Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, June 12, 2008

i'm 25!

i had the most delightful conversation this morning *grins*

i popped over to pass a document to Stevie, my FC and another colleague Jenny was there so we got to chatting.
Jenny: Whoa, you still look so sexy after marriage ah. Your husband must love you so much.
Stevie: Yah lor.. her husband loves her very much.
Me: Haha.. err okay... (elo? how does that go hand in hand??)
Jenny: So when is your turn?? But you are still young lah. But dont wait too long. 28 yrs old can already.
Stevie: Exactly, enjoy your er ren shi jie first.
Jenny: How old are you by the way?
Me: How old do i look?
Jenny: 25?
Me: Really?! I'm 26! ok ok, going on 27 BUT still 26 technically.

and Jenny is not the only one who said i look 25!


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