Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 05, 2010

My head is spinning.....

Zack is warded :(

Fever went up. Dehydrated. On drip cos everything that goes in, comes out. My poor baby... Surprised he got it this bad this time. But i'm sure he is in good hands. Hope it's just a bout of food poisoning / stomach flu (layman's term) Medical term: Viral gastroenteritis. More tests to be done. My man is tough! He will pull through it!

Got tons of planning to do:
1) Calling insurance agent.
2) Call MIL and FIL to inform them.
3) Arrange Megan's babysitting schedule, plan/cook her meals ahead.
4) Go to hospital. Bring Zack's barang.
5) Prepare materials for event. Depending on whether Zack will be discharge tomorrow, I will decide if I will be going for it. In any case, I have to make a trip to the venue for setup.

what else??

I wish there are 2 me.....

For now, I need to go rest. Dead beat.
Been having the sniffles tonight and nursing a sorethroat.
Praying that I wouldn't fall ill!

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