Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm back!

worst is not over! but the pressure is off :) Company Christmas lunch is round the corner and somehow i gotta the feeling that I will be in charge of food (again).. why do i always end up with the task of feeding people? *ponders*

Some messages for my dear friends... sorry, too lazy to sms ;P

Siying: sorry for miaing & the unreplied emails.. i'm fine.. thanks for your sweet sms :) back now! we can continue our daily emails marathon! & dun be shy to tag me k... u uh... hugz!

Ant: when my hp beeps in the afternoon, i noe its u & the msg will read, "oi, come online leh" busy lah, my father doesnt own the company k (unlike some people) :P ok, will come online more often & we can talk about your christmas dinner! CHOCO / RUM CHESTNUT CAKE!!


Lurrrvve this week... why??
coz zack is working office hours!
going to work together (though i'll be half hr early but i dun mind!)
picking me up after work, going for dinner then heading for home..
just for 5 days..
but its awright..
simple joys in life... :)

I WANNA PLAY TENNIS! Anyone game??!! need to buy tennis racket.. this mth cant coz i'll be totally broke... haiiiizzz..... i cant swim (navel ring), raining these days so cant realy run... then how?? how to lose 2 blardeeeee kg!! not greedy, just 2 then i'll be a happy woman!

from a convert: I love my sony ericsson! dunno why, just haf to say it

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