Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, November 08, 2004


Never had a better weekend! Full deets!

2) Had sooooo much fun @ our all-gals first slumber party/Housewarming/Jane's bday party! *big grin*

Met Zack at Funan @ 12.30pm for lunch! Only for an hour but it was great! Had BK for lunch.. my poor boy was so deprived of good food. When 1.40pm approaches, was so hard to part... ahhh.... but the good news was, he might be able to book out for the weekend!! was in anticiapation for the whole day until 5.11pm.. the sms came! He's booking out! we get to spend our anniversary together *beams*

Then it was shopping with Siying! Bought a loadful of things.. had a grocery shopping frenzy at cold storage taka, preparing for a fiesta! Jo was so sweet, came to pick us so we dun have to lug our stuff ard..

Our Feast!
- pate & wine (though jane prefers peanut butter)
- salad
- sausages / chesse cocktails
- cup noodles (-_- been decided thats wat we will having for our next sleepover!)
- chips (forgot the nachos!)
- brownies with ice cream! (3 flavours of ice cream... awww...) - Jane's bday cake

Watched this Leslie Cheung show.. really screwed up show but our dear siying lurvess leslie cheung so we gotta endure 2 hours of watching how crappy twisted relationships develop, people with serious identity crisis, who dunno whether they are straight or not.. siying siying, the things we do for u :P

Zack came over at 12.30am :) Muah! poor boy was so tired.. tucked him to bed.. *hugs*

Then its HORROR FLICK Time! Rented 3 horror but we only managed to watch one.. Only Jo, Siying and i watched 'The Ghost'.. Yingyan and Jane (cowards! :P) went off to bed! Off all the lights & turn on game! Gosh, i think we scare ourselves more than the show did.. This korean horror click wasnt that scary but the dark room, 3 of us huddling together under the quilt adds to the excitement & of crse, not forgetting our screams (siying is the champ!) Her screams were definitely more scary!

4:00am: Off to bed!

7 November - Happy 4 Mths Darling!

8.30am: Rise and Shine!
Jane and Yingyan gotta go church so everyone woke up at 8.30am.. or rather i woke up at 8.30am & wake everyone up.. hehehe..

Hardest person to wake: JO!

More yakking over breakfast.. When 5 of us are together, there's just no peace & quiet :P

Hey dears, had a wonderful time with u guys.. it was really great fun and appreciate the bonding session.. we gotta do it again soon! in dec? when i plan my bbq.. cant wait! Love u guys loads! hugzzz....

Spent the rest of the day with zack :) 4 lovely mths.. didnt expect to be spending the day together coz zack was supposed to be in camp.. but heaven intervene! Time flies.. 4 mths.. step by step.. gonna be a long walk? hopefully... :)

LOVE? its beauty is that it be a gift... with no strings attached..

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