Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 15, 2010

ONE DAY TO GO....!!!!

Just a tad.
Not getting the buzz yet.

Busy trying to tie up loose ends at work on top of packing. My head, oh my head, is filled to the brim with stuff.. numerous channels sifting rapidly. Ticking off my to-do list and trying to get work done before I could fly off in peace. I'm so tired... *yawns*... and hungry.

Packing... what have I missed???
Enough warm clothes for Megan?
I am hating myself for caving in to jarred foods :(
Bought instant oats (add hot water and good to go) and some jarred food. Either to mix with the oats or have it on its own. Megan has been eating lovingly home-cooked meals from the very start. Now she is having commerically prepared food :( I seriously don't get why some mothers choose jarred foods. Firstly, it's so much more costly. Secondly, nothing beats freshly cooked meals. And cooking doesn't take more than 10mins. Definitely not gonna bash other mums for taking that route. It sure doesn't mean they are any lesser. Just thought it's a no-brainer. Godma believes that the reason why Megan is so healthy (not fallen ill once thus far *touch wood*!) is becos of the nutritious food she eats. I say it's also bcos of the grace we say before every meal :)

So it will be a very challenging trip.
14.5mth old toddler, 14 hour long flight... *grimace*
Megan is VERY active now.. she is like a boy!
Check out her blog and watch what a monkey she is now.. haha.
So keep us in your prayers!
Journey mercy, good weather, smooth transitions.. and a great time!
i'm NOT gonna think about work or worry about Pappe!

"Dear Lord, I leave Pappe in your mighty Hands. Keep her safe from harm and danger. Help her to eat well and have a great time at Rachel's. That she will be obedient and not run off if she is off the leash. Protect her little heart and give us a miracle. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."

Now i'm feeling slightly panicky I can't remember the detailed instructions after landing :( Gotta read up again tomorrow.

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