Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Should I go for a hair trim?

Zack and I had a leisure date today :) It's been too long since we had one. It's usually movie - dinner - home. Had a few stuff to buy for our trip so it was task specific yet we had a great time. Zack didn't utter a single complaint! No "hurry up, i'm hungry/tired." Got to attribute to the fact that he has been in high spirits. Oh yes, VERY high spirits :) So there we were, sipping Gong Cha.. picking up long johns for Megan, and utilize our Fox (Zack's obit jacket.. haha) & Forever 21 (part of my mothers' day gift) shopping vouchers. Everyone has something!

Godma dropped by this afternoon. I don't know.. til now I still can't comprehend how anyone can be quite so generous and selfless. Her generousity and thoughtfulness touched us immensely. She has done more for us than most parents would. And this cemented my belief that blood is NOT thicker than water. I want to be as filial to her as I possibly can. These months had been tough ones. Exceedingly tough. And sometimes I shamefully admit I questioned God.. "Why God why? If it's from You, why is it so tough?" Then I realised that it is only through these tough times, that I see who are the ones who are there for me. Holding my hand, supporting me. I am humbled. My Godma. My sister. I never realised how much they love me til now. That I mattered. And this is what God wants me to see. They are the ones. I will remember this til the day I die.

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