Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, November 15, 2004

back to work tomorrow.. sigh.. 4 more days to the weekend.. counting down..

Had pixie for the weekend..simon brought her over on fri.. miss her sweet sweet face :) but this gal drives me up the wall! was wearing out the towel cleaning her pee & she pees soooooo much! then i see her face, my heart melts... and i feel bad about scolding her so profusely.. that gal got my number.. that gal..

we just bummed the night away.. pizza and vcds! yum yum! watched 'That Thing You Do'... but only managed to end the first disc..

BOUGHT MY K700i!! woooohoooooo......! at $500! for the handset alone.. cheap ya ;) love my new hp! my current bedtime book is the manuel book *grin*

Zack & i then met up with Andy & Huiqing for steamboat at Marina South. Gosh, i love their fried mantou & char siew! love to go there again sometime soon.. cant believe that was the first time i had steamboat at marina south.. where have i been all these while?!?!

went bowling then supper at lau par sat.. was already close to 3am by the time we reached home.. was a nice night.. finished the second disc of 'That Thing You Do' but i drifted off when we werent even half way thru :P

watched 'SAW' last night at J8.. storyline aint that fantastic.. it was more gory than intriguing.. but theres a twist at the end.. however, the twist wasnt the kind that makes u go, 'oh yeah! why didnt i see that!'

day was ok.. good things happened, not so good things happened.. didnt know wat to do, was like walking on a minefield.. nothing i did seemed right.. emotions all jumbled up inside.. but i guess things got righted up.. it doesnt change anything, no it doesnt.. hopefully..

tot all i need to do is right one aspect of my life then everything will be good.. or will it? sometimes, i wonder if i screwed up somewhere.. somehow.. sometimes, i'm really at a lost..

feeling weepy.. emotional..

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