Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, June 30, 2008

a little bean.....

So we celebrated my sister bday last Sat..
and i just couldnt wait to see her reaction when she saw what i bought her!

i gave her the bigger parcel first.
as she correctly guessed, it was a book! (not surprising coming from me.. haha)

my aim was to 'disappoint' her a little. Only a book???

i had to recap her memory on what Becky gave her new-found sister Jess. Climbing up a mountain after her just to give her that gift. My dear sis couldnt remember.. she read the book before *sigh* The colors of Part 1 didnt click on her as well.. haha.

Then i present Part 2 to her....


A Tiffany Bean!!!
you should see the look on her face.. hahaha! *grins*
and there's a double meaning attached to it :)

she's happy.
i'm happy.
we're all happy.

Picking the right gift and watching how their face lights up. Yups, there's really such great joy in giving :) Wait a min, i do love receiving gifts too! NDP is coming! *HINT HINT* :P

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