Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

... wala closed for reno
... eyes are hurting
... wasted the entire day
... need motivation

... wats wrong?

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm back!

worst is not over! but the pressure is off :) Company Christmas lunch is round the corner and somehow i gotta the feeling that I will be in charge of food (again).. why do i always end up with the task of feeding people? *ponders*

Some messages for my dear friends... sorry, too lazy to sms ;P

Siying: sorry for miaing & the unreplied emails.. i'm fine.. thanks for your sweet sms :) back now! we can continue our daily emails marathon! & dun be shy to tag me k... u uh... hugz!

Ant: when my hp beeps in the afternoon, i noe its u & the msg will read, "oi, come online leh" busy lah, my father doesnt own the company k (unlike some people) :P ok, will come online more often & we can talk about your christmas dinner! CHOCO / RUM CHESTNUT CAKE!!


Lurrrvve this week... why??
coz zack is working office hours!
going to work together (though i'll be half hr early but i dun mind!)
picking me up after work, going for dinner then heading for home..
just for 5 days..
but its awright..
simple joys in life... :)

I WANNA PLAY TENNIS! Anyone game??!! need to buy tennis racket.. this mth cant coz i'll be totally broke... haiiiizzz..... i cant swim (navel ring), raining these days so cant realy run... then how?? how to lose 2 blardeeeee kg!! not greedy, just 2 then i'll be a happy woman!

from a convert: I love my sony ericsson! dunno why, just haf to say it

Sunday, November 28, 2004


gosh! had a smashing time! everything was great, place was great, food was good.. weather was lovely.. entertainment wicked! though some hiccups along the way, but all turned out well... *big smile*
everyone enjoyed themselves, had some positive comments.. only thing they were bitching about was that there was only 1 lucky draw! hahaha!

boogie night was awesome too... heard that this was one of the few boogie nights (from past d&ds) that the dance floor was packed..
busy running ard the entire night but managed to spare some time to shake my booty on the dance floor.. hehehe! only bummer was that there wasnt any disco lights (how can i leave that out! *slaps forehead*) but music was greeeaaaat.. at least the DJ wasnt playing 70s music (last year d&d!) he played mainly top 40s which was good.. got pretty hot and steamy prob coz of the theme & everyone was feeling liberated.. with all those skin showing & wine flowing in the blood.. hahaha! (but i've been a good gal k, always have been :P)

all in all, it was really good.. glad its all over *phew* left at about 10.45pm & the DJ just gotta play The Reason and This Love just when i'm leaving.. urgh!

pumped up with adrenalin *jumps! big smile*

Reached home at 11.30pm (managed to hitch a hike from my colleague) and zack picked me up and we had supper at The Roti Prata House!! Yummy! Our last 'outing' on his scrambler *sobs*

lights out: 5.30am

Imagine waking up at 10.30am on a Sat morning *groans* went to dirt wheel for his bike ownership transfer then to Lee Motor to collect his Phantom.. spent close to 2 hours at the workshop getting the number plate fixed *snores*
managed to catch an hr of sleep when we got home before we went off to meet Andy & Huiqing at TM for dinner..
was running on reserve energy the entire day..
and by the time we finished our dinner, i was already zombified..
played pool and couldnt managed to work out any energy to play more than 1 game..
using up the last bit of reserve energy..
was so tired that i dozed off on the ride home..
gosh! did that twice in 2 days.. dangerous dangerous..
totally washed out when we got home..
fell face flat on the bed the minute i got home & i mean the MINUTE..

Slept for a total of 13.5 hours! ahhhhh.....
got woken up by that stupid Ant *grrrr* could have slept longer!
but that 13.5 hours of sleep did wonders..
replenished all the lost sleep and fatigue from the last week..
jumped right outta bed!
ju with loadsa sleep is a happy gal! :)

wanted to go changi nasi lemak but was downpouring the entire afternoon..
so spent our afternoon doing household chores..
oh! correction.. me doing household chores while someone lay right smack infront of the TV! *poor me.. sobs*

wanna see zack's new toy?! watch this space! :P

pics pics!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

D&D is tomorrow! i'm going crazy... emails after another.. spending most of my time righting things out.. going through it over and over, right down to the minute details.. i'm losing it!!

