Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, November 05, 2010

SY came to visit this afternoon! :)

Megan got a new kitchen playset
I got a pot of sweet smelling moisturiser from Loccitaine
and one of my fav chocolate cake from Four Leaves :)
Aint she's the sweetest!
Short afternoon chat.. catching up, tons of that to do!
We have to do a proper long one soon!
Haven't met the gals in ages.

Went to see mummy's grave in the evening.
New carpet grass, all looking good.
Arranged maintenance for the next year.

Then Zack and Andrew brought us to this duck rice stall at Clementi.
Purported to serve EXCELLENT duck rice.
And my.. it was true.
Meat is tender.
Side dishes like toufu and veg were really good.
But a tad pricey. Zack packed a packet back and it was $5.. ouch!

Megan's jetlag is easing off.
Had a tough time with her bedtime the past week.
Refused to sleep til past midnight (how is mummy to work like this??)
Worse part: Sha has to sleep ON ME. Screams bloody murder if I put her in her cot.
Now she is sleeping at 10:30pm.. good improvement.
I shall tweak it earlier tomorrow by 30mins.
And she eases herself to sleep!

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