Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, November 20, 2004


watched 'Shutter' late night... boy, was it good! really the scariest horror flick i've seen by far! Horror scene after another.. no break at all... the plot was good, lead actor was a hunk and a half! looks like pierre png.. realised Thai people has really nice eyes..

really kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time and my face against zack's chest... freaking horrid scenes and the ending was goooood... stuck in my head long after we depart from the cinema.. eeerrrriiiieeeee.....

Shutter - High Recommended (5 stars*)

off to TM soon! ;) ahhh.... smelling the aroma of the taiwanese sausages zack is heating in the toaster... makan time, zack's calling!

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