Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, June 06, 2008

It's been a long week of work and boy am i all ready to get out of here. But i'm sitting here waiting for my dear hubby to pick me up :) After a trip to the loo... that will be another.... hmmm... 20mins. Feeling guilty that i had been leaving office on the dot the past 3 days cos my sweetheart came to pick me up (so sweet right??) and he had been early. 4 rides home this week.. how blessed can i be?! *beams*

Had a mini party in the office with plenty of curry puffs, chips, old chang kees.... beer, wine and drinks. So ppl are still buzzing around... in front of my cubicle.. chatting right infront of me, occasionally stringing me into their conversation. Please leave me alone... i've dealt with u guys enough during the day.. you guys simply exhaust me! I'm busy cant you see?? (well at least i hope i'm doing a good job pretending to)

Zack told me to think of where i wanna go/do tonight :) Now... where shall we go? *ponders*


Sy probably had already left for her gym.. she didnt reply to my email. I'm bored.

2mins to 6.30pm.

'm hungry.
got 4 curry puffs and 6 chewy jnrs staring at me.

oh zacky just called!
i'm done typing rubbish here.. haha.
have a good friday!

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