Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Let me tell you about my day...

6:10am: Megan woke up and started crying. Bad dream probably. Can't leave room without her fussing. Can't sleep until almost close to 7am.
7:20am: Alarm sounded. Time to wake, bathe and get ready.
9:30am: Meeting @ Great World City.
11:15am: Appointment @ Paragon.
11:45am: Appointment @ Tong Building. Buy lunch @ Lucky Plaza.
12:15pm: Reached home. Cook Megan's lunch. Fed Megan. Have lunch with Zack.
1:00pm: Work.
2:20pm: Clean up house. Wash dishes. Cook Megan's dinner.
2:45pm: Leave home for appointment. Brought Megan along, Rachel babysit Megan @ her office.
3:30pm: Appointment @ Raffles Place.
4:00pm: Reached Rachel's office.
4:30pm: Zack picked us up @ Marina Boulevard.
5:00pm: Reached Kaki Bukit to buy Megan's travel stroller.
6:30pm: Dinner @ Sbey Sbey.
7:45pm: Reach home. Feed Megan. Bath Megan. Iron Zack's uniform.
8:30pm: See Zack off to work.
Now: Blogging.
Later: Clear some emails.

Quite a day yah.
Sometimes I wonder how I made it through some days..
Meetings/appointments during the day.
Work still awaits at night.
Then there is Megan to look after. Housechores to do.
Tons of coordination and I must say, the PAs of my members are really helpful. They understand my situation and are always willing to offer their help. Not to mention my dear sister. I honestly wouldn't have made it this far without her! I should give her part of my paycheck!

Saved the best for last...

Something REALLY important happened today. That's why I had to take Megan along with me even though Zack is home. He had to attend to something very important. Things are looking promising. Not ready to spill the beans here yet. We will know in 2 weeks time. I'm praying before we head off for our trip next week! Whatever the case, I want my hubby to know that... I'm immensely proud of him! :)

Managed to lunch with Theresa (ex-boss) yesterday. I'm SOOOOOO happy to see her. It's funny how even though we have not met in months, the minute we met.. it's as though we are still in the office, sitting side by side, working together (or rather me working under her ) gossiping.. hehe. Apart from Godma, she is the closest I have to a mother :) She told me of office gossip and the latest happenings. Updates on her children. I ranted to her. Just like the old days :) That's the thing about being in HR. You tend to stick together cos alot of what you know is P&C. You sure can't talk to the employees about it so you share among the department.

Zack called me during our lunch. He was out offshore fishing.

Z *excited*: Guess what?
J: What? You caught a 10kg fish? (He caught a 8-9kg fish last trip)
Z: No. *told me*
J *in disbelief*: Don't bluff me! You're bluffing me right?!! I'm gonna be so pissed if you are bluffing me!
Z: Hahahahaa! No I'm not bluffing you! Really!!!
J: OMG!!!!

call continues then ended.

Theresa: You look so happy :)

Alrighty, let me go get some work done. Send some emails out. Tomorrow will be a day at home with Megan but busy preparing for Friday's exco meeting and more stuff to do for next Tue's event. I'm taking the lead! Shirley's guiding me. I'm really blessed to have people like her around. She'd drop me a call or sms just to check on me: "Are you okay? Anyone giving you a hard time? Anything just call me okay?" :) After work is done, I'll turn that damn thing off! (I only work on my work laptop) and come back here to do some research ;)

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