Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I finally fulfilled my promise to God :)

When I prayed for a way to be able to take care of Megan, I told God I will give HIM all glory and post a testimonial note on FB if HE provides. I just did. I want to shout it from the mountain top that I got a God who is faithful and true!

from my facebook note...
Being a mother has changed my life. In every possible aspect. I remember the very first time I held Megan in my arms, I felt bewilderment and confusion. How something so small and beautiful could be mine. I noticed her brows first and I melted.. She has got Zack's brows :) She's perfect. As the months passed, that love grew in leaps and bounds.. and I never thought I'd love someone quite this much. Every morning, I look forward to seeing her sunny grin. My days are filled with my baby girl.. changing diapers, soothing cries, nursing, being her playmate.. until the sun goes down and it's bedtime. Watching her sleep like an angel, the exhaustion from the day just trickles away. I've done my job for the day. She's clean, fed, safe and happy :)

Months flew by and it's time to go back to work. Back to the plan where we'd get a domestic help. But I wanted to care for her so badly. Megan needs me, I'm her mother. I brought her into this world and having someone else care for her suddenly seems like the most absurd idea in the world. I started to think of alternatives. In my field, working from home is an impossible thing.

I prayed.

All I want is something so simple. Something innate, maternal and so instinctive. I went to God as a mother, asking HIM to provide a way for me to take care of my baby.

And He answered my prayer!

One day, an ex-colleague called me by mistake (what are the odds!). We got to chatting and I told him I'm looking for a job where I can work from home and look after my baby. And he said, "That's interesting. I might have something for you." Provided with a laptop and blackberry, I'm good to roll. The pay is good as well. Most importantly, Megan has her mummy with her all day :) We have a good arrangement, when I have to run off for meetings, Zack will take over if he is off. When Zack is working, Grandpa Lincoln will come babysit. Grandpa is terrific with Megan! He can change her diaper, feed her and Megan can spend half a day with Grandpa without a fuss :)

Grandpa Lincoln and Grandma Elsie are awesome grandparents. Offering (more like longing) to babysit Megan every Sunday so Zack and I can have some time together as a couple. They are crazy over Megan :) Megan is blessed too!

I'm blessed.. immensely :) To have a wonderfully supportive hubby, who has been doing a great job supporting us financially all these months. Who has worked hard for Megan and I, without a word of complaint. I'm not about to let my hubby bear the whole burden :)

I simply can't get over how amazing God has been to me, to us. To be able to care for Megan myself, seems like a far-fetched dream. But HE had made the impossible, possible! Amen!

My job ahead sure ain't going to be an easy one. With an added role on top of being a SAHM, life will prove to be a challenge. I'm already learning to entertain Megan through hand gestures while having a concall! But I have faith that HE will never give me more than what I can handle. My good friend Ben once told me, when HE gives you the responsibility, HE will provide the capability.

This is my testimonial.. To God Be The Glory! Amen!


Anonymous said...

You are so blessed! Happy for you!! Jiayou! =)


Anonymous said...

Amen! :)
Ju... thank you for this beautiful post! Your sharing has blessed me plenty. God is so intimately and personally involved in every aspect of our lives.
Where God guides, He provides... He'd enable you to be a good mom to Megan and wife to Isaac. :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks gals! :)

I'm glad to share my testimonial and in return hope to touch some lives. That we have a God who is so real! He can make the impossible possible. It's so marvellous! :)