Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, April 29, 2010 NOT looking forward to the trip next week.

Gonna miss my babies BAD :(
Vietnam in 6 days..
5 days...
I've been with Megan day and night every single day since she's been born.
5 whole days of not seeing my baby...
how possible? :(

Oh! Megan stood without support (just on her legs) for the 2nd time just now!!!
Just a couple of secs but still a feat! :)
her 1st was last friday at my aunty's house.
Zack and I were dumb-founded.
One of those special moments :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Feeling down this morning so Zack helped with the floor.
so sweet right? :)

*sigh*.. guess it's just not meant to be mine......
it got abit steep anyway.

Just now....
He laughed when I got him to check out more..
and said "You down but you're not out!"
He is so funny.

Gosh the weather is so hot.
I feel like some hot fudgy chocolate cake.
Bakerzin's is too costly - $9.80
I'll settle with Pasta Mania's Choco Italiano - $3.50!
Ooooo.... some Koi to go with that will be awesome!
- good 30min workout
- soothing hot shower
- late night with 'Friends' and 'Nanny'

now it's time for a glass of Fortunella!

Monday, April 26, 2010

IT is on it's way from France to Singapore!
'Date Night' + Early Dinner @ Bakerzin = OUR PERFECT DATE :)

I had my favourite 'the warm chocolate cake'.
the kind that chases ALL blues away.
the kind that brings on the rainbow after a rainy day.
the kind that earns my hubby a huge kiss and hug.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

'Date Night' with my laogong later!

Vivo.... again.
nope, not complaining!

Uploading our honeymoon pics onto FB.
Kinda regretted uploading the first few hols,
now I feel the need to complete the entire range of hols
quite a chore :S
but it's nice reminiscing :)
Honeymoons are always great.. sparkling new rings, spanky new hubby, great dreams for the future.

I reminisce....
Hand in hand, strolling along Seine River.. munching hot nutella crepes. Ahhhh.. I wanna go back to Paris! Maybe we'll spend a day or two in Paris, it's just a short train ride from London! Gotta go convince Zack, he had gone to Paris twice so he might need some persuasion to go back the third time :S

in 6 months!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


...last night!
Will be going into production tomorrow and delivery set in 3 weeks!
My sis is now having fun guessing what it is :P
Hope she'll love it.. i'm pretty sure she will!

Gosh, I'm getting addicted!
I'm beginning to think I'm having an identity crisis.. haha.
Well, I'm someone who likes my stuff very different,
bearing my mark on them.
I shun anything mainstream.

Megan's napping so i'll spend the next 30mins going back to doing what I've been doing of late.. Customizing expensive 'something' and PRETENDING I'm buying them.. haha!
It's so gorgeous, that pricetag is starting to look reasonable!
OH NO!!!!

Our bfast conversation just now was hilarious. Zack played out how I finagle my way into making a big purchase. From expounding to him what a good deal it is (how the stores are so much more ex etc) to finally announcing, "I'm getting it!" It's quite a process I must say! *ROFL* Gosh... he knows me too well!

Excuse YOU my darling Zack, you're exactly the same! "Ju! Come look at this reel! It's so beautiful! It has 14 ball bearings!" He's hitting ebay now, hitting it hard. Know what that means??

Mummy Ju...
how does that look?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sms from MIL..

Grandma asking after Megan....

"She seems to mature fast. Yr credit. Good nite. God bless. Mum"


I finally fulfilled my promise to God :)

When I prayed for a way to be able to take care of Megan, I told God I will give HIM all glory and post a testimonial note on FB if HE provides. I just did. I want to shout it from the mountain top that I got a God who is faithful and true!

from my facebook note...
Being a mother has changed my life. In every possible aspect. I remember the very first time I held Megan in my arms, I felt bewilderment and confusion. How something so small and beautiful could be mine. I noticed her brows first and I melted.. She has got Zack's brows :) She's perfect. As the months passed, that love grew in leaps and bounds.. and I never thought I'd love someone quite this much. Every morning, I look forward to seeing her sunny grin. My days are filled with my baby girl.. changing diapers, soothing cries, nursing, being her playmate.. until the sun goes down and it's bedtime. Watching her sleep like an angel, the exhaustion from the day just trickles away. I've done my job for the day. She's clean, fed, safe and happy :)

Months flew by and it's time to go back to work. Back to the plan where we'd get a domestic help. But I wanted to care for her so badly. Megan needs me, I'm her mother. I brought her into this world and having someone else care for her suddenly seems like the most absurd idea in the world. I started to think of alternatives. In my field, working from home is an impossible thing.

