Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Another First!

My first clubbing session with my boy! 13 August 2004, Mark the date! Hehehe… Was realy tired from work & feeling lousy, tot wud be good to hole up at home... but glad I didn’t! Met up with zack at 6.40pm – Orchard mrt. Managed to sort things out… thanks dear for understanding & listening.. it had been weighing on me the entire day & getting your understanding on this matter helps so much.. & airing wat was on our mind.. realy dislike the ‘distance’ between us.. Guess it is important to settle issues whenever it arises.. dislike sweeping things under the carpet & let it brew… alls well now! *Smile*

We bought our rings! Finally! Funny how looking at that ring on my finger always make me go soft inside.. :)

Then its clubbing time! Celebrated Val’s bday at Chinablack & boy do I feel old! Guys in crewcuts.. people talking about 2pm lectures.. urgh! I miss school! First time dancing with my boy.. boy did we heat up the dancefloor! *cheeky grin* wonderful night.. another first for us.. *HUGS n MUAHS!!!!*

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