Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, March 01, 2009


So Zack and i went down to PP to grab dinner. Lo and behold it started to pour while we were there. We bought our dinner and were prepared to brave the rain thru the short distance but were surprised it was only a slight drizzle. So thankful we didnt have to light-run cos this preggo here might fall. But the minute we stepped into the void deck, it started pouring immediately! It's really quite unbelieveable! Our Lord protects us through everything.. big or small! Our little one inside sure is protected by our ever wonderful Father!! :)

It's close to 1am and i'm cosily nestled in bed.
Zack is out fishing with Andrew.. yes again.. hehe.
So it's just me, our little gal and our 2 imps sleeping next to me.
i guess soon our princess will be awake and doing her lil dance :)
she was poking around at ard 10plus just now..
then gone off to sleep :)

alrighty i'm gonna hit the sack too..
preggo needs her sleep..
lying horizontal will help with my breathlessness..
can u believe i get tired and breathless even while sitting??
thats cos everything inside is expanding and its squishing my lungs..

*ahhhh..... little girl is awake now :)

and tomorrow we are going to town!!!
i can show Zack that little something :D

sweet dream folks!
wishing my love is here with me...
missing him tonight..

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