Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Missing my baby.... :(

He is in Hong Kong now and will be there the next 2 weeks.
2 weeks!! That's TOOOO long :(

But we are transitioning well cos since he touched down at 3pm, he had already called me 3 times, sent me smses and we are chatting online now :)

Said his colleagues asked him why he kept calling me.
"i tell them i miss you lor... hehe"
awwww..... :)
and they asked him to stop asking them where to find KS.. hehe
cos I asked him to get me something there.

Zack really surprises me sometimes.
He really misses me!
The past few days he has been incredibly sweet.
Wanting to spend time alone with me..
Even turning his friends down to have dinner!
Megan was a good gal and slept thru last night.
(little girl fusses at night now - teething.. poor girl)
So we had the whole night to ourselves.
Even in the morning, he pulled me back for another long cuddle :)
Hugged me tight and told me how much he's gonna miss me.
Told him to stop saying that cos everytime he says it, i'd tear!
and forbid him to say it at the airport..
I'm not about to bawl like a baby at the departure hall.
Of crse with a hubby whose life purpose is to tease his wife,
He said he IS going to say it at the airport and watch my waterworks come in full force.

Waiting for Zack to be done with his shower.
In fact, it's a good thing i'm used to his shift schedule
so being hubby-less at night is nothing new to me.
but 2 weeks???

"Lord, thank you for giving Zack this opportunity to go to Hong Kong. To learn and experience the culture. Give him a good learning experience. Please bless him with good health (no birdflu!), keep him safe from any harm and danger and bring him safely home to me. In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN."

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