Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 28, 2004


gosh! had a smashing time! everything was great, place was great, food was good.. weather was lovely.. entertainment wicked! though some hiccups along the way, but all turned out well... *big smile*
everyone enjoyed themselves, had some positive comments.. only thing they were bitching about was that there was only 1 lucky draw! hahaha!

boogie night was awesome too... heard that this was one of the few boogie nights (from past d&ds) that the dance floor was packed..
busy running ard the entire night but managed to spare some time to shake my booty on the dance floor.. hehehe! only bummer was that there wasnt any disco lights (how can i leave that out! *slaps forehead*) but music was greeeaaaat.. at least the DJ wasnt playing 70s music (last year d&d!) he played mainly top 40s which was good.. got pretty hot and steamy prob coz of the theme & everyone was feeling liberated.. with all those skin showing & wine flowing in the blood.. hahaha! (but i've been a good gal k, always have been :P)

all in all, it was really good.. glad its all over *phew* left at about 10.45pm & the DJ just gotta play The Reason and This Love just when i'm leaving.. urgh!

pumped up with adrenalin *jumps! big smile*

Reached home at 11.30pm (managed to hitch a hike from my colleague) and zack picked me up and we had supper at The Roti Prata House!! Yummy! Our last 'outing' on his scrambler *sobs*

lights out: 5.30am

Imagine waking up at 10.30am on a Sat morning *groans* went to dirt wheel for his bike ownership transfer then to Lee Motor to collect his Phantom.. spent close to 2 hours at the workshop getting the number plate fixed *snores*
managed to catch an hr of sleep when we got home before we went off to meet Andy & Huiqing at TM for dinner..
was running on reserve energy the entire day..
and by the time we finished our dinner, i was already zombified..
played pool and couldnt managed to work out any energy to play more than 1 game..
using up the last bit of reserve energy..
was so tired that i dozed off on the ride home..
gosh! did that twice in 2 days.. dangerous dangerous..
totally washed out when we got home..
fell face flat on the bed the minute i got home & i mean the MINUTE..

Slept for a total of 13.5 hours! ahhhhh.....
got woken up by that stupid Ant *grrrr* could have slept longer!
but that 13.5 hours of sleep did wonders..
replenished all the lost sleep and fatigue from the last week..
jumped right outta bed!
ju with loadsa sleep is a happy gal! :)

wanted to go changi nasi lemak but was downpouring the entire afternoon..
so spent our afternoon doing household chores..
oh! correction.. me doing household chores while someone lay right smack infront of the TV! *poor me.. sobs*

wanna see zack's new toy?! watch this space! :P

pics pics!

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