Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, March 02, 2009

So once again, the weekend flew by way too fast...

Thurs: Movie night with Sy and Jo! :) We caught "He's just not that into you." (Awesome show by the way) Now Zack is grumbling that i didnt catch it with him and he doesnt wanna watch it with me now (i offer to watch it again with him).. hahahha. Men can be such babies.. and i love this over-sized one!
Fri: Lunch with Theresa! Toughest part of the year is over - Income Tax!
Sat: A rainy stay-in day..
Sun: A day that deserves more than a few lines!

Oh Sunday....
....turned out we had a pretty early start - 2pm. I expected later cos Zack didnt come back til 4am. He caught a big pomfret!

Oh i have to backtrack to EARLY sunday morning when Zack came home. I was already in bed but got up when he came home and listened to his excited blabber about his "very big pomfret". He was done and we turned in. I laid back in bed and our little gal nudged me twice. She had been quiet the whole night but must have heard Daddy's voice. He had not talked to her yet. So i had to tell Zack his daughter must have heard his voice and wanted some attention.. hehe. He then talked to her, kissed her goodnight and no more nudges from her. It was so cute! :) I wonder what's gonna happen when Zack goes back to shift!

so yeah anyway..

Zack got up at 2pm and declared that he was hungry. So we got up and headed off to Compass Point for his haircut. I was feeling very accomodating that day cos of what's awaiting me in town *winks* While waiting for him to be done, instead of either hitting the library or the shops, my legs took me to Kiddy Palace and Fox Baby :P I'm looking for a special coming-home outfit for our princess :)

Next up: Orchard Rd!

See how deprived i am? that i'll be excited to be going to Orchard! I used to go there every week! We've not gone to Orchard for the longest of time.. but bcos Zack needed to collect some vouchers, we spent our sunday evening there. Parked at Lucky Plaza... so imagine the kinda crowd we had to jostle with! I had to put my hand on Zack's butt, opps sorry, backpocket :P to safeguard his wallet. Picked up the vouchers at CK Tangs then i dragged him off to PARAGON!!

and I saw it for the first time!!!
it's so perfect!!
even Zack said it's nice!
but... hmm....... *ponders*

after a mega salivating 30mins, we headed off to Plaza Sing.
To catch: Slumdog Millionaire!
i really liked that movie!
truly deserved the awards it got!
*two thumbs up*
couple of good flicks going on at the moment ya ;)

We spent a good 20mins at Mothercare too
the clothes there are much nicer than Kiddy Palace!
and i almost bought a little white cardigan.. it was just so sweeeeet!
Zack refused to let me buy anymore things til later :S
i'm NOT taking him along with me the next time i go shopping for my little gal.
he was more interested in the strollers.. and i'm NOT letting him buy anything til 'later'!

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