Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday oh Monday.... why do you always look so blue?

4 weeks gone in a flash.
2 weeks left to enjoy.
then going out with a bang.
globetrotters are we both!

1.30pm: Woken up by dear hubby.
wellwell, a hungry man best be pacified.
last craving ebbed: Duck rice!
followed by grocery shopping.
dumped all i want in the basket cos my macho man was there to carry! :D
so while i did the housechores, guess what that macho man was doing?
"So tell me why am i cleaning the house while you are here napping?"
"Cos you are the best laopor!"

sweetest tongue.. *shake head*

music blaring while i danced with the mop.
squeaky clean floor til Chile made her marks on it!
i so wanna kill that dog!!!
PMSing she must be cos she has been an angel of late. *sigh*
then my darling shows his pretty face
and he cleaned up the floor.. hahahha!
but thats not all.
he even cooked dinner!
that's not all.
he washed the dishes, pots, pans and all!
that's not all.
he made us banana smoothies while i fold the clothes.
that's not all.
and washed up after himself!

partnership.. is what i call it.
both happy.
both feeling appreciated.
looking back at what Zack & i went thru..
i gotta say this certainly seems like the best part of it :)
Life is simply frolicking awesome!
finding a balance in our marriage as part of a couple and as an individual.
we've gone thru the courtship, house reno, the wedding, the honeymoon..
now we are simply cruising..
enjoying the ride,
understanding each other,
building our marriage,
there's a stability to everything.
not just giddy new love but something more profound.
and i can only thank God for everything i have.
a happy loving marriage.
an awesome sister..
supportive friends..
and all the numerous blessings.
sometimes i get scared of being too happy.
like something bad will happen if i get too happy.
does that make sense?

a little bean.....

So we celebrated my sister bday last Sat..
and i just couldnt wait to see her reaction when she saw what i bought her!

i gave her the bigger parcel first.
as she correctly guessed, it was a book! (not surprising coming from me.. haha)

my aim was to 'disappoint' her a little. Only a book???

i had to recap her memory on what Becky gave her new-found sister Jess. Climbing up a mountain after her just to give her that gift. My dear sis couldnt remember.. she read the book before *sigh* The colors of Part 1 didnt click on her as well.. haha.

Then i present Part 2 to her....


A Tiffany Bean!!!
you should see the look on her face.. hahaha! *grins*
and there's a double meaning attached to it :)

she's happy.
i'm happy.
we're all happy.

Picking the right gift and watching how their face lights up. Yups, there's really such great joy in giving :) Wait a min, i do love receiving gifts too! NDP is coming! *HINT HINT* :P

Sunday, June 29, 2008


just got back home...
close to 3am.
tired tired but i had the most fantastic day!
in fact, tis been the most fantastic weekend thus far..
i spent time with my family, my darling gals and my dashing hubby and most importantly, my LORD!

not forgetting a good workout at ECP last night!
we almost didnt make it due to sheer laziness :P
but somehow managed to egg each other on as we took turns to find excuses to stay home to nap or cruise around and have a mac drive-thru.. hahaha...
and i can proudly claim that a few hundred calories had been shed off us! :D

woke up early for Church today!
Today's sermon: Old wineskin, old wine, new wineskin, new wine. I wanna be a new wineskin!

hahahhahaha! Zack just did the cutest thing! I'm right now in the com room while he is surfing in the living room. So we are chatting on msn and i said i wanna see his student pass. Asked him to scan and email to me.. haha. He then asked me to call Chile. I called her and she came walking in..... with his student pass looped around her neck! hahahhahahha! So cute!!!

