Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, January 22, 2010


Took a raincheck on a dinner appointment with Ant last night and boy was i glad to.
He called me later to tell him he had in fact asked Poh Ling along (without telling me!) and ended up dining with her alone (and she drove him mad with wanting him to pay for dinner and sending her home).

Point is: I've written her off and am not the least bit interested in meeting up with her. He jolly well knows it. And to think he wanna spring this on me. What is this? Trying to get a reaction out of us? Wanna see how awkward we will be? I know him... it's not done with the good intention of mending the bridge. But for the thirst for drama and the fun of it.

It's NOT funny pal.

As for Poh Ling: For years i've put up with her bratty ways and demands. She gets angry when i didnt ask her out during school hols! You'd think i was her boyfriend instead of friend. That trip to JB years ago was really the turning point. Her rudeness about Zack was the final straw. "What kinda name is Isaac." (Isaac is a biblical name and she's a christian. Go figure.), "Eeww, he wears that ugly blue uniform?" I've mentioned it before and will again. Zack is mine.. and if you dont like him without due cause, so be it. Bitch all you want but dont ever say anything remotely mean about him infront of me, i'd NOT tolerate it. Her heck care attitude when i invited her to our wedding was the FINAL straw. I was upset. Called Ben that night and was bawling my eyes out at him. I had enough. That night, i cried.. for those years of friendship. One night, was all i gave her. The morning after, I wrote her off. Period.

This is a joke to you? You wanna put 2 negative forces and wait for combustion?
It's high time you grow up and learn to respect people's feelings and wishes.

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