my boy :(


Saturday, October 23, 2004

7.30am on a sat morning & i am at work... watta life! oh well, a gal gotta do wat a gal gotta do ya! zack starts work at 8am so we came to work together :) Really really tired.. only had like 2-3 hours of sleep last night.. coz... I'VE FINALLY MOVED!! *big smile* spent the entire night moving the last bit of stuff up... dismantle & assemble my bedframe.. then hurling that big, heavy mattress of mine.. everything's up save for my pc & stereo.. moving those up tonight.. Big thanks & a mega hug for my boy!

Going to ikea later in the afternoon to check out some stuff for my new room :) whole world of possibilities.. inspiration.. going to be a busy day... facial at 11.30am later.. going to queensway with ant, then to his kitchen culture shop (to look at knives! *rolls eyes*), then to ikea... cant wait to go back home to tidy up my room, our little nest.. :)

ok, gotta get my ass back to work.. i wanna sleep... *yawns*

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

My precious moments...

Yes! I'm back! with a detailed report of my trip! *wink* storing up all these precious moments... :)

15 Oct (Friday) - Genting
7.00am: Board the coach at Beach road *yawns* was an onerous 6 hours ride up to Genting.
1.30pm: Reached Genting... Checkin @ Resort Hotel!

We went to the mall at first world, did some window shopping, lunch at pizza hut.. gosh, just love Hot Chocolate.. in the cool genting weather *heavenly*
My first time at a casino... ok, playing at a casino. Changed 25 bucks worth of coins, spent them all at jackpot & roulette... geez, my cup grew from 1 to 2! then i lost them all! *bummer* but its ok, all in the name of fun.. :P

check this out! havent seen one of these in ages... anyone know wats it called? musical horses? was really a magical sight when all the horses were filled with kids, laughing, waving at their parents.. wish i had gone on one when i was young.. :)

so after donating part of our money to the genting casino fund, we decide that the air outside is more enticing... the air was fresh & biting! my poor boy didnt have his jacket with him & for the first time, my strong guy was chilly! *hugz* managed to get some pretty decent nightshots.. the hotels behind us are Highlands Hotel & Genting Hotel... gosh, love the weather there...

We then had a lovely warm cup of Chocolate toffee (for me) / Caramel (for my boy) at Coffee Beans (Resort Hotel) in the crisp cool weather.. realy appreciate the time spent sharing a cup of hot chocolate with my dear, time spent sharing with each other... :)

16 Oct (Sat) - Genting / KL
8.00am : Rise & Shine!
9.00am : Breakfast @ Resort Hotel (food sucks... *grimace*)
10.45am: Checkout... goodbye room 18133...
Zack's early morning blur look.. *muah* love u tons!

Took a cable-car ride to the bus terminal... Gosh, look at all that mist.. awesome!
us in our first cable car ride!

2.00pm : KL!!! Checkin @ Swiss Garden Hotel :)
4.00pm : Nandos! Zack was gaga over it. Been hearing about it over & over.. hehehe.. Flame grilled chicken marinated in their special portugese sauce, with their flaming hot peri peri sauce *hungry*

Went to Times Square (equivalent to our Paragon, complete with 'posh' boutiques) nothing realy exciting though there were like an estimate of 8 shopping levels! we didnt comb all though... Then went to Sungei Wang for more shopping! A place more to my liking *wink*

7.00pm : Back to Hotel
9.00pm : Had dinner at this hawker stall @ Chinatown.. another of Zack's favourite haunt

10.30pm : Head down to Zouk KL. Gosh, please do not patronise! It sux big time! They were playing House.. & at 11pm, the crowd slowly build up.. note: operative word here is SLOWLY... The crowd at the dancefloor build up at a snail pace.. by 12.30 midnight, it wasnt even a quarter full! The crowd wasnt even worth mentioning.. china men who spits in the middle of a conversation.. pudgy middle-aged men with a suprisingly young companion.. & the couple who sat right infront of us looks like they were chaperoning their daughter.. *shakes head* Disappointing...

12.30am : We call it the night...

17 Oct (Sun) - KL
Went to Mid Valley Point. That place was huge! Cant see one end from another... the shopping was good! Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Esprit, Urban&Co., U2, Carrefour etc.. This is de place man! Gotta big petshop, didnt manage to get any good stuff for my little gal :(
check out this lab pup.. doesnt it makes yr heart melt... awww...

4.30pm : Went to Sungei Wang.. yes, again.. back to buy this realy nice navel ring :P
6.00pm : Back to Hotel. Zack went for his balinese massage... someone sure know how to enjoy life uh.. *wink* heehee... leaving me all alone in the hotel room *pout* :P

8.00pm : Had Nandos for dinner! Somehow, it taste nicer the second round... Then it was off to Chinatown! Was akin to the Ladies Market in Hong Kong. Managed to buy this nike sling bag at RM25! which was a steal.. imagine, the starting price was RM65! dwindled down to RM25.