It has been a long day for me and it ended off with an awesome time with Sy and Jane. Nothing beats a good session of gal-bonding over some ice-cold latte! (Mango passionfruit for me this time) My sweet hubby dropped me off at PS where i met the gals after dinner with my family. He then went back home to get the dogs and proceeded to Marky's. He get his guy-bonding while i get my gal-bonding *grins* Intended to go over to Marky's once i'm done so we can all go for supper but the guys ended their guy bonding pretty early. Then Zack said he'll come on down to pick me up! (i was actually moaning at the tot of the cabfare cos its past midnight) He even sent my gfs home.. all smiles! and they treated him to iced macchiato :P (thanks gals!) This hubby of mine... the sweetest thing ever *beams*

alrighty.. i'm too tired to go much further so i shall continue the rest tomorrow. I almost lost my voice! Guess i talked too much today.... hahahha....

night folks and sweet dreams~

Friday, June 27, 2008

the big W is finally here!
oh... my sweet laogong is here too! hahaha.. okie, gotta ciao now. Cant blog....

have a good friday folks!
*muaks to all*

see how busy i am! :P

Monday, June 23, 2008

my weekend of contradictions

i'm halfway through my morning fix and gonna start on my payroll soon. Wed is PAYDAY and i'm desperately looking forward to it. I dont even dare peep into my bank account.

and again.....

Yes it's monday and i'm just soooo sleepy. 2.30am lights out for me so you can imagine how i fared this morning. Zack on the other hand was all perky, despite 3 hours of sleep. "You look so beautiful today! *kiss*" and i was like.. "Wow.. errr okay.. hmmm thanks *secretly pleased*" Then i looked down at my choice of clothes this morning and groggily remembered that hollow-eyed gal staring at me in the mirror and pondered.. Beauty really must be in the eyes of the beholder. Then it clicked. He is going to see his car mechanic after class today. Ohhhhh nooooo........... The last time he went for a massage, there was a mechanic shop next door. The following day, he came home with new toys *shake head* This morning.. i only heard words like "lips... chio.... diffuser (think that's how its spelt)... so chio...." Now i understand how much got thru to him whenever i'm on my usual tangent on my heart's desire of the month.

was an interesting weekend...
i'll just blog about what i did at the end of it.
i'm ashamed to say what i indulged in in those 2 days.. haha.
one thing i'll say.. Fu is damned cute when he is high.. hahhaah! And i'm not allowed to post the pic of his 'game' *pout*

Zack and i ended our weekend with something in total contradiction:
A good healthy blading workout at ECP!
i'm trying to get the guys to blade instead of shisha.
they probably think i nag too much *sigh*
Mark said i sound like his mother *double sigh*
I hereby pronounce myself an advocate of healthy lifestyle.
(considering how zack gotta drag me off to ECP last night)

I must be a good gal this week.
I was a MINI bitch this weekend.
Poor hubby.
But he wasnt too nice either so i dun feel too guilty. Ha!
(alright he actually was cos he picked me up after my night of decadence)
When i'm in such a mood, i'm best left alone.

*need solitude*

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Friday, June 20, 2008

something old, something new...

What Zack and i both wore today. Interesting.
His old fitted red polo tee and my fav pair of jeans.. soft and faded.
Not worn them in ages.
He wore that polo tee on the first day of our Krabi trip.
(i remember drooling away cos he looked damn macho.. haha)
I wore that faded jeans on our first date.
(wore that with a white tube and he is always saying how i set out to seduce him that night.. hahaha)

So yups, clothes from 4 years past still fit us well!
Still looking good ya! :P

i miss Krabi......

Yesterday we were at AMKHub, in celebration of Zack's high score for his test! 2nd in class baby! *proud*MUAKS* :P Caught 'Get Smart' at Cathay.. and i couldnt resist going into Artiris!

and added on to my collection....

a top/skirt. I wore it as a tube top today.

my heel just broke!! arghhhh....... dammit!
my only pair of white shoes......
i'm in dire need of shoes and i'm not those gals with 100+ pairs of shoes and still yearn for more. My shoe wardrobe is embarrassingly pathetic for a gal :S i'm gonna grab SY for some shoe shopping.

another job opening.
second one this week.
probably my 6th one to boot.
market is good out there i reckon.
i say give it 20% increase at least and i will go.
no hurry cos my lifespan here is not up yet.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

2 words.

twice over!!


*skips*dance*scream*spins*spins*and spins somemore*

Zack was cruel. Getting me all enticed and twinkly-eyed!

"Well... maybe you will get a......."

"diamond necklace? or...
a big LV bag? or maybe...
a 1 carat diamond ring?
(HAHA.. right) or....
a ******* ring? or...
a ******?
(some of my heart's desires are best left unpublished here) or...
a year subscription to a gym? or maybe...
an all expense paid trip to a REASONABLE destination of your choice?"