YOU CANT SCREW THIS UP JU! you just cant...

gotta high inner locus of control.. wats yours?

someone is coming back tomorrow! and that someone is going to get it good and proper from me! *humph*

know what i wish to do? pack my bag and head for narnia...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Zack had an accident.. a minor accident but an accident is an accident! got 6 stitches on his right pinkie.. right hand is full of abrasions and is a little swollen and 2 deep lacerations into his pinkie.. was torn between weeping & yelling at him when i saw him at the hospital.. sigh.. scared the living daylights outta me when i received his call.. .. my worst fear had come through.. not even 6 mths into his license... when are you going to stop riding dear? deep sigh...

somehow, the people u love most makes u worry the most.. guess it goes hand in hand with loving so much...

anyone know how to boil fish soup?? please advise! Stuffing zack with fish now.. NO MUTTON CHOP! heheee.... and dun u go eating behind my back! :P

went to punggol plaza fresh market to buy some groceries.. impressed with what they have there.. there's even a store selling fishes, i mean live pet fishes! how apt uh *wink* & a store that has those biscuits in tins & u buy them by grams.. oh, how i dig those! :P things there are much cheaper than supermarts.. but gotta be careful not to get fleece.. which i did! then again, maybe not... o well, gotta learn to be a smarter market shopper.. urgh, arms aching now.. bought almost 70 bucks worth of groceries & toiletries.. woes of living on yr own.. but i lurvvveee it.. the independence... :)

sleeepy... *yawns*

Monday, November 22, 2004

slacking the day away..
something's not right but i dunno wat..
getting edgy..
getting sick..
sick of being nice..
giving, giving and giving..
sometimes at my expense..

i'm getting tired..
coz i'm just so sick right now..

fear? of rejection?
that i'm not enough, if i'm me?
i dunno.. i really dunno..
perhaps i do.. perhaps..

fearful of grabbing wats mine..
my needs have been blurred..
perhaps i'm just not enough..
just not enough..

so wats wrong?
pray tell..
heighten my senses..
so i may speak..

so please.. keep out

"i just want you to know who i am.."
i got a nice pretty present today... a candle holder with pretty twinkling crystals surounding it.. it's so pretty... cant wait to light it up *smile* thanks darling.. *hugz* :)

went for dinner at Jack's place with Zack's family... celebrated Irene's (Zack's future sis-in-law) bday.. nice... been awhile since i sat in a family gathering.. that warm fuzzy feeling came back watching the engagement.. missed it..

oh! zack gotta new bike! its a Phantom this time.. a cruiser.. my knowledge of bikes just grew a couple of notches.. hehehe.. number plate is FV2398C... ok, anyone buy 4D can split the earnings with me *wink* though his scrambler gave tons of probs, guess i will still miss it..

right, better get my ass off to bed now *yawns* night peeps...


Saturday, November 20, 2004


watched 'Shutter' late night... boy, was it good! really the scariest horror flick i've seen by far! Horror scene after another.. no break at all... the plot was good, lead actor was a hunk and a half! looks like pierre png.. realised Thai people has really nice eyes..

really kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time and my face against zack's chest... freaking horrid scenes and the ending was goooood... stuck in my head long after we depart from the cinema.. eeerrrriiiieeeee.....

Shutter - High Recommended (5 stars*)

off to TM soon! ;) ahhh.... smelling the aroma of the taiwanese sausages zack is heating in the toaster... makan time, zack's calling!

Friday, November 19, 2004

*yawns* knocking off soon... tired... busy day... then again, which day isnt?

