Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

its the time of the month again... payroll..
starting early this month coz of the holidays..
worked through lunch today..
hoping to get everything done up so dun have to work late..
why? coz my boy is booking out today! *smile*

D&D is round the corner.. 2.5 more weeks..
feeling the strain and pressure..
cos the overall in charge is yours truly.. sigh..
but was great fun working on it..
the decision making.. coordination..
seeing my mark on every little details..
was working with the event management staff..
went through the detailed flow of the night.. the deco..
working with fire torches, netting, flowers, helium balloons..
can envision watta spectacular night it will be..
hope can pull off a great one! :)

TEMPTATION ISLAND! ignite your senses..
nice tagline uh *wink*

damn! i found a scratch on my sovil et titus watch! urgh..... bday pressie from my boy :(

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