Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, June 09, 2008

my weekend of house-choring, dogs-walking and car-washing..

We're back to Monday.

The weekend just tornadoed past and pretty much left me standing here, wind-blown and disorientated.

So SATURDAY... was our happy 7th!
and that day marked our 47th month together! *beams*

We headed off to Giant and for the first time ever, we didnt have to worry about the no. of things we can buy/carry. Happily loaded our trolley as we combed the numerous aisles. I never thought i'd find myself poring away at the vast descriptions of the various brands of car wash with Zack. We ended up choosing this bio-degradeble solution (we are enviromental-friendly ppl). On to our mounting stash was a bottle of car rims shine.. haha (we love our rims!!!).

and the nicest thing my hubby said to me that night: "I cook for you okay?"


lamb shacks, beef sirloin steak with steamed brocoli and potatos drizzled with olive oil and salt.

my hubby can cook! :)

oh yes.... that's our receipt.. hahhaahaha....

Stayed home that night cos Euro2008 was on!
And Zack was not about to miss the first match.
I napped for a good 2 hours then joined him for the second match.. not full 90mins though :P

SUNDAY.... was spent scrubbing our house inside out.
now the Chan residence is back to her former glory!

Soon and Juliana came to visit with their 2 babies..
Bobby (Japanese Spitz) and Phoebe (Shih Tzu)
Bobby is sooooooooo handsome!!! He has the sweeeeeetest face ever!
I asked Zack if he had changed his mind about Jap Spitz
(he is biased cos someone has one.. hahaha)
and he said: "No, he peed on my speaker!"

Both of them just bought a flat and they came over to check out our house.
(yeah that's why we were so hardworking!)
most exciting time of their lives i reckon.. it sure was for us :)
We had a great time chatting away and oh,
they loved my chandelier! *smirk*
i love it too.. haha.

Shortly after they left, we bundled up our babies and went off to East Coast!!!
We all had a good walk but Chile got tired after awhile.
must be her short legs.. hahaha.
Pappe as usual was all perky and excited.
You'd never know which one is the 8yr old and which one is the 2yr old.
On our way home, we got some hot fudge sundaes and fries at Macs drive-thru.
Simply perfect! Music pumping, our 2 gals at the backseat (one snoozing), us digging into our hot fudge sundaes and fries and yakking away.. the simple joys in life :)

and of crse Zack grumbling away cos he gotta drive below 80km/hr for the next 1000km.. hahaha. Running in the car now.

Think that's the end of my night?
after an afternoon of housechoring and night of dogwalking?

I then went on to help Zack wash the car!! Yeah like after a few days from bringing it back home! But it was fun washing the car together. It's squeaky clean now!! It's so chio.... *sigh* I should have gone bra-less in a white spaghetti top and hotpants with music blaring "Doncha" hahahahaha! I got a kiss from Zack for helping him *grins* and i told him.."It's bcos of my deep love for you that i'm here washing the car with you when i'm all ready to keel over." hahaha. Ahhh... the different ways we show our love to each other. He cooked for me and i washed the car with him :)

Life is good ya! :)

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