Dinner and Dance in a weeks' time... cant wait! but so many details to look into...
pressure is building up but adrenalin is pumping..
been spending most afternoons having meetings..
but its good.. everyone is getting pumped up with excitement..

last year, was worrying over wat to wear..
this year, worrying over the lights, reception, transport etc..
really exciting planning this..
wish i'm doing it full time *ponders*

going home! meeting my boy! :)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Severe Withdrawal Symptons

into my 2nd day of fruit fast.. detoxify my system!!! but i'm, i'm...... ahhhhh!!!! having severe withdrawal symptons!!!

things that are always on my mind (other than my zack k)
- marche ham & cheese crepe (had that on tue *drools*)
- fried mantou and char siew
- thomson roti prata
- fried beehoon with prawn paste chicken (zack bought from me from peninsula *awesome*)
- char siew pau (my longest ever craving)

serene pulled out from the fruit fast last night.. she couldnt take it and had dinner... lol!

guess wat?? SOMEONE IN MY OFFICE BOUGHT ROTI BOY!!! *grrrrrrrrr* the aromatic scent is driving my crazy....

i wanna eat FOOD.....

Monday, November 15, 2004

back to work tomorrow.. sigh.. 4 more days to the weekend.. counting down..

Had pixie for the weekend..simon brought her over on fri.. miss her sweet sweet face :) but this gal drives me up the wall! was wearing out the towel cleaning her pee & she pees soooooo much! then i see her face, my heart melts... and i feel bad about scolding her so profusely.. that gal got my number.. that gal..

we just bummed the night away.. pizza and vcds! yum yum! watched 'That Thing You Do'... but only managed to end the first disc..

BOUGHT MY K700i!! woooohoooooo......! at $500! for the handset alone.. cheap ya ;) love my new hp! my current bedtime book is the manuel book *grin*

Zack & i then met up with Andy & Huiqing for steamboat at Marina South. Gosh, i love their fried mantou & char siew! love to go there again sometime soon.. cant believe that was the first time i had steamboat at marina south.. where have i been all these while?!?!

went bowling then supper at lau par sat.. was already close to 3am by the time we reached home.. was a nice night.. finished the second disc of 'That Thing You Do' but i drifted off when we werent even half way thru :P

watched 'SAW' last night at J8.. storyline aint that fantastic.. it was more gory than intriguing.. but theres a twist at the end.. however, the twist wasnt the kind that makes u go, 'oh yeah! why didnt i see that!'

day was ok.. good things happened, not so good things happened.. didnt know wat to do, was like walking on a minefield.. nothing i did seemed right.. emotions all jumbled up inside.. but i guess things got righted up.. it doesnt change anything, no it doesnt.. hopefully..

tot all i need to do is right one aspect of my life then everything will be good.. or will it? sometimes, i wonder if i screwed up somewhere.. somehow.. sometimes, i'm really at a lost..

feeling weepy.. emotional..

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Deepavali!

Hols! been looking forward to this break for a long time..
shld have taken leave tomorrow.. damn!
then again, cant coz its payroll period & banklist gotta go out tomorrow..
otherwise, no pay on the 21st (20th this mth)
responsibilities, responsibilities & more responsibilities..

spent the day with zack :)
bum ard the whole day..
went to punggol plaza for some grocery shopping..
dinner was nice.. home cooked meal!
we had bak kut teh (chicken), steamed sea bass (yum yum) & zack's fav lady's fingers
healthy healthy!
holding hands in prayer.. chats over dinner.. *soft sigh*

there's something heartwarming watching the one u love enjoy the food u prepared :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Embattled US insurer Marsh and McLellan axes 3,000 jobs

Office was quiet this morning.. news that Marsh Mac would be axing 3000 staff came through...
then the good news came...
Singapore Office wouldnt be affected! :)

No one expected Marsh Inc. to be involved in a lawsuit (civil, not criminal, mind u).. shares plunged by half.. feel for those who just purchased a lotful...

but we'll pull through.. *pray*

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

its the time of the month again... payroll..
starting early this month coz of the holidays..
worked through lunch today..
hoping to get everything done up so dun have to work late..
why? coz my boy is booking out today! *smile*

