Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Z: Where are you now?
J: I'm at Paragon.
Z: Okay, so where is the nearest in town I can pick you up?
J: Paragon.
Z: No where is the nearest I can pick you up?
J: Paragon got taxi-stand. You can pick me up there. (Hahaha..)
Z: Okay I pick you up at Toa Payoh.
J: WHAT?!!!!

In the end... he made me travel A LONG WAY! *pout* But free ride, cannot complain. I enjoyed our chat and banter along the way :)

Feeling somewhat lighter now that my submission is done. Dateline today. Met up with my chairman to review it and he went, "That's a lot of work." YESSSS! ALOT OF WORK! Other chapters engaged graphic designers and spent 3-5k on their submissions. I had to do it on my own (no budget)! The irony is writing event descriptions on events I didnt even attend! After he saw the last slide, he went, "You did a great job!" Yes thank you very much. I nearby died in the process. Just glad it's OVER. Now I can concentrate on other stuff.

Can't begin to say what a toll it is taking on me.
It's not easy juggling everything: Mother, Work, Wife. I'm just blessed Zack is not a demanding husband. But I feel like i'm not doing a good job as a wife *sigh* The only thing I am doing for him is iron his uniform. I haven't been much of a cook of late :( I'm just sooo tired... in every sense.

16 days to go......
I hope this trip will work wonders!

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