Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Restless nights are back...

Been having intense feelings of late. Past few mths to be exact. And those feelings are mostly bad. Dark thoughts fill me so much it frightens me. Really dark ones. Im exhausted from the emotional roller coaster ride. I cant hold on much longer. The hard part was the lack of understanding. I need some time-out but you dont care. Happiness seems short-lived and fleeting. Im so tired sometimes i feel like giving it up and running away. Im no superwoman and I hate you for thinking that. Maybe i'm not a person to you. Just a means to an end. 5am: with tears streaming down my cheeks.. I think i'm losing it. I'm afraid i may have gotten to a point I have not gone before. And perhaps the damage is revocable.
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