D&D is round the corner.. 2.5 more weeks..
feeling the strain and pressure..
cos the overall in charge is yours truly.. sigh..
but was great fun working on it..
the decision making.. coordination..
seeing my mark on every little details..
was working with the event management staff..
went through the detailed flow of the night.. the deco..
working with fire torches, netting, flowers, helium balloons..
can envision watta spectacular night it will be..
hope can pull off a great one! :)

TEMPTATION ISLAND! ignite your senses..
nice tagline uh *wink*

damn! i found a scratch on my sovil et titus watch! urgh..... bday pressie from my boy :(

Monday, November 08, 2004

Comic Relief

this is really wacko.. comic relief! poem by siying
almost burst my gut laughing!

Leon is a China kid,
Met Jane on the Taipei street,
Boy offered a special treat,
Girl on diet, refused to eat,
Leon insisted, he won't quit
So Jane took salad while he ate meat.
Litttle black dress she must fit,
"...Can't be bothered with this chick!"
Leon mumbled as he feasted on steak
One tight slap flew across his cheek!
My! His face swelled like a pig's!
Blame it on his unsweet lips......

Writing poem just for kick
Think my brain is falling sick...
Trade report is incomplete,
Tonite i've to forgo sleep.
Deadline is the mid of week,
Spirit is willing, flesh is weak........ =(

The above is inspired by Ju's remarkable answer to my qn on Leon Lai's
nationality, ....Jane's bdae,......the feast we had on Sat,.....the diet
plans in mind,.....and last but DEFINITELY not least....the nagging feeling
that my work is still not finished.....=(

jeez, i really needed this..
nursing a headache..
when will this end?


Never had a better weekend! Full deets!

2) Had sooooo much fun @ our all-gals first slumber party/Housewarming/Jane's bday party! *big grin*

Met Zack at Funan @ 12.30pm for lunch! Only for an hour but it was great! Had BK for lunch.. my poor boy was so deprived of good food. When 1.40pm approaches, was so hard to part... ahhh.... but the good news was, he might be able to book out for the weekend!! was in anticiapation for the whole day until 5.11pm.. the sms came! He's booking out! we get to spend our anniversary together *beams*

Then it was shopping with Siying! Bought a loadful of things.. had a grocery shopping frenzy at cold storage taka, preparing for a fiesta! Jo was so sweet, came to pick us so we dun have to lug our stuff ard..

Our Feast!
- pate & wine (though jane prefers peanut butter)
- salad
- sausages / chesse cocktails
- cup noodles (-_- been decided thats wat we will having for our next sleepover!)
- chips (forgot the nachos!)
- brownies with ice cream! (3 flavours of ice cream... awww...) - Jane's bday cake

Watched this Leslie Cheung show.. really screwed up show but our dear siying lurvess leslie cheung so we gotta endure 2 hours of watching how crappy twisted relationships develop, people with serious identity crisis, who dunno whether they are straight or not.. siying siying, the things we do for u :P

Zack came over at 12.30am :) Muah! poor boy was so tired.. tucked him to bed.. *hugs*

Then its HORROR FLICK Time! Rented 3 horror but we only managed to watch one.. Only Jo, Siying and i watched 'The Ghost'.. Yingyan and Jane (cowards! :P) went off to bed! Off all the lights & turn on game! Gosh, i think we scare ourselves more than the show did.. This korean horror click wasnt that scary but the dark room, 3 of us huddling together under the quilt adds to the excitement & of crse, not forgetting our screams (siying is the champ!) Her screams were definitely more scary!

4:00am: Off to bed!

7 November - Happy 4 Mths Darling!

8.30am: Rise and Shine!
Jane and Yingyan gotta go church so everyone woke up at 8.30am.. or rather i woke up at 8.30am & wake everyone up.. hehehe..

Hardest person to wake: JO!

More yakking over breakfast.. When 5 of us are together, there's just no peace & quiet :P

Hey dears, had a wonderful time with u guys.. it was really great fun and appreciate the bonding session.. we gotta do it again soon! in dec? when i plan my bbq.. cant wait! Love u guys loads! hugzzz....