I prayed.

All I want is something so simple. Something innate, maternal and so instinctive. I went to God as a mother, asking HIM to provide a way for me to take care of my baby.

And He answered my prayer!

One day, an ex-colleague called me by mistake (what are the odds!). We got to chatting and I told him I'm looking for a job where I can work from home and look after my baby. And he said, "That's interesting. I might have something for you." Provided with a laptop and blackberry, I'm good to roll. The pay is good as well. Most importantly, Megan has her mummy with her all day :) We have a good arrangement, when I have to run off for meetings, Zack will take over if he is off. When Zack is working, Grandpa Lincoln will come babysit. Grandpa is terrific with Megan! He can change her diaper, feed her and Megan can spend half a day with Grandpa without a fuss :)

Grandpa Lincoln and Grandma Elsie are awesome grandparents. Offering (more like longing) to babysit Megan every Sunday so Zack and I can have some time together as a couple. They are crazy over Megan :) Megan is blessed too!

I'm blessed.. immensely :) To have a wonderfully supportive hubby, who has been doing a great job supporting us financially all these months. Who has worked hard for Megan and I, without a word of complaint. I'm not about to let my hubby bear the whole burden :)

I simply can't get over how amazing God has been to me, to us. To be able to care for Megan myself, seems like a far-fetched dream. But HE had made the impossible, possible! Amen!

My job ahead sure ain't going to be an easy one. With an added role on top of being a SAHM, life will prove to be a challenge. I'm already learning to entertain Megan through hand gestures while having a concall! But I have faith that HE will never give me more than what I can handle. My good friend Ben once told me, when HE gives you the responsibility, HE will provide the capability.

This is my testimonial.. To God Be The Glory! Amen!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My baby is 9 months old today!

Megan is right now playing quietly in her cot, fingering the zipper on her giraffe Mummy bought her from KK :)

When I woke at 9plus, she was already up. More often than not now, she hasn't been making any noise when she wakes, just lazing in her cot, playing with her toys. She could go on for like an hour plus. So mummy gets more sleep.. haha.

wait... *sniff* i smell poop.. my lil poopy machine is at work.. brb

Hmmm.. Megan's poop is almost black. Must be the blueberries she ate yesterday. She loves it! Added it in her cereal: oatmeal+apple+blueberry. She wanted more so after that bowlful, I gave her more with fruits: bananas+blueberries. Wiped that clean too :) Blueberries - that beautiful deep purplish blue, packed with so much goodness.

Got a meeting at 2pm later. Zack is off and taking care of Megan so maybe we can go somewhere after :) Planned to go out ydae but he was sleeping from night shift plus it was raining cats and dogs.

omg! Megan just on the fan!!!!

that little imp.... 10.45am and she still dont wanna nap. Babbling now.. hahahha.

Busy week: Conference call tomorrow - 1.5hr :S Another meeting later part of the week. Maybe training with mentor too. Meeting on Sat. Gosh.. i'm losing track of the days.. seriously!

Today: I'm gonna finalise my sis's present. I keep changing my mind! That's the problem with customization, too many choices. Just told her she is getting an early bday present. She's really excited.. haha. Hope this will cheer her up some. Amber hasn't been feeling well again.. *sigh* Andrew is gonna take her to the vet later.

Chatting with Ching about hols now. I so wish to go for a short one. Chris + Elynne just went to Genting over the weekend. Chris was msging Zack about how boring it was up there.. haha. Yeah unless you gamble, nothing much to do. Zack told Chris to take Elynne to starbucks for some hot lattes. Then we started to reminsced... Awww.. he remembered our romantic rendezvous up there few years back. Sitting at starbucks, he had caramel latte I had some chocolate thing.. enjoying the cool air.. chatting.. It was one of our memorable moments :) Remembered he blogged about it.. let me go check. Oh it's coffeebean, not starbucks.

Zack and I do have many beautiful memories. We have managed to pack quite a ton through our years together. Would like to think of them as the layers of our foundation. When the going gets tough, and I just wanna skin him alive (oh yes, there are days), we have these to cushion us :) The Love Bank.. yess, that's what it's called.

Little gal is napping.. gonna go get ready!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ju loves anything customized!

Oh I'm having sooooo much fun on this site!
I can customize it!!!!
Sorry cant spill anything here cos I'm going to customize one for my darling sister :)
Pop me and i'll tell.
It'll make a perfect gift and she'll love it!

Made in France and delivery will take 3 weeks - that's all i'm saying here ;)
Zack just reminded me that Mothers' Day is coming...


Do i get a present???



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wow.. Has it been nearly a week since I last post?
Busy as usual.. and distracted with some online research ;)

Did a million things today.
So much washing that my hands need intense moisturising now.
Grandma and grandpa came to play with Megan
and yours truly donned the apron.
Proud of my meal!
Simple fare: Melon soup, spinach, chicken (my marinate is good! but no chicken breast next time) and steam fish (this I left to my darling, he is the fish expert) But i'm happiest with my soup.. made it just like the way Mummy used to brew it. Zack was pleased too that I cooked for his parents :)

Oh Zack said my figure is back to normal! :)
Hmm... I don't think its completely back to normal
though i must say there's been improvement.
I still got a few kilos to lose.. *sigh*

Been busy doing research on some stuff.
Just gonna bid my time til something good comes along.
I must say I got pretty good self-control.. haha.

And i'm back on to getting our Europe trip ready.
just having some fun reading for now.
now should I buy it in Madrid or Barcelona??
Barcelona has a nicer ring... ;P
Have thought of Zack's 30th bday present too.
I'm gonna take him to this 'place' in Spain and let him pick a gift!
with a budget of crse! - he's not going to broke me.

Monday, April 12, 2010


cosy after a hot bath
in bed surfing
facial mask on

been an incredibly tiring day..
must be the humid weather..
up and about since 8.30am.
laundry, mopping floor, tidy the hse - like a pig's sty now!
it just can't stay neat for long :(
Megan has been ALL OVER THE PLACE!
she is so mobile and inquisitive..
she's into everything now!
been so hot too and she is so fussy..
feeling so guilty for losing my cool with her :(
we all are hot, sticky and being that just makes us so tired..
my baby just needs abit of comfort right?
i'll make it up to her tomorrow.
if its still as hot, mummy will take Megan out shopping - the window kind :)

got some dishes to wash but i'm so tired i'm leaving it til tomorrow.
i'm NOT gonna feel guilty.
just gonna be a busy morning tomorrow.. *sigh*
can't wait for my pay day..
i'm going to treat myself to something pretty.
i think i sure deserve it!
all these months of hardwork..


Sunday, April 11, 2010

the things Megan have been up to....!

TODAY... I was astonished to find Megan playing with a DVD! She had opened the DVD cover and took out the disc! Flipping it back and forth.. fascinated with the mirror side.. hahaha.

2 MORNINGS AGO... I woke up to find Megan playing in her cot... with the fan on!!! How did she learn to on the fan?!!! It's not just a simple button to push...

My baby.....

About to get busier... if that's even possible!

yet i'm excited about it!
though i'm NOT pysch about the upcoming trip... *sigh*
5 days........ :(

I can't find it anywhere online!!!
perhaps it's early days still...
bidding my time for a good deal.
i shouldnt have made that 1st step.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

re·pul·sive   /rɪˈpʌlsɪv/ Show Spelled[ri-puhl-siv]
1. loathsome, disgusting, offensive, distasteful.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010



Tuesday, April 06, 2010

over nasi lemak & ipoh horfun...

Ohhhhh..... Zack said it might be because I drank coffee on an empty stomach.
my queasiness that is.

I can't believe what we were discussing over dinner just now..

The name of our 2nd GIRL!!!

excuse me Mr Chan, who says we're gonna have a girl next???

Yeah.. Zack wants another daughter! hahaha..
Honestly, boy or girl.. it doesn't really matter to me.
All i'll be interested in during the detailed scan is to see Beanie no. 2's NOSE!
That will determine if we'll have a mini-zack or mini-ju.
He can't have all the fun!
Initially, he wanted Megan to have my looks and his character (like what's wrong with MY character?! Alright alright.. I admit he is better natured than I am - just a teeny bit better.)
Now that Megan turns out to be his carbon copy.. he is strutting around with his chest puffed up!

She's so perfect aint she? :)

I look forward every morning to spending the day with her.. :)
Feeling queasy.
diarrhoea twice.
reckon it might be a caffeine overload?
shouldn't have drank coffee in the morning and then teh in the afternoon..

Had training in the morning with my mentor.
Feeling excited about getting things moving.
Chairman's PA called me cos she was arranging my flight and told me i'm very blessed to get this job. I will be working with people that are way up there and they are really nice people. The exposure I will get is tremendous. I sure hope things will work out great for me here.

Many things I need to do.
Rearranging the furniture cos I will be clearing the computer out from Megan's room. She is getting the whole room and I wanna do it up nicely for her. While I will be working from the chillout room. But what to do with the extra furniture??

still not feeling very good...
wanna go lie down and read my book
but i'm so hungry.. and my hair is still damp.
waiting for Zack to come home with dinner.

On a very happy note:
I tried on my winter coat yesterday, the Zara coat I bought from Rome. And i had a pleasant surprise - it fits me like before! I took it out in Dec for my sis (going Hokkaido) and was dismay to find it too snug around my hips. It has a drop waist belt and the coat didn't flow well when i buttoned the belt. I was puzzled cos it was a little snug for my sis too, tot the coat had shrunk somehow. Anyhow, i tried it on yesterday and it was loose!!! Wow.. did I really lost weight? Well, clothes don't lie ;)

Oh... Zacky's home!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Megan refuses to stay in her cot...

She'd usually have a 30-45mins play before dozing off for her morning nap.

...but promptly fell asleep in my arms while I use the com.
*sigh* :)

*pic taken 30mins ago

let me go get the living room ready for her.
and prepare her broccoli!
hope she likes them.. :)
i need to get ready too..
Zack says we are going out at 2pm..

Megan's shopping trip with the Aunties at 313!

Our little model


Sat her in babychair quietly... what a good gal!

We celebrated Jo's bday! Happy birthday Jo!
Pity Sy is not with us.. It's her bday too :(
hope she got her flight to BKK..

Megan & Mummy

more posing.....

Jane.. showing her maternal side

all can't wait to carry little darling! :)

Aunty Jo.. Megan's future principal!

"Don't scold me Aunty Jo.."

Off we go..... Shopping!

everyone calls this.. "Megan's Mercedes".. hahaha

We then had fun at FOREVER 21!!!

Our lovely ditzy Jane.. hahhaha!

what will happen if we wear this to a funeral.. in Singapore?!

Megan got the bug too!

Meet Megan.. our little fashionista!

Gotta ask Jo and Silin what on earth are they doing.. in a dressing room?!

Satisfied my earrings fetish...

Aren't they pretty? :)

1st outing with the gals.
Appreciate how they took the lift with us instead of using escalator and the many inconveniences. Seriously, I do miss the carefree days. Going out without a care, at the drop of the hat, late movie nights, sipping lattes at the airport late into the night.. and oh yes, long nicely lacquered nails too! hahaha! But having Megan has brought me a joy i've never expected :)
**Second time i'm doing this post! Had to redo it cos the new blogger editor was driving me nuts.. so frigging user-unfriendly!
Crap.. having trouble uploading pics from my hp.
Argghhhhh... my hp is getting screwy....
Pics from Jo of last evening is in!!!
They turned out great!
All aunties got at least 1 very nice shot with Megan :)
But i'm now too tired to do up a post.
Long long day - wedding lunch.
Megan ko-ed at 7.30pm.. haha.

For starters...

Stay tune~

Zack is off fishing.
Gonna head to bed with my JD Robb now.
Tomorrow.... I'M HAVING A SURPRISE! :)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Megan and Aunties!

Back from an afternoon outing with the gals! Brought Megan along too.
We had early dinner at Marche.. food, chatter and plenty of phototaking.. haha!
Can't wait for Jo to send to us!
Megan was an absolute angel! Sitting in the babychair with nary a complaint :)
The gals said she was so quiet we all forgot she was there!
Yeah, she was listening to us and playing with her toys :)
She even tolerated posing for us.. haha

Alrighty, it's 10.30pm...
and I'm gonna watch 'Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian'
I ALWAYS miss the beginning! 

Gonna be an early night cos i'm beat.
Technically, i've been up since 5.30am..
with snippets of sleep in between until 9am
Megan was up at 7.30am.
I moved to her room and napped on the sofa
while she played with her toys and babble to herself :)
that little chatterbox :)

Oh guess what?
I'm back on 3inches!
no problem carrying Megan while on them ;)
my balance is back! wooohoooooo!

Be back with pics..

Sidenote: Amber is eating!!! Walking around and much more alert and active. She's responding well to the meds and took the drips bravely. Thank you Lord! :)