*SCREAMS!!!* i tested the waters and gosh, we're not talking about Thailand here. He is generous!!!

on the condition: i've gotta treat him REAL nice from now til then. In other words, be at his beck and call, he can do NO wrong and i wait for him at the door with slippers in one hand and a packet of honeydrew vitasoy in the other. Hahaha.

Oh Baby, i'm nothing but nice to you... *bat lashes*
i think Victoria's Secret is having a sale.. ahahaha!

Then again....

i'm a prudent wifey and so very practical and so not materialistic :P
i told him i really dun need a big LV bag. - i am happy with $19 (50% off!) mphosis bags.
or another ring... - i only have so many fingers lor. Ok ok, if we're talking about THAT ring, maybe i can spare one more finger :P
Whatever it is, we gotta save for rainy days and beef up on our other fund.
BUT since he wants to show his deep love for me by buying me a gift, i shant deny him the joy of it. Sometimes, being a wife means being self-sacrificing and i've always placed his happiness above my needs and wants.. always :)

So there.
i wait with bated breath.....

Monday, June 16, 2008

6+3+7+0 = 16 = 1+6= 7!

More than a week has gone by since we brought our baby home and we had just moved on to our second tank. She is sipping petrol like a lady so Zack is pleased. As this is the first tank, we are still keeping our fingers crossed til she is more settled.

So shutterbug me hasnt posted any pics of her. We are mostly out at night and the light aint good so no good pics.

5 June 2008: Zack making sure everything is working fine before we drive away with our baby!

yups.... a nice dark blue. All glossed up!

foglights installed. Zack got a list of 'pimp my ride' things to do.. OH NOOooooo!

that's Zack waiting for me after work :)


yups that's the man.

and that's his woman.

yeah the kinda stuff i snap..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

busy busy as a bumblebee...
havent log on at home in a long while.
nights are full, weekends another story.

Zack had a tiring week so i decided to treat him 'like a King' this morning.
A surprise breakfast in bed!
(ask you, this kinda wife where to find? ahahaahhahah!)

that heart-shaped egg is actually a carrot egg... whatever that means.
doesnt taste any different.. haha.

He was sure grinning from ear to ear with a look of bliss at the end of 1 hour... "I'm in Heaven!" hahahaha! As i said... "like a King". Just for today :P

More pics but another time.
Gotta ciao now...
Sex and the City later!!!

Hope we get a Level 1 or 2 lot later when we get home.
We probably gotta park at this highest level (again!).
Dun ppl ever go out?!!
Get a life pretty pleazze!

have a good Sunday night!

Friday, June 13, 2008

"dont touch my carrot stick!"

"i'm sorry ju..."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

i'm 25!

i had the most delightful conversation this morning *grins*

i popped over to pass a document to Stevie, my FC and another colleague Jenny was there so we got to chatting.
Jenny: Whoa, you still look so sexy after marriage ah. Your husband must love you so much.
Stevie: Yah lor.. her husband loves her very much.
Me: Haha.. err okay... (elo? how does that go hand in hand??)
Jenny: So when is your turn?? But you are still young lah. But dont wait too long. 28 yrs old can already.
Stevie: Exactly, enjoy your er ren shi jie first.
Jenny: How old are you by the way?
Me: How old do i look?
Jenny: 25?
Me: Really?! I'm 26! ok ok, going on 27 BUT still 26 technically.

and Jenny is not the only one who said i look 25!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Evelyn has given birth!!!!!
Her little prince, Kaellen Lim arrived early this morning at 12.51am!!! OH MY GOSH! I so wanna go visit her!! I've practically been thru the stages of her pregnancy with her. Everytime she goes for her checkups she will come back and yak about it with me. Then at about 7 months she had a threatened delivery and had to go on CRIB for 3 weeks. Her cervix was open and all! *gulps* We were so worried cos her little boy wasnt ready to come out. But she pulled thru and now delivered just a week shy of her due date. I've been praying! God blesses!

3 months maternity leave. 3 months of no work and still get paid!

i'm gonna miss my lunch/email kaki though.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

something's not quite right and i'm not entirely sure what...... *ponders*

Monday, June 09, 2008

my weekend of house-choring, dogs-walking and car-washing..

