Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, April 02, 2010

Megan and Aunties!

Back from an afternoon outing with the gals! Brought Megan along too.
We had early dinner at Marche.. food, chatter and plenty of phototaking.. haha!
Can't wait for Jo to send to us!
Megan was an absolute angel! Sitting in the babychair with nary a complaint :)
The gals said she was so quiet we all forgot she was there!
Yeah, she was listening to us and playing with her toys :)
She even tolerated posing for us.. haha

Alrighty, it's 10.30pm...
and I'm gonna watch 'Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian'
I ALWAYS miss the beginning! 

Gonna be an early night cos i'm beat.
Technically, i've been up since 5.30am..
with snippets of sleep in between until 9am
Megan was up at 7.30am.
I moved to her room and napped on the sofa
while she played with her toys and babble to herself :)
that little chatterbox :)

Oh guess what?
I'm back on 3inches!
no problem carrying Megan while on them ;)
my balance is back! wooohoooooo!

Be back with pics..

Sidenote: Amber is eating!!! Walking around and much more alert and active. She's responding well to the meds and took the drips bravely. Thank you Lord! :)

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