Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, January 08, 2010


I have been on FB for quite sometime but was hardly active until a few months back. That was when i started playing Restaurant City. Zack got interested too and we both got hooked to the game. Then I had more time on my hands and started loading pics of Megan and proudly showing her off to the world :) Though i've been careful on what i post.. the level of privacy is ridiculous.. ppl can take horrible shots of you without you knowing, publish on FB and tag you. There are stuff i'm not comfortable sharing with "the whole blardee world" too.. haha.

After 3 months of active FB-ing.. reading and watching what my friends post on this platform.. i've concluded:

Facebook is God's gift to attention-seekers.

It's really beyond me how people can update their whole life story on FB. They update their status constantly.. when they are on holiday... having their meal... at the bus stop.. etc. And I am not talking about logging on after they wind down from a day of sight-seeing and broadcasting to the world their adventures. But real time updates!

I've a particular ex-school mate who does it.. even on her honeymoon! "We are at the lobby.. it's beautiful... ", "Waiting for our room service..." Helloooo?? You are on your honeymoon for goodness sake.. shouldnt you be spending time with your hubby?? She is the worst. There are others on my list too. "We are watching the sunset.. blah blah blah.." Romantic time with wife and still he can 'remember' to update his FB status.. hahaha. Imagine this:

Wife: Oh sweetheart, look at this sunset.. Doesn't it remind you of the time you propose to me as the sun sets? *leans in for a kiss"

Husband: Yes it does baby... oh wait, let me take a photo of this and post on fb first.

Wife: -_-


This school mate again. I did mention she is the worst of the lot (in a jam along ECP also must broadcast!). She updates what she eats for bfast/lunch/dinner too... even remembering to take a photo and show the world how appetizing her kway chap is *roll eyes* Honestly, tell me how anyone in the middle of a good meal, with company.. can go "oh, i must remember to take a photo and post on FB so everyone can see what a good time i'm having." No doubt with technology it is a breeze but to even think about doing it is really quite amazing. When I go out with Zack (those outings are so precious now!), we spent all the time chatting and just enjoying each other's company. Logging on to broadcast is the furthest thing on our minds!

These are the 2 kinds of updates that makes me ponder and wonder how some people need this much attention. I suppose these people are not living in the present.. enjoying the moments with their friends and loved ones.. when they are so caught up with impressing the world. Hollaring.. "Hey look at me! See what i'm doing!"

Doesn't it makes you wonder how good a time these ppl are actually having.. that they can stop wat they're doing and log on to broadcast? Food for thought.

Truth be told... Facebook is kinda wearing thin on me. I love to check out what my friends are up to, how they are doing.. looking at their photos. But if all i see are people's screams for attention.. then i'd probably spend less time there. I'm not about to feed their need for attention. And how they portray their life and relationships, is sometimes so different from reality. Facebook.. what is fake and which is real?

But still... they are a great source for gossip! hahahhaha!

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