Nandos! Zack's absolute fav!

11.00 pm : Back to Hotel!

18 Oct (Mon) - Home Sweet Home...

10.00am : Adieu~ our little nest 1406...

Our last stop... KLCC! pity we only combed a small area of it but we managed to grab some stuff *happy* Oh! i had my cinnamon roll! gosh, miss it soooo much... wat happened to all the cinnamon outlets in s'pore?! *sob* perhaps i shld try my hand at cinnamon roll.. u want something done, u gotta do it yrself!

Had been a wonderful holiday :) Spending these few days with my boy.. it means so much to me... *hugz*

Friday, October 15, 2004

Off to Genting & KL!

i'm leaving in.... 15 mins! off to Genting & KL! first time i'm looking forward to the sound of my alarm... woke up at 5am & jumped right outta bed... though i only slept for 1.5 hrs!

all done & ready.. just waiting for someone to be ready.. aiyo, take so long... heehee... *muah!* our 2nd holiday!

ok, gotta go now! dun miss me peeps! :P

Thursday, October 14, 2004

12 more hours and i'll be on my way to Genting! :) but right now, i'm working my ass off in the office.. sigh.. 12 more hours & i gotta million things to do...

- have not pack my bag *gasps*
- move my stuff up to my new room (this is going to take realy long)
- bring pappe to simon's
- wake up at 5 tomorrow morning

its 7pm and i'm still at work..

been a crazy day at work, been working non-stop since i stepped in at 8.30 this morning.. couldnt fully enjoy the anticipation of my trip coz was totally bogged down with work, all that stress.. been really tired of late.. didnt fully comprehend the extent of my exhaustion until i find myself nodding off infront of my pc at 9pm & in the middle of msn conversations (for 2 nights in a row!) was like wide awake one minute & totally knocked out the next.. geez, wat am i doing..

Life's becoming a struggle.. time to start re-evaluating my priorities..

*headache brewing*

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


something sweet happened to me this morning...

special breakfast delivery from my boy.. just love the taste of salmon croissant.. this one is different though... has loadsa of a special ingredient called 'L' :)

so blessed... cant ask Him for more... *soft sigh*

thanks dear for being so wonderful... u're all that i need & all that i want.. bringing that smile on my face..

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

lousy day at work.. pressure building up.. sigh...

only thing that keeps me going is knowing that i'm meeting my zack later...

Lord, please give me strength... how could i forget that You are always here for me..

i love you, i need you..
though my world may fall, i'd never let u go...

Monday, October 11, 2004

A Loadful of Goodies!

SOOOO many good things to write... *big smile*


our 2nd holiday :) leaving this friday and back the following monday... want anything? msg me by thursday k coz i'm not on autoroaming.. counting down.. 4 more days... *dreams*

Friday was good.. met up siying and jane after work.. siying got her hair cut (finaly! :P) went for dinner at this newly opened jap eatery at cineleisure. Had the beef ramen & it was good. Topic of my house warming came up.. arranging one after i move up.. house/room warming again after a year.. haha.. Time for a slumber party! Night of vcds, facials, nails painting, bitching, brownies & ice-cream (think this will be the killer!) oh! and i've gotta bottle of dessert wine which is good! lets get tipsy ladies! ;P

Zack picked me at Cineleisure at 9.30pm after his work... poor boy was so tired *hugs*

Lights out: 3.00am

3.00 pm: Went to beach road to book our trip! Going to be spending friday in Genting, then leaving for KL at noon on Sat.. then back to home on mon.. 4 days 3 nights! *smile* We then have the manifique beach road Ah Balling! Those peanut tang yuan that just oozes out peanut filling when u bite into it.. awesome!

5.00om: Went to church! Zack's first time at Trinity, glad u enjoyed the service dear :) Good to be back after miaing for awhile... miss it sooo much...

7.00pm: Went to Adams road hawker for dinner.. Zack had tulang.. i can only watch him eat.. sob sob... Going to try the nasi lemak the next time round.. looks pretty good & the queue was long so it gotta be good somewhat..

8.00pm: Upper Pierce Reservoir. Nice place though not much wind that night and only 3 stars in the sky.. *missed Krabi* was realy nice just sitting, chatting with my dear :)

12.15am: Caught The Exorcist at J8... scary scary...

3.00am: Home Sweet Home. Shouldnt have watched that flick at midnight.. Didnt even dare to take my bath coz someone conveniantly reminded me of the movie just when i'm bouncing off to the bathroom "be careful when u bath k.." *glares*

Lights out: 5.30am

Sunday - Bumming Day
Pigs! Woke up at 3pm! This is da life man.. heehee... Went to Jalan Kayu for prata! Went to the stall which sells the biggest mug of ice-dinosaur! all that milo powder.... awww.. the plain prata was ok but the cheese ones were a little too much.. gets to u after awhile or probably its coz of the salty curry... still miss the Thomson prata *dreams* its the best! Stopped over Dogtionary to buy some bones for pappe.. Got to know of a dog event at Expo on the 24 Oct (Mark that date!) Zack managed to find out that entrance fee is 7 bucks. When will the day come when i can get a sheltie... or another papillon...