Spent the rest of the day with zack :) 4 lovely mths.. didnt expect to be spending the day together coz zack was supposed to be in camp.. but heaven intervene! Time flies.. 4 mths.. step by step.. gonna be a long walk? hopefully... :)

LOVE? its beauty is that it be a gift... with no strings attached..

Friday, November 05, 2004

Highlight of Sat!

Guess wat?!

I'M MEETING ZACK TOMORROW! *big smile* for only an hour... *bummer* but its alright! anything is better than nothing :)

Roses need rain?
Poets need pain?
(oh.. it's supposed to rhyme uh! :P)

and ju needs zack...
miss u loads baby...
Its friday! its here at long last... a week has gone by.. albeit slowly
been a quiet week... home most of the nights..
was nice, spending time with my pappe :)

Aching all over, legs from my running.. arms from my swimming..
but feels healthy and happy! loadsa endorphins ;)
went swimming last night with siying & only managed to do 7 laps *bummer* instead of our targetted 10.. was 9pm & pool was about to close.. but it was good all the same! :P
love the smooth movement of slicing through the cool, smooth water.. the stretch of the muscles.. the quiet of underwater.. ahhhh...

my days all planned out...

Steamboat dinner with Rachel & Godma! been awhile since we meet up for dinner.. so looking forward to it.. the catching up :) Question now is 'where to have steamboat?'

SAT is de DAY!! GALS DAY OUT! Woohoooo......!
Retail therapy during the day with Siying and Jane.. gotta list of things to get..
- Dumbells (work those tri/biceps baby!)
- Googles
- Shoes from Heatwave (optional.. a lil broke now)
- Materials from spotlight (room deco!)
- Malliot (if i can find a nice one)

Places to check out:
- Forever 21 (never have the chance to really browse)
- Heeren (changing my navel ring!)
- Spotlight

We really gotta plan our shopping route coz Siying has a list too.. LOL!

Then its hanging out at ma little humble home... :)
Whole night of pigging out, vcds, bitching & more bitching..

Proposed: Sunday morning swim (jo, u better come uh! :P) , followed by Mac breakfast.. then it'll be back home for our beauty zzzzz... sounds good uh!

ps: hey gals, bring your running shoes if u wanna go running ya.. can do a few rounds after our pigging out :P

Sun - Pappe & Pixie day! Yes, Pixie is coming over! *beams*
Monday - Swimming with Rachel
Tue - Dinner with Vincent

Wed (10 Nov) - MY BOY COMES HOME! :)

..... but right now.. i just wanna sleep... *yawns*

Monday, November 01, 2004

just blowed another 28 bucks on medical fees.. sigh..
one little oyster costed me almost 60 bucks! had to see the doc again coz pain was still getting to me, all the wind & bloatedness.. cant even walk properly... hope it clears up soon.. btw, my dear ant, doc said NO MORE CHARCOAL PILLS! thats the cause of the bloatedness & constipation! so i'm not downing 8 charcoal pills at one go! *needs lactabacillus*

couldnt realy sleep last night..
we watched this old skool hongkong ghostbuster show on channel 8 last night.. it was so so lame & jokes were so so corny... boy, i just luuurvve zack's mandarin *wink* lol.. cant believe we finished the entire show.. ended at 2am.. tot it was a waste of time to sleep... but we all need our rest ya.. kept waking up during the night.. woke up at 6am.. alarm wasnt set to ring for another 30 mins..

only hit me hard this morning..
felt this pang when he left at 6.50am..
with his big black bag..
sigh.. hope time flies.. counting down..
jeez, this is bad.. getting too used
watch it ju.. watch it..

i lost my hp. i lost my hp. i lost my hp.
its sinking in. its sinking in. its sinking in.
still dun feel much..
why? prob coz wasnt that psyched over the hp to begin with..
events surrounding its purchase.. it costed me dearly.. that hp..

becoming friends? that would be nice..
never meant to hurt anyone..
sorry if i did.. really am..

do u know there's lard in pohpiahs?!?