We're back to Monday.

The weekend just tornadoed past and pretty much left me standing here, wind-blown and disorientated.

So SATURDAY... was our happy 7th!
and that day marked our 47th month together! *beams*

We headed off to Giant and for the first time ever, we didnt have to worry about the no. of things we can buy/carry. Happily loaded our trolley as we combed the numerous aisles. I never thought i'd find myself poring away at the vast descriptions of the various brands of car wash with Zack. We ended up choosing this bio-degradeble solution (we are enviromental-friendly ppl). On to our mounting stash was a bottle of car rims shine.. haha (we love our rims!!!).

and the nicest thing my hubby said to me that night: "I cook for you okay?"


lamb shacks, beef sirloin steak with steamed brocoli and potatos drizzled with olive oil and salt.

my hubby can cook! :)

oh yes.... that's our receipt.. hahhaahaha....

Stayed home that night cos Euro2008 was on!
And Zack was not about to miss the first match.
I napped for a good 2 hours then joined him for the second match.. not full 90mins though :P

SUNDAY.... was spent scrubbing our house inside out.
now the Chan residence is back to her former glory!

Soon and Juliana came to visit with their 2 babies..
Bobby (Japanese Spitz) and Phoebe (Shih Tzu)
Bobby is sooooooooo handsome!!! He has the sweeeeeetest face ever!
I asked Zack if he had changed his mind about Jap Spitz
(he is biased cos someone has one.. hahaha)
and he said: "No, he peed on my speaker!"

Both of them just bought a flat and they came over to check out our house.
(yeah that's why we were so hardworking!)
most exciting time of their lives i reckon.. it sure was for us :)
We had a great time chatting away and oh,
they loved my chandelier! *smirk*
i love it too.. haha.

Shortly after they left, we bundled up our babies and went off to East Coast!!!
We all had a good walk but Chile got tired after awhile.
must be her short legs.. hahaha.
Pappe as usual was all perky and excited.
You'd never know which one is the 8yr old and which one is the 2yr old.
On our way home, we got some hot fudge sundaes and fries at Macs drive-thru.
Simply perfect! Music pumping, our 2 gals at the backseat (one snoozing), us digging into our hot fudge sundaes and fries and yakking away.. the simple joys in life :)

and of crse Zack grumbling away cos he gotta drive below 80km/hr for the next 1000km.. hahaha. Running in the car now.

Think that's the end of my night?
after an afternoon of housechoring and night of dogwalking?

I then went on to help Zack wash the car!! Yeah like after a few days from bringing it back home! But it was fun washing the car together. It's squeaky clean now!! It's so chio.... *sigh* I should have gone bra-less in a white spaghetti top and hotpants with music blaring "Doncha" hahahahaha! I got a kiss from Zack for helping him *grins* and i told him.."It's bcos of my deep love for you that i'm here washing the car with you when i'm all ready to keel over." hahaha. Ahhh... the different ways we show our love to each other. He cooked for me and i washed the car with him :)

Life is good ya! :)

Friday, June 06, 2008

It's been a long week of work and boy am i all ready to get out of here. But i'm sitting here waiting for my dear hubby to pick me up :) After a trip to the loo... that will be another.... hmmm... 20mins. Feeling guilty that i had been leaving office on the dot the past 3 days cos my sweetheart came to pick me up (so sweet right??) and he had been early. 4 rides home this week.. how blessed can i be?! *beams*

Had a mini party in the office with plenty of curry puffs, chips, old chang kees.... beer, wine and drinks. So ppl are still buzzing around... in front of my cubicle.. chatting right infront of me, occasionally stringing me into their conversation. Please leave me alone... i've dealt with u guys enough during the day.. you guys simply exhaust me! I'm busy cant you see?? (well at least i hope i'm doing a good job pretending to)

Zack told me to think of where i wanna go/do tonight :) Now... where shall we go? *ponders*


Sy probably had already left for her gym.. she didnt reply to my email. I'm bored.

2mins to 6.30pm.

'm hungry.
got 4 curry puffs and 6 chewy jnrs staring at me.

oh zacky just called!
i'm done typing rubbish here.. haha.
have a good friday!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

"is that ours?!!!"


our 16" sports rim!
i love it! it goes sooo well with the car.
what can i say?
we got fantastic taste! *smirk*
cleaning them will be a bitch though.. haha.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

i'm so dying here......

made the mistake of browsing Rayner's food blog.
now i'm soooooooooo hungry i can eat a horse!

i stole some shots from his blog. hope he doesn't kill me.

FOIE GRAS...... I WANT!!!!!

and this.... *WEEPS*

all i had this morning was a banana strawberry milkshake - and the guy neglected to add ice! :S

so i'm waiting out for my lunch at Marina Mandarin!
which wouldnt be til another 45mins....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

so today.........

i pranced around with 4grand CASH in my bag!!!!
needless to say, all zipped up tight.
locked in my pedestal when i go out for lunch, key hidden away in another secret location.. haha.

oh! i just have this sudden thought...
i can just pop over to this place and buy me my heart's desire!!!
but.... but...... *pout*

and i'm getting a ride home today!!
all the way from the east, my hubby is coming to pick me up :)
i must count my blessings... :)

oh he's here already!
and i need to pee!!!
husband: *poke* wake up wake up... you've slept enough already...
wife: hmmmmm? what's the time now?
husband: 5.15
wife: WTH! *&#($!^!&#

Monday, June 02, 2008

try denying me ice-cream!

....and the tirade began.

his saving grace: to order me hot fudge sundae at 11.30pm, together with 20pc nuggets and large fries *slurp*
then the 'i love yous' start. hahaha...

his version - "you see.. you listen to me and forgo $0.50 ice-cream and i give you something even better. A hot fudge sundae which is more than triple the cost of a cone ice-cream!"


close to midnight now.
we have been yakking away for the last 5 hours! Non-stop!
its zack's first day at his course and he is very excited about it.
i went thru his lesson plan with him just now.
he gotta presentation tomorrow and we were practicing.
him as the instructor, me as the student. Haha.
"cher.. can i have ice-cream please?!"
"sorry its not cher. I'm INSTRUCTOR ISAAC CHAN."
hahahhahahaha! *cough*buff*cough*

so for the next 6 weeks i'll be going to work with Zack!
6 whole weeks.. yayyyy!!!
the last time we enjoyed a long stretch of 'normal' life was during his Level 2 training..
and yeah guess what happened then?
(it's private & confidential so please dont kaypoh)

anyway, gtg.
dun even know what am i doing online.
just a quick pop before heading off to bed.
stomach's growling.. *hungry*
but i'll sleep it off..


Sunday, June 01, 2008

i've just slept for a good solid 14 hours! oh-so-wonderful life.....

what i did this weekend thus far:
~ caught NARNIA!!!!!!! - totally awesome! I LOVE IT!!
~ went to Church. Bid farewell to Gary and Shuqin. All the best in Chengdu! As what everyone advised: "You can have a baby 'Made in China' but please 'Deliver in Singapore'!"
~ had lunch at Vivo City. River Island is having sale!!!! But all the size 6 jeans didnt appeal to me *pout* And of crse Zack dragged me away before i could look my fill! This is getting irritating! *humph* *vows* - I WILL RETURN! (and he whispered to me.."and all the nice pieces will be gone by then." *glares* humph!!!)
~ TURF CITY, signed our lives away... and WE SAW OUR BABY!!! It was a mighty good thing i reconfirmed the color of our leather upholstery and threading. They ordered black leather with red threading. While its a nice combi but its off with the color of the exterior. *dance*
~ dinner at Jalan Kayu. We saw a gorgeous sunset.....

Alrighty.. i'm too lazy to go any further (though i've plenty more to write!) and Zacky is up so we're off to grab some makan! i hear thunder!!! But that's ok.. cos we got car now.. hehe. Gone were the days of raincoats and soggy feet. It was downpouring yesterday afternoon but we were dry as bones! We do feel for the bikers hiding from the rain under the bridges, pulling on raincoats. We were like them once.. haha.

Ok ok he's calling! CIAO!
have a good sunday before the monday blues hit!

*benji gave us this really nice chocolate with dates and almonds inside from Dubai! So nice!