We cooked dinner together (the first time) hmm.. not realy together coz someone was sleeping while i was boiling the soup & frying my chicken/tofu :P but my boy can cook man! He cooked prawns with mussels, crabsticks with hot spicy belacan chilli sauce.. & his favourite lady's fingers with belacan chilli... with style & substance! there's something realy sexy about guys with sleep rumpled hair, at the stove, whipping out fragrant spicy food outta the wok.. *wink*

1) Prawns/Mussels/Crabsticks dish looks good uh! note: make more gravy in future. HOT HOT!
2) Chicken/Egg Tofu in soy bean paste: Tofu not brown enuf. Note: Fire shld be hotter before i throw in the tofu.
3) Zack's Lady's Fingers in Belacan Chilli! Didnt try it but it smells good....
4) ABC soup! Loadful of nutrients and vitamins! Corn/Carrots/Cubbage/Onions/Tomatoes/Chicken... no salt or sugar added! all natural sweetness! ;P

TADA! zack&ju's homecooked meal!

Watched Dirty Dancing while enjoying our dinner together :) Reminds me of a certain time at a certain place hahaha! Let's take up latin dancing dear! feels like hitting Union Square soon, practice some of my salsa moves.. :P

theres something even sexier about guys at the sink, with a sponge in one hand, washing up after a good meal.. heehee *wink wink* Muah! :P

Then its exercise time! spent a good 2 over hours hurling some of my stuff up to my new room... *thank u so much for helping me dear, wudnt noe how i wud've done it without u.. Muah!* Hope to get all up by Thur so when i come back from our holiday, i will be 'booking' into my new room! My new life...

Lights out: 2.00am

The best time of my life... Thank you Jesus.. :)

Friday, October 08, 2004

ez ze big W again!

Weekend is here 30 mins to freedom.. out of this freezer! Do hope i can catch up on my beauty sleep this weekend.. realy sleepy... eyes were almost crossed..

Going to church tomorrow :)

some things that didnt seem to matter, matters more now.. i wonder.. *ponders*

think i need chocolate to give me some happy hormones.. kit kat chunky! *hungry* Retail therapy later with the gals! cant wait! oh, cant.. coz gotta save more dough for my trip to Genting & KL!!!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

its 6.50pm and i'm still in my office.. huge mess my table is but a productive day i must say.. think i'm getting too comfy in my office, i dun feel like leaving...

home? is where the heart lies...

think its time..

i'm tired...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Rusty has found a new home.. mixed feelings.. though he drives me up the wall sometimes but felt this pang when the guy brought him away.. Remembered that moment when zack handed Rusty's leash over to him.. symbolic.. Know it hurts dear, i noe.. sorry u have to go through this *hugz* Events surrounding this adoption.. pure coincidence or symbolic?

Sometimes, its just hard to let the old go
Sometimes, it never quite went away
Sometimes, i think too much

With Rusty's departure, comes my departure as well. Time to move to my new place. Somewhat a new beginning for me, entirely on my own now.. which is good.. time to grow up gal..

many thoughts running through my head.. need to regroup myself..

wonder what the future holds for me now.. *ponders*


Friday, October 01, 2004

upcoming weekend...

another week just flew by & the weekend approaches.. wat shall i do this weekend?

- go church
- pack my room
- wash toilet
- bathe pappe / send her for her jab & teeth scaling
- watch a flick?
- go town?
- watch dvds?
- buy my nike shoes?
- buy a squash racket? (need to go queensway for that, so far..*groans*)
- write email to ben (which is months overdue!)

Busy morning today (though i had a really gooood start ;P), received a number of news..

Ant: just got back from KL & his bdae bbq will be postponed.. His gran bought him tix to perth (lucky him!) & he's flying off 2mrw morning, back on the 13th, almost half a month break! *envious* better this way, i got more time to think about his bdae pressie..

Aaron: His dog passed away last sun... *pat pat* i can relate to your pain, i truly can.. i think i will cry for months when pappe passed on... i did when nicky passed away.. sigh... but i guess we all gotta grit our teeth & move on.. however painful it might be... Life sucks sometimes, but we'll show it to them ya! Nothing is going to get us down, not failures, sorrow, pain.. coz He is always in control.. Take care my dear friend..

when it get darker, thats when His light shines brighter..

Went bowling yesterday.. ok, i sucks at bowling! lol! hey, one cant be good @ everything right.. *opps* :P nope, i gotta work on my bowling! never say die! *wink*

I WANNA PLAY SQUASH!!! Anyone interested, tag me!
wonder where i got all these pent up energy from..