Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time check: 10.25pm

How did a day just pass like this? *snap*
Have just finished the dishes.. i'm just so tired...

Let's see....
This is an average day for me, varies according to Zack's shift:
7.30am: Megan wakes. Diaper change. Feed her.
8.00am: Put Megan back to sleep. Back to bed.
10.30am: Megan wakes. Diaper change. Let her play in bed. Use com.
11.00am: Feed her. Put her on gym mat for exercise/play. Laundry. Clean floor.
12.00pm: Megan's bathtime. Put her down for nap.
2.00pm: Feed Megan. Diaper change.
2.30pm: Bring Megan down to PP for grocery shopping. She will usually nap in her stroller.
3.15pm: Hang out laundry. Cook lunch. Cook Pappe's food. Eat lunch (while watching Growing Up). Feed Pap.
4.00pm: Wash dishes. Cook Megan's food (cereal).
4.30pm: Diaper change. Feed Megan her cereal. Play with her.
5.30pm: Put Megan down for nap.
6.30pm: Megan wakes.
7.00pm: Watch 'Friends' with Megan.
7.30pm: Megan's bathtime. Feed her. Down for the night.
8.30pm: Prepare dinner for Zack and I. Feed Pappe.
9.30pm: Zack reaches home. Have dinner together and chat about our day.
10.30pm: Wash dishes. Clean kitchen. Wash/Sterilise bottles. Boil water. Have a relaxing bath. Use the com. Spend time with Zack.
12.30am: Read/QT. Lights out.

Think being a SAHM is easy?
Think again.. haha.

So sorry if i didnt reply to your emails/smses/msn chats.. especially so in the afternoon. I'd usually be tied up with Megan. She is getting playful and naptime is getting shorter. I gotta ask Andy if babies need lesser attention as they get bigger cos his wife Leanna seems to have alota time for drama serials and vids. Between Megan and housechores, I hardly even have time to finish a novel! :( Especially now that Megan is on solids, extra time is needed to prepare her food and feed her. Perhaps i'm getting pretty anal with housechores too. If it's not cleaning the floor, it's washing the toilets. Or packing the rooms. A sinkful of dishes irks me. Tolerance for dust is getting low. Every piece of clothing gotta be folded. Oh yes, i'm starting to throw stuff away which is a mighty good thing.. hahahha. And still.. the house is never tidy enough!

It's an exhausting 24/7 job but I wouldn't trade it for any job in the world. Watching Megan grow from an immobile milk-gobbling baby to a healthy bouncy smiley imp.. just makes all the long hours, sleepless nights worthwhile :) I love how she stares at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.. a "hello sunshine!" brings on the brightest grin. It's so amazing how much she looks like Zack.. and that brings on another flood of love. She came from love :)

Sure aint easy but having an appreciative hubby makes a world of difference :)
He cooked dinner tonight and said he'd wash the dishes when he comes home tomorrow. Before he left for work tonight, he gave me a sweet long kiss and said, "I know you've been doing alot and i want to tell you that i appreciate it. Love you" *beams*

So yes.. i'm tired.. but i'm happy.. very happy :)

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