Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, November 11, 2010


...I had a good night of uninterrupted sleep last night!

Since we came back (in fact it started in Madrid our last stop), Megan has been waking 1-2 times during the nights. Wouldnt go back to sleep til I cuddle her. By morning, I was dead tired and body aching from sleeping on the couch in Megan's room. While that little queen can sleep in, mummy has to be up at 9am to work! So last night was a good respite.

We went to JB today!

Zack called me at 11:30am on his way home from meeting, telling me Chris wanna go JB. Asked me if I wanna go. I made some calls, reshuffle my appointment (site recee), prepare Megan's lunch, prepare. We were out of the house by 1:15pm. Went to The Pines for my site recee first. Then to Chris's place and together off we go to JB.

We forgot THE MOST important thing - Megan's stroller! It was left in our car boot. Arrrgghhhhh! Had no choice but to get a cheap one from Toys'r'us for $50. It's pretty, pink with butterflies, but my heart aches at the unneccesary expense *sigh* When your toddler is as heavy and active as Megan, a stroller is the only thing that keeps your sanity.

Stock up on grocery, had a Secret Recipe meal (a must whenever we go Msia), did some window shopping, Zack bought some games (He's playing his xbox now that's why I am blogging now!). Short trip this time round. Still good to get outta the country.

Gosh there is just so much to do around here. Clean the toilets, tidy the house. I still havent polish my boots and pack them away :( House is getting messy *sigh* That little queen is NOT helping either - taking something and putting it elsewhere. I have to cram my work during the 2-3hours Megan naps for. She don't sleep til 10pm these days (still tweaking her routine). How to get my work done like this? Must lest housework! *sigh* Sometimes I wish there are 2 of me..

Oh something incredibly hilarious happened tonight. We came home and I quickly changed Megan's diaper as she pooped on the way home. As I am about to give her a bath, I didnt diaper her. So I left her running amok the house in her birthday suit. She looks awfully cute and both Zack and I were laughing at her. Talking about how we should take a vid of her and show her when she's older. I was readying her bath, getting her pjs ready. Megan was playing with her kitchen playset (Aunty SY bought her!) in the living room. I came out to get her and saw her running towards me. A suspicious 'something' was lying infront of her kitchen playset. I looked closely and saw a lump of poop! and more tracks of it on the floor nearby. Looked at Pappe and she was sitting nearby looking nonchalent. Then I checked that little imp's butt. Sure enough, she was the culprit, fleeing from the scene of crime! My oh my!

Zack bellowed, "Megan! You are supposed to bake in the oven (kitchen playset has an oven.. haha), not outside the oven!" *LOL* Chris and Elynne came shortly after and had a good laugh as well... hahaha.

Well oh well.... you can never say life with a toddler is boring!

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