Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My baby is 9 months old today!

Megan is right now playing quietly in her cot, fingering the zipper on her giraffe Mummy bought her from KK :)

When I woke at 9plus, she was already up. More often than not now, she hasn't been making any noise when she wakes, just lazing in her cot, playing with her toys. She could go on for like an hour plus. So mummy gets more sleep.. haha.

wait... *sniff* i smell poop.. my lil poopy machine is at work.. brb

Hmmm.. Megan's poop is almost black. Must be the blueberries she ate yesterday. She loves it! Added it in her cereal: oatmeal+apple+blueberry. She wanted more so after that bowlful, I gave her more with fruits: bananas+blueberries. Wiped that clean too :) Blueberries - that beautiful deep purplish blue, packed with so much goodness.

Got a meeting at 2pm later. Zack is off and taking care of Megan so maybe we can go somewhere after :) Planned to go out ydae but he was sleeping from night shift plus it was raining cats and dogs.

omg! Megan just on the fan!!!!

that little imp.... 10.45am and she still dont wanna nap. Babbling now.. hahahha.

Busy week: Conference call tomorrow - 1.5hr :S Another meeting later part of the week. Maybe training with mentor too. Meeting on Sat. Gosh.. i'm losing track of the days.. seriously!

Today: I'm gonna finalise my sis's present. I keep changing my mind! That's the problem with customization, too many choices. Just told her she is getting an early bday present. She's really excited.. haha. Hope this will cheer her up some. Amber hasn't been feeling well again.. *sigh* Andrew is gonna take her to the vet later.

Chatting with Ching about hols now. I so wish to go for a short one. Chris + Elynne just went to Genting over the weekend. Chris was msging Zack about how boring it was up there.. haha. Yeah unless you gamble, nothing much to do. Zack told Chris to take Elynne to starbucks for some hot lattes. Then we started to reminsced... Awww.. he remembered our romantic rendezvous up there few years back. Sitting at starbucks, he had caramel latte I had some chocolate thing.. enjoying the cool air.. chatting.. It was one of our memorable moments :) Remembered he blogged about it.. let me go check. Oh it's coffeebean, not starbucks.

Zack and I do have many beautiful memories. We have managed to pack quite a ton through our years together. Would like to think of them as the layers of our foundation. When the going gets tough, and I just wanna skin him alive (oh yes, there are days), we have these to cushion us :) The Love Bank.. yess, that's what it's called.

Little gal is napping.. gonna go get ready!

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