Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, June 29, 2008


just got back home...
close to 3am.
tired tired but i had the most fantastic day!
in fact, tis been the most fantastic weekend thus far..
i spent time with my family, my darling gals and my dashing hubby and most importantly, my LORD!

not forgetting a good workout at ECP last night!
we almost didnt make it due to sheer laziness :P
but somehow managed to egg each other on as we took turns to find excuses to stay home to nap or cruise around and have a mac drive-thru.. hahaha...
and i can proudly claim that a few hundred calories had been shed off us! :D

woke up early for Church today!
Today's sermon: Old wineskin, old wine, new wineskin, new wine. I wanna be a new wineskin!

hahahhahaha! Zack just did the cutest thing! I'm right now in the com room while he is surfing in the living room. So we are chatting on msn and i said i wanna see his student pass. Asked him to scan and email to me.. haha. He then asked me to call Chile. I called her and she came walking in..... with his student pass looped around her neck! hahahhahahha! So cute!!!

It has been a long day for me and it ended off with an awesome time with Sy and Jane. Nothing beats a good session of gal-bonding over some ice-cold latte! (Mango passionfruit for me this time) My sweet hubby dropped me off at PS where i met the gals after dinner with my family. He then went back home to get the dogs and proceeded to Marky's. He get his guy-bonding while i get my gal-bonding *grins* Intended to go over to Marky's once i'm done so we can all go for supper but the guys ended their guy bonding pretty early. Then Zack said he'll come on down to pick me up! (i was actually moaning at the tot of the cabfare cos its past midnight) He even sent my gfs home.. all smiles! and they treated him to iced macchiato :P (thanks gals!) This hubby of mine... the sweetest thing ever *beams*

alrighty.. i'm too tired to go much further so i shall continue the rest tomorrow. I almost lost my voice! Guess i talked too much today.... hahahha....

night folks and sweet